Hello everyone! Kyle, back with you again. I wanted to take a moment to talk about both upcoming Legends of Barsaive projects and where you can find some of these games (and even us!) out in the wild.

For those that have missed it, Legends of Barsaive is a series of adventures for Earthdawn 4th edition. While these adventures can be played around any gaming table, they were designed with ‘living’ play in mind. This style of play allows anyone to pick up their character from one ‘living’ table and play them at another. This is a particularly useful feature for convention play! If you haven’t checked it out, the Haven Guidebook is free in our store. The first four chapters of the saga are also available for purchase on our storefront. Chapters 5 through 8 are moving along nicely, and will hopefully be available SOON™.

But enough plugs! For those of you in the midwest, the FASA demo team will be attending both Origins and GenCon this year. At Origins, Michael, Karol, and myself will all be running through the first four chapters of Legends. FASA will also be showing off an Arancia adventure as well as some 1879! Look for our events by searching for ‘FASA Games, Inc’ as the Company/Gaming Group. You can also find our booth in the exhibit hall.

As usual, GenCon will see most of us making the migration to Indianapolis. For this convention we will have a fully manned booth, Chapters 6 and 12 will be getting their Convention debut, and every chapter from 1 to 9 will hit the table at least once over the weekend. It’s the perfect venue to start the campaign or check off the one adventure that got away. In addition, there will be miniatures from 1879 and Demonworld, as well as non-LoB Earthdawn games and multiple sessions of the 1879 RPG. We’ve even scheduled a number of seminars!  We hope to see as many of you there as possible!

And–if I still have your attention–I wanted to mention a far smaller convention: Nexus Game Fair in Milwaukee. Only Michael and I will be in attendance for this one (and no booth), but it is another chance to play some LoB!

With that, I’ll bring this call to arms to a close. As a parting shot, here are the titles of the first 12 (13?) Legends of Barsaive chapters!