1879: FreedoniaCon is Back!

If you haven’t caught the news in our other outlets, we’ll be running FreedoniaCon again this year on February 17th,…

FreedoniaCon (5 Feb 2021)

Dear Greatest Fans in Fandom, As always I want to thank all of you for being so amazing. Today I’d…

GenCon and lessons learned

Greetings friends and fans! Josh here. The Earthdawn team has been quiet for several weeks, and for that we apologize.…

Updates and Break Downs

Hello, Things have been busy here in Fasa Land. We completed a wonderfully successful Earthdawn Kickstarter for The Adept’s Journey:…

Gen Con 50 Press Release

The only thing more exciting than FASA Games, Inc., attending Gen Con’s 50th Anniversary will be seeing all of you…