Good Monday to you all.

I wanted to give you a progress report on the Isthak army book we’ve been working on. As of this past week, the editing has been finished and approved and the text has gone on to preliminary layout. This means my personal schedule includes getting ready to get art and photography ready for when I get those files back. This is probably the most time-consuming part of my job so your patience is, as always, greatly appreciated.

I’m very excited about this particular book. It introduces a proper villain for the Demonworld miniatures line and will include three new figures for 3rd edition: the Stone Sentries, the Iceborn Cur, and the Goliath of Nordag. I will be write more about these new units in future posts. I super excited about them and hope you will be, too.

The progression of the Isthak book to the layout phase means that our next Kickstarter campaign will be coming up soon. Keep checking our Facebook page in the next couple of months to see when that will start. I’ll try to keep you up to date on it here, as well.

Finally, I’m pleased to announce that Fasa Game’s line developers will be doing an interview as part of AetherCon this weekend. For those who haven’t heard of AetherCon, it is a free online convention that features developers, artists, sculptors, and contributors of all kinds to the gaming community. There are seminars, demonstrations, artist galleries, and all manner of live events. Please check it out at and come visit us if you have the time. I’m as nervous as I have ever been for anything, but it’ll be great to be part of the event.