The Pritchman (30 Oct 2020)

Ed. Note: Thanks to Morgan for working this up. We’ve got a tradition on our hands! Easily one of the…

J’osh the Vexing Son

Introduction from Morgan: The general concept here plays with Josh, who I’ve worked with for years now and become good…

Elves in Print

Good Monday Morning. I just wanted to make a short post this morning to let you know that the Elf…

Crackjaw Gnasher – New Horror

We sent out the pre-art layout proof for the Earthdawn Companion to Kickstarter backers last week, and they’ve been going through it…

Campaign Management: Horror

It’s late October. Which means Halloween. Spooks. Skeletons. Zombies. All kinds of creepy, scary stuff. It seems appropriate to talk…

New Thread Item: Aetrin

It is late Thursday (local time) as I write this. I’m trying to get into the habit of having some…