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"Stone Cold" Steve "The Rock" Johnson, Obsidiman Gauntlet [1]

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 3:15 am
by verse86
Roll20 Name: verse86
Discord ID: verse86
Character Name: "Stone Cold" Steve "The Rock" Johnson
Race: Obsidiman

ECR: 1 (0-599 Legend)
Lifetime Legend Total: 0
Unspent Legend: 0
Thread Item Points: 0
Silver: 31.2

Discipline: Gauntlet
Circle: 1
Discipline Abilities

Dex: 13
Str: 20
Tou: 16
Per: 13
Wil: 13
Cha: 13

Karma Mod: 3
Karma Step: 4
Karma Max: 3
Uncon: 39
Death: 47

Init: 3 (6 - 3)
PD: 8
PA: 9 (6 + 3)
MD: 8
MA: 2
SD: 8

Movement: 10
Carrying Capacity: 255
Wound Threshold: 13 (10 + 3)
Recovery tests per day: 3

Gauntlet Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent: Avoid Blow (2)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Body Control (3)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Gauntlet Weaving (0)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Unarmed Combat (3)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Wound Balance (0)
First Circle Talent Option: Wood Skin (0)

Other Talents

Talent Knacks

Knowledge Skill: Obsidiman Lore (3)

Read/Write Language: (2) (Obsidiman, Dwarf)
Speak Language: (2) (Obsidiman, Dwarf)

Artisan Skill: Acting (3)

General Skill: Great Leap (2)
General Skill: Climbing (2)

Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack)
Carving Tool
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, robe or breeches, traveler’s cloak)
Trail Rations (1 week)

Stone Disk Armor

Threads Tied:

Animal Companions:

Brief Backstory:
Making his way to the ring, hailing from parts unknown is "Stone Cold" Steve "The Rock" Johnson. Standing at 7'5" and weighing in at 1000 pounds, he is your self proclaimed World Heavyweight Champion. Not much is known about Steve, except that he loves wrestling and talking about what he is going to do to his opponents. When asked about it, other Obsidimen dismiss it as "That's just Steve."