If you haven’t caught the news in our other outlets, we’ll be running FreedoniaCon again this year on February 17th, 18th, and 19th. This is a 100% free event that takes place virtually on our Discord server, so you don’t have to buy tickets or pay for a room, and you can come into events as they fit into your schedule.

You can check out the schedule online here, and to sign up for events head join our Discord server here and scroll down to the #2023events room. Events are listed in order of occurrence from the main room to the event tables. We’re using a new bot this year to manage sign ups; details are covered in the main server announcements, but it’s pretty straight forward.

Specifically on the front for my own game line, I’ll be running three 1879 game sessions this year that are open for anyone to join. I’ve tried to spread the times out to give as much opportunity for people to catch one as possible. I wish I could do more, but l also need to keep some availability free to oversee any technical issues anyone else on the team might run into.

I’ve been told by our Scottish writer, Chris, that my Willie impression is good, but I don’t know for certain if he means my accent as a whole or just the impression.

I’ll also be hosting an open panel covering the general state of the line, which will take place Saturday the 18th from 2pm to 4pm Central. This will be open for anyone to attend and ask questions, so if you want to know more about 1879, this is a great place to come give me a poke (though of course you can ping me at any time on the Discord with questions and I’ll chime in when I have the time available). As with last year, I’ll also be running a public exhibition play test of our convention demo for this year. This will also take place on Saturday the 18th from 5pm to 8pm Central. Our staff and writers will be playing, but anyone can join to listen in, and any time left at the end once the demo is over will be open for feedback and questions. This is a great way for our hard working staff to kick back and actually have some fun playing the game they write for, and it’s generally entertaining for the public to listen to the trouble they get up to. Lastly, Joel on our writing team will be hosting a panel on Sunday the 19th from 3pm to 4pm Central discussing British folklore, so if you’re looking for some inspiration to help spruce up your game, it should be a fun one to join.

There are of course other events that will be occurring for our other product lines and some general events mostly revolving around our older properties, but I’ll leave it to you to take a look at the schedule and see what events might interest you.

It’s always rewarding getting to interact with the fans, and I hope to get a chance to hear from any of you that can make it then. As always though, communications are open on the comments for these posts and on Discord. That’s all I had to talk about today – and now I need to get back to finishing the writing for the demo for this year. We’ll see you all in the next one!