It’s going to be a short post for this week, but I have a few items to touch on for you to provide some updates on the campaign for the Companions.

We have a preview document of the Player’s Companion uploaded and available. I’ve sent the update out to backers, so if you haven’t seen it yet, please check your email for the link to the post and the password to get you access. This is your chance to get a preview of what the book will look like before we go to print, and to provide us commentary on any edits that need to be made or questions you may have on the material. We have a Google Doc linked in both the backer update and in the post containing the preview, so that there is a centralized place for us to see any notes you may have. If you can’t access the Google Doc for any reason, you can also feel free to leave comments on the post itself. I’ve also opened up a channel in Discord for any chat questions you may have that could contain spoilers on the material.

As you’ll be able to see, the Player’s Companion is very close to being done. We’ve got the art work laid in, the charts have been sorted, and the text is for the most part all set with just minor edits left. Plus whatever commentary you may provide.

The Game Master’s Companion is progressing, but still has work to be done before it’s ready for preview. The initial layout has been done and we’ve done a review for edits. Those edits still need to be applied and the next pass generated, and depending how it turns out may need more before it’s submitted for preview (the Player’s Companion needed three passes to get to its current state). We’ve found with the Game Master’s that we have room for more material, so we’re reviewing what can be put in to provide you the value for our printing costs. Holidays being upon us may cause some delay, but I’ll make sure to keep you posted on the updates as they come out.

Once we’ve got done the final review on both books, including your commentary and adding the covers and other necessary items, we submit the books for print, and generate the files for you to download your PDFs. We should also be getting the posters, medals, and coins around the same time that the printed books are ready, so that they can go out together.

Thanks to everyone in advance for taking the time to look over the preview. I’m eager to hear your comments on the material, so please let me know what you think!