Aetherstream: Leviathan Developer’s Blog #3 I apologize for the delay in writing these, but the good news is that time…
Aetherstream Leviathan Dev Blog #2
Aetherstream: Leviathan Developer’s Blog #2 Another productive week down. This week we made a few changes in how we track…
Aetherstream: Leviathan Dev Blog #1
Aetherstream: Leviathan Developer’s Blog #1 Happy 2024 everyone! As we closed out 2023, there was a flurry of activity and…
1879: Kickstarter is Complete
Our Kickstarter campaign for Maps of London and the Saurids Sourcebook has successfully closed out at a grand total of…
1879: Kickstarter in the Home Stretch
A backer post just went up on the Kickstarter, but for anyone not watching there, we’re in the final few…
1879: Stretch Goals and Other Questions
If you’re already subscribed to our current Kickstarter, the information I have to cover this week will be largely redundant…
1879: Kickstarter Starting Strong!
My post is coming out a bit early this week to keep you appraised ahead of time on an important…
1879: Kickstarter is Imminent
The moment is finally upon us; our Kickstarter for Maps of London and the Saurids Sourcebook goes live tomorrow, Monday…
1879: Samsut Starting to Take Shape
Pausing a bit for the build up on the Maps of London and Saurids Sourcebook campaign (which is going to…
1879: Gencon 2023 More In Depth Conclusion
Apologies for the pause in posts last week; between the rush of getting back to real life after returning from…