Apologies for missing the last few posts recently. There’s been a lot of work to be done to get the Companions finished up and ready for print, and holidays have caused a bit of delay. Progress is still being made, and we are planning to have a preview of the Player’s Companion made available for backers soon. As with previous books, you’ll get a chance to look through and leave commentary for us before we go to print. Unlike previous books, this one will actually have the artwork laid out, so you’ll get a much more complete view of how the book is actually going to look from a style standpoint.

The Player’s Companion is also going to be the book that contains the new chapter that I’ve been teasing for the past few weeks. Given that we’ll have a full book preview coming out soon, it’s finally time for the reveal on what the new chapter will be. So without further ado, I give you the introduction for the new chapter: Faeries!

“For whatsoever from one place doth fall,

Is with the tide unto an other brought:

For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought.”

– Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene

From the personal diary of Lord Easton:

I have the opportunity to meet a faery. A messenger arrived at my door today with an invitation to meet with a Ser Tristan at his London house. I knew the invite came from a faery as soon as I saw the card. Wesley took it from the messenger and all but dropped it to the floor, before handing it gingerly to me. The expression on his face confirmed my initial thoughts – another ghost from my past had returned, presumably to deal with some unfinished business. To the uninitiated, the calling card appeared as any other: fine card stock, perfectly cut, with the owner’s address clearly presented. The name, however, was embellished in a pure gold filigree, and I could discern a fresh fragrance – hibiscus, or possibly honey-suckle? – lingering in the air after I handed the card back. The sensation of holding the card did not immediately end, and as I looked down at my hand, I could see the name “Ser Tristan” wriggling around my palm, the letters squirming and rearranging themselves into various shapes, before quickly shrinking and fading into nothing. In truth, this was an offer that I could not decline, so, after having returned Ser Tristan’s invitation to the messenger in the affirmative and sent him on his way, I made the necessary arrangements to travel to London the next day.

That evening, Wesley and I discussed the possible outcomes of such a meeting over port and cigars. We both quickly agreed that the nature of the offer was of concern. How did the faery, Ser Tristan, know of me? And why now? Wesley would of course accompany me to the meeting. And, just in case, I made a point of taking some precautions. The most important weapon, of course, was our wits. However, I added a concealable pistol and loaded it with cold iron rounds. My silvered sword cane would serve me in a melee. Wesley, I knew, had his rapier; it rarely left his side. Just to be sure, I added several special items from my collection. To that end, we finished our ports, extinguished our cigars, and took an early night to ensure a good rest.

The next morning, we left the estate, following the overgrown country roads for a short time, before embarking on the longer journey to London. As the carriage bumped its way across packed earth and cobblestones, I used the time to reflect on my experiences with the faery. Though my library is extensive, there is more unknown than known about these folks. I wondered to myself if this meeting would serve to fill some of the gaps in my knowledge?

That is right, we’re bringing faeries in to 1879. Further details of the chapter and what they introduce to the game will be discussed in greater detail with future posts, but to summarize, they will run the gamut from new, specialized fey creatures that can be encountered in scenarios to full high level fae that can be the subject of an entire campaign. Fae can potentially be allies or enemies, and possibly both at the same time if played carefully. If you’re a game master and didn’t feel you had enough ways to mess with your players, this will give you an entire new row to your utility belt.

So, were you able to spot the hints from the previous blog posts as to what the new chapter would be? Were you able to make a guess? Any thoughts on how you might use the fae in a campaign, or desires for things you’d like to see as they develop further in the game line? Our discussions are open on Discord, and I’d love to see what everyone thinks.