Updates and Break Downs

Hello, Things have been busy here in Fasa Land. We completed a wonderfully successful Earthdawn Kickstarter for The Adept’s Journey:…

Demonworld: The Beastmen

To begin our series on the factions of the Isthak, we will begin with the Beastmen. Beastmen are the most…

Dwarf Heroes List

Good Monday Morning, Okay, so it’s not really morning anymore. Forgive me for my late start today. I’ve been working…

Iskthak progress report

Good Monday to you all. I wanted to give you a progress report on the Isthak army book we’ve been…

Elf and Isthak update

Good Monday morning, I’ve been rather quiet lately. Things in my tiny snow globe have been a little off the…

GenCon wrap-up

Thank you everyone who came by our table at Gen Con this year. The team was busy all weekend with…

Elves in Print

Good Monday Morning. I just wanted to make a short post this morning to let you know that the Elf…