My post is coming out a bit early this week to keep you appraised ahead of time on an important notice. First off, our next Kickstarter for Maps of London and the Saurids Sourcebook is underway, and off to a flying start! We met the base funding goal in the first 24 hours, and at the time of writing we’re already over $9500! We’ve got a higher amount and higher backer count now than the conclusion of our last campaign, which means we’re reaching more people and gathering more interest, all good things for our growth!
To address the questions from newcomers to the game, as well as questions existing players have about the material and campaign itself, I’ll be hosting Line Developer Office Hours this Sunday, the 24th, starting at 4pm Central (this will be after our 1879 Actual Play game, which will start at 11am Central that day, with a bit of a gap in between to give me a chance to eat and stretch my legs).
I’ll be hosting on Discord for people to join in on voice/text for questions and comments, and will also broadcast to Twitch to answer questions there. If you’re not able to make it, worry not! You can feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comments here, on Discord, or on the Kickstarter campaign itself, and I will compile a list of everything I can find prior to the broadcast to answer. I’ll post the recording to our YouTube channel, so you can view it there at your leisure.
As always, thank you to everyone for your support, and I hope to talk to at least some of you this Sunday!