This Magic: Deeper Secrets preview collects a number of the Manuever knacks shared on the FASA Discord to give an idea how the capabilities of this talent will be expanded in the future.


Offensive Maneuver

Talent: Maneuver
Requirements: Rank 7
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+DEX
Action: Simple
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
The adept focuses on positioning themselves to deliver a devastating attack against their target. They make an Offensive Maneuver test against the target’s Physical Defense. The adept gains +2 per success to their next close combat Attack test and the associated Damage test against the target until the end of the round.
Skill Use: The character’s Offensive Maneuver rank cannot exceed their Maneuver rank.

Deadly Maneuver

Talent: Maneuver
Requirements: Rank 9, Aggressive Maneuver, Offensive Maneuver
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+DEX
Action: Simple
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
The adept’s positioning reflects their aim to strike their opponent’s most vulnerable areas. They make a Deadly Maneuver test against the adjacent target’s Physical Defense. The adept gains +2 per success to their close combat Damage tests against the target until the end of the round.

Extended Maneuver

Talent: Maneuver
Requirements: Rank 5
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+DEX
Action: Simple
Strain: 2
Skill Use: No
Standard Effects. The Physical Defense bonus lasts until the end of the next round.

Intercept Attacks

Talent: Maneuver
Requirements: Rank 5
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+PER
Action: Free
Strain: 1
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
The adept positions themselves to defend an adjacent ally. This ability is used before Initiative is determined and the adept must be using the Defensive Stance. Penalties from Defensive Stance don’t apply to the Intercept Attacks test. The adept makes an Intercept Attacks (10) test. If successful, the adept may become the target of a close combat attack directed at any adjacent ally targeting Physical Defense. This may be done once per success until the end of the round.
Skill Use: The character’s Intercept Attacks rank cannot exceed their Maneuver rank.


Talent: Maneuver
Requirements: Rank 7
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+DEX
Action: Simple
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Journeyman)
The adept positions themselves to maximize their options for attacks and limit their opponent’s movement, rather than limiting their angles of attack. They make an Outmaneuvered test against an adjacent target’s Physical Defense. If successful, the adept gains +2 per success to their next close combat Attack test against the target and the target suffers -4 Movement Rate per success on their next turn if they start adjacent to the adept.
Skill Use: The character’s Outmaneuvered rank cannot exceed their Maneuver rank.


Talent: Maneuver
Requirements: Rank 10, Outmaneuvered
Restrictions: None
Step: Rank+DEX
Action: Simple
Strain: 2
Skill Use: Yes (Warden)
The adept makes a Press test against the target’s Physical Defense. They must have successfully used Maneuver (including Maneuver knacks) against the target in the previous round. If successful, the adept presses their advantage against their target and they gain +2 per success to their next close combat Attack test against the target and the target is Harried until the end of the next round.
Skill Use: The character’s Press rank cannot exceed their Maneuver or Outmaneuvered rank.