I am neck deep in FreedoniaCon prep and getting chapters organized for editing for the Saurids Sourcebook this week, so this is just going to be more of a news post, but one that many of you have been anxiously waiting for. The ship has finally come in to us with the printed books from the Welcome to the Gruv campaign (Fort Alice, Saurids on the Grosvenor Express, and Ha’Penny Pie Vol 2), and they are making their final journey out to all of you!

Considering some of the critters in the Gruv, this could be more accurate than you might think at first.

Backers should have received the initial notice yesterday, but just to reiterate here for anyone who doesn’t check their email: we’re sending out our final address verifications before shipping the books to make sure they’re going to the right place, and if you had any unpaid add-ons, you’ll get a PayPal invoice for those. Please get those back to us as soon as you can so we can get you your books. If you have any issues, please reach out to us using our Kickstarter Contact Form (the form helps parse the info so it’s easier for us to auto sort and get your needs to the right place faster). I know there are a few people out there that have issues with PayPal, so if you’re one of those and you get an invoice for unpaid add-ons, please reach out and we’ll get you sorted.

For anyone who didn’t back the last Kickstarter campaign, having the books in our hands means we can ship out physical copies to you if you choose to order them, so if you’ve been waiting to order the most recent books until we had physical copies in stock, this is it.

Of course, if you prefer to wait until the next campaign and order everything together in a bundle, you’ll have that chance coming soon. Before anyone panics, rest assured, we fully anticipate to have the books from the Welcome to the Gruv campaign out to everyone who ordered prior to the start of the next one. By the end of this weekend, more than half of the Saurids Sourcebook will be through preliminary organization and sent to editing, with the remaining half hot on its heels. Chapters have already started coming through editing and are getting fed to layout, and I’m expecting to see initial layout on those coming in shortly. This last campaign showed us where some changes were required as far as printing is concerned (the entire industry has been in flux since the start of the pandemic, so there’s been a lot of adjusting on-the-fly). As a result, we’ve adjusted our production process to have layout either done or close to it by the time the Kickstarter ends (previously we just had the writing done, with layout getting started while the campaign was going on). Between this change and now having a feel for how best to coordinate with the printer we’re using, we should be able to get this next campaign printed and turned around much faster (with the deadlines we’re setting, unless something really big comes up, we should be able to get them in time for Gencon this year). We’ll also have Maps of London included in the next campaign, which will be a very nice box set of maps showing all the London districts, along with travel charts to show distances and times between the main hubs. Though we’ll have setting specific information included, this is being designed as something you could use for any game that takes place in London during this time period.

I’m really looking forward to seeing the reactions from everyone once they’ve got their hands on the books with the new layout, so as you get yours delivered, please share with us on social media and on Discord. Next blog I’m going to be sharing a preview of the introduction narrative for the Saurids Sourcebook, so look for that next weekend. We will be seeing you then!