This Magic: Deeper Secrets preview is exclusive to the FASA blog and to celebrate FredoniaCon 2023! It starts Friday evening on the FASA Discord and continues through the weekend. If you aren’t already attending, you should consider it.

This preview focuses on some of the new Fireblood knacks which will hopefully set your heart ablaze.


Burning Defense

Talent: Fireblood
Requirements: Rank 3
Restrictions: None
Step: NA
Action: Free
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Flames flare out from the adept and protect them when they use Fireblood, manifesting in a unique fashion for each adept. For example, flaming glyphs circling them or burning patterns on them. The adept gains +2 Physical and Mystic Defense until the end of the next round.
This knack may be combined with other Fireblood uses. It may not be used with Blood of Death’s Sea.

Burning Armor

Talent: Fireblood
Requirements: Rank 7, Burning Defense
Restrictions: None
Step: NA
Action: Free
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Flames flare out from the adept and protect them when using Fireblood, manifesting in a unique fashion for each adept. For example, flaming glyphs circling them with burning threads connecting them or burning patterns on them creating a field of intense heat. The adept gains +2 Physical and Mystic Armor until the end of the next round.
This knack may be combined with other Fireblood uses. It may not be used with Blood of Death’s Sea.

Flaming Bastion

Talent: Fireblood
Requirements: Rank 11, Burning Armor
Restrictions: None
Step: NA
Action: Free
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Flames blaze around the adept and protect them when using Fireblood, manifesting in a unique fashion for each adept, enhancing their previous displays. The adept gains +4 Physical and Mystic Defense, and Physical and Mystic Armor Armor until the end of the next round.
This knack may be combined with other Fireblood uses, except Burning Armor and Burning Defense — it replaces those knacks. It may not be used with Blood of Death’s Sea.

Burning Violence

Talent: Fireblood
Requirements: Rank 4
Restrictions: None
Step: NA
Action: Free
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Flames flare out from the adept and surround their weapon when they use Fireblood, manifesting in a unique fashion for each adept. For example, flaming glyphs circling it or burning patterns on it. The adept gains +1 to their first close combat Attack and Damage test the next round, and the associated Momentum Attack if applicable. Affected attacks also gain the fire keyword. This bonus increases by +1 (to +2) if the adept is wielding a two-handed weapon.
This knack may be combined with other Fireblood uses. It may not be used with Blood of Death’s Sea.

Burning Aggression

Talent: Fireblood
Requirements: Rank 6, Burning Violence
Restrictions: None
Step: NA
Action: Free
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Flames blaze from the adept when they use Fireblood, manifesting in a unique fashion for each adept. For example, licking from their mouth and burning from their eyes, or causing their veins to fill with fire. The adept gains +1 to close combat Attack and Damage tests when using Aggressive Attack during the next round. This bonus increases by +1 (to +2) if the adept is wielding a two-handed weapon. This stacks with Burning Violence.
This knack may be combined with other Fireblood uses. It may not be used with Blood of Death’s Sea.

Flaming Rampage

Talent: Fireblood
Requirements: Rank 10, Burning Aggression
Restrictions: None
Step: NA
Action: Free
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
Flames blaze from the adept when using Fireblood, manifesting in a unique fashion for each adept, enhancing their previous displays. The adept gains +2 their first close combat Attack and Damage test the next round, and the associated Momentum Attack if applicable. They also gain an additional +2 to close combat Attack and Damage tests when using Aggressive Attack during the next round. Affected attacks also gain the fire keyword. Both bonuses increase by +2 (to +4) if the adept is wielding a two-handed weapon.
This knack may be combined with other Fireblood uses, except Burning Aggression and Burning Violence — it replaces those knacks. It may not be used with Blood of Death’s Sea.

Relentless Fires

Talent: Fireblood
Requirements: Rank 9, Relentless Recovery 5
Restrictions: None
Step: NA
Action: Free
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
The adept adds their Relentless Recovery rank to the Relentless Fires result. This knack may be combined with other Fireblood uses.