(RESOLVED) (8M): You Can Heir-Drop Anything Once.


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(RESOLVED) (8M): You Can Heir-Drop Anything Once.

Post by Sharkforce » Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:51 pm

(I'm not super attached to that terrible pun of a name, and I'm flexible on the details for the rest of the rumour - if you have an awesome idea that goes a different direction but still advances the goal of freeing Sif, I'm up for it, although Zivilyn would definitely prefer something that doesn't benefit the Borodai Mining company)

Player: Zivilyn (Sharkforce)

Rumor: The Earth Elemental Sif has done much to protect Barsaive, and Zivilyn considers it a great injustice that someone else should seek to claim ownership of this noble being. Through research, Zivilyn has discovered that Sif is technically legally the property of a relatively minor merchant company in Throal, which means that the control collar in the hands of the Borodai Mining Company should belong to them instead. After some negotiations, (and likely with some backing from the Gannagroth Liferock) they agreed to go through Throalic courts to obtain the collar and have signed a very binding contract that they will provide it to Zivilyn (and others of his choosing) for the express purpose of returning it to Sif, once Zivilyn has arranged to locate, clear out, and secure an old outpost the company maintained before the scourge (or, if it is actually already claimed under the new Throalic law, to locate and secure a suitable substitute)

Location: Sif is in the Caves of Koilos, but the adventure may or may not make it that far (up to the GM; if the first part fills an entire session, I'll make a follow-up rumour). The outpost is probably on or near the Alidar River where it comes closest to the main road south of Throal (probably established to trade with Syrtis), given that they are the legal owners of Sif's collar, and the Caves of Koilos are also near the river.

Circle: ECR 7 at this point. might be 8 by the time someone gets to it, Zivilyn has 110k LP as of this posting.

Reward: I don't have anything specific in mind. At the GM's discretion, possible alternate rewards could come from the Gannagroth Liferock, which likely feels a deep bond of brotherhood towards Sif. Assuming we reach the caves in this adventure, Sif could also choose to reward the party with Living Crystal or True Earth or similar things.

Benefit: A trade outpost on the river to Syrtis, strengthening ties to Throal. The Elemental Sif, who is currently guarding the prison of a very dangerous Horror that it also arranged for the capture of, would no longer be under the control of a merchant company that is somewhat greedy, doesn't seem to have a terribly deep respect for the lives of their employees, and does not display tremendous amounts of competence as well, making Barsaive probably a safer place.

Notable NPCs: I am not amazing at names, but I guess that's a common thing to struggle with, so I'm just gonna throw out some names you could use if you want and you can ignore them if you come up with something better: Nefra Coinkeeper for the head of the minor house (feels like a Dwarf Female to me, but YMMV), and the Gray Cliffs Trading Company for the merchant house.
Last edited by Sharkforce on Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:10 am, edited 3 times in total.

Joined:Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:02 pm

Re: Rumour (8M): You Can Heir-Drop Anything Once.

Post by bronzemountain » Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:47 pm


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