Book Release News!

In case you’ve missed the news, this month has seen two electronic releases for Earthdawn. Last week we released the…

FreedoniaCon — Earthdawn Seminar

Greetings and welcome back! As you’re (hopefully) aware, last weekend was FASA’s FreedoniaCon! We had games all weekend along with…

Magic: Deeper Secrets 15

This Magic: Deeper Secrets preview is exclusive to the FASA blog and to celebrate FredoniaCon 2023! It starts Friday evening…

Earthdawn New Product: Roll20

Greetings! It’s been in the works behind the scenes and is now available on the Roll20 Marketplace: The Roll20 Compendium…

Magic: Deeper Secrets Preview 12

Continuing with previews for the forthcoming Magic: Deeper Secrets, this collects spells shared on the FASA Discord — a low…

Magic: Deeper Secrets Preview 11

Welcome back to week 5 of the previews and the final spell list: Wizard. As noted previously, these previews are similar to…