1879: Lawful Good Gaming: Danger UAD

Want to see what FASA is doing for 1879 for GenCon this year, and help make a positive difference in the world? Keep reading.

From the Facebook group:
There is some good in this world and it’s worth fighting for.
The world had given us about as much as we could take. So we decided to use the talents and skills cultivated in our tabletop gaming hobby to help make our world just a little bit better. So we formed LAWFUL GOOD GAMING.

Lawful Good Gaming coordinates, hosts, and participates in tabletop gaming events (both online and in person) to help raise money for progressive charities, organizations, and causes. Make no mistake… to paraphrase a great Browncoat, “We aim to misbehave.”

On Saturday, June 24, six people will get a preview of the 2017 GenCon scenario for 1879. Here’s the scenario description, and the Facebook event link.

When an Unrecovered Annunaki Device is found on the edge of the Forest of Whispers, the Harbatim (recovery engineers) sent by Isin, the politically neutral city-state dedicated to medicine and medical technology, must contend with a rival team from Eridu, a city-state with powerful allies, as to which will recover and potentially benefit from the unknown device. The Forest has its own dangers – not only the animals and more lethal plants of the Grosvenor World, but the ghost circles, places where tragic deaths occurred and where the tortured spirits may still remain. The device itself may be the most dangerous part – nobody knows what it does, or how it will react to attempts at recovery and relocation. Can the Harbatim survive the Forest, the device, and their fellow Samsut, and return to Isin with an advantage won for their home city-state?

To register, make a donation to one of the following six organizations. Proof consisting of a screen shot, e-mail receipt, or photo (with card numbers and such removed) must be sent to andrew@fasagames.com with a cc: to lawfulgoodgaming@gmail.com before game day. Make sure you also click through to the Facebook event and register there, so that the event doesn’t get oversold!

A Google Hangout link will be sent 15 minutes before event start time to the registered players. No previous experience with the system is required. Pregenerated characters will be provided.

Tally Ho!