June 2021 Newsletter

The latest edition is ready! Please share and follow us on social media. -Andi

FreedoniaCon (5 Feb 2021)

Dear Greatest Fans in Fandom, As always I want to thank all of you for being so amazing. Today I’d…

Welcome to the New Year!

I feel like 2020 is special. It feels like a special number- 2020. However, I still don’t have a flying…

Art of Darkness

Hello! Andi here. We’re waiting on a few pieces of art that still aren’t in yet for The Adept’s Journey:…

Playing catch-up

Hello! Andi here, project manager for FASA Games! The Earthdawn team is hard at work.  As you should know, Elven…

And Social Media

Hi, I’m going to take a brief moment to let you all know ways to interact with FASA and our…