Hello to the Earthdawn community, wherever you may hail from! Karol here, writing this on a snowy day in the…
Vasgothia Release and GenCon Aftermath
Greetings and welcome back everyone! First, the important news: Vasgothia is complete, the PDF is released and available at the…
Glittering Thank Yous (26 Nov 2021)
The Vasgothia Kickstarter wrapped up last week and we were blown away by all the support our fans have for…
Dagthrug the Rot King (12 Nov 2021)
Editor’s note: In case you haven’t been following the updates for the latest Kickstarter, we just announced a new add-on……
The Road to Vasgothia 5: End of the Line (15 Oct 2021)
I hope the day finds everybody well! For those of you playing along at home, this is the fifth blog…
The Road to Vasgothia Part 4: The Pitch (10 Sept 2021)
Hello again! In previous blog posts I’ve talked about the direction and themes Nick Lowe and I wanted to address…
The Road to Vasgothia: New Namegivers (16 Aug 2021)
Hello again! In February and March of this year I started talking through the process of turning Vasgothia from a…
The Road to Vasgothia: Old Namegivers
Hello everyone! Back in February I started talking about the province of Vasgothia and our desire to release a full-fledged…
The Road to Vasgothia: Theme (19 Feb 2021)
Happy Freedonia Con, everyone! The weekend this Blog Post goes live marks the first day of FASA’s first online convention.…
An Empire’s Concern (4 Dec 2020)
As an empire, Thera believes it is both their right and their responsibility to spread their particular brand of civilization…