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AAR [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:43 am
by redwraith
LFG: Rise From Dust
GM: Redwraith
ECR: 5
Difficulty: Hard

Rumors: Arunath Poylan and the people of Kaer Voklar have discovered Kaer Corvega the lost Kaer of learned men with access to all kinds of scientific research and alchemical supplies.

Requested by: Orlam (Sharkforce)
Reward: Alchemy Lab access

- Adventure runs at 7:00pm EST on Tuesday, August 31st
- Expect multiple battles in a single day versus intelligent opponents as you clear a fallen Kaer.

Sign up format:

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] Character name
[b]Date of Last Game Played:[/b]
[b]Circle:[/b] Circle of your character
[b]Discipline:[/b] Your character's Discipline(s)
[b]Unique:[/b] What your character is bringing to the table.
[b]Downtime:[/b] Talents and Skills that other characters can use over downtime: [Talent] [Step including +Karma Step if appropriate] ([Rank]) ([Further Details])

Re: [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:45 am
by Sharkforce
Name: Orlam
Date of Last Game Played: It's my rumour
Circle: 6
Discipline: Elementalist 5
Unique: healing boosts, combat buffs and debuffs, comfort, navigation, and evidence analysis. (downside: he sucks at damage).
Downtime: Item History (Talent, Rating 5, step 16), Research (Skill, Rating 2, Step 9, +3 available for 20 sp in the Great Library).

Re: [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 4:28 pm
by predajey
Name: Orfen
Date of Last Game Played: June 28
ECR: 4
Discipline: Elementalist (Circle 3)
Unique: Hair. There's a lot of it. Most of it is unkempt. Some of it is blonde, some is red. Also, possibly our best Physician with rank 5.
  • Item History ESR 15 (Rank 4 + Step 7 PER + Step 4 Karma)
  • Alchemy ESR 11 (Rank 4 + Step 7 PER, but no kit or lab yet)
    • Booster Potions

Re: [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:32 am
by verse86
Name: Z'mokki
Date of Last Game Played:
ECR: 4
Discipline: Thief 4
Unique: A boisterous and bragadocious thief.

Re: [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 5:08 pm
by Serespar

Name: Strata
Date of Last Game Played [ Scenario ]: "I punched a Wing Flayer tother day..." [ June 11, 2021 ]
Circle: ECR 6, Circle 6
Discipline: Obsidiman Gauntlet ( Journeyman Rank )
Unique: "I punches stuff"
Downtime: Talents and Skills that other characters can use over downtime;
*Strata just looks at ya*, then says "I punches stuff"

Primary character

Re: [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 9:23 pm
by bronzemountain
Name: Taras Vanko
ECL: 6
Discipline: Scout+
Quote/Unique: The only Human Scout who isn't a Horror.
Notable Abilities: Not getting lost.
Downtime: Mourning a lost homeland while drinking vodka.
Last Game Played: 2021-05-22

Re: [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 6:15 am
by Serespar
From the Journel of Strata the Obsidiman Gauntlet

Throalic Date equivalent to August 31, 2021

Note: Apologies to the story tellers out there. Posted my original notes (see below) without putting them in Strats “Voice”. Addended journal entry below.

My friend Orlam the human Elementalist came by. Said some human he knew named Arunath needed help. Somethin about a cave. Said OK.

Realized as we was walkin dat some others were walkin wit us. Der was an elf (female?) with a crazy red fur hat, called herself Orfen. Der was an orange t’skrang dat called himself Z’mokki. N der was a buzzin windling insultin everyone as we went along, called himself Gargle Singer or somtin like dat – still workin on my Throalic. Nodded greetins.

Walked to da village. No punchin.

Met dis Arunath human; he had an elf wit him, name o Farroth. Farroth said sometin about a cave n monsters n his buddies screamin n it gettin real quiet so he ran for help. Sounds like some punchin’s comin up! *feral grin*

Walked to da cave. Orlam tossed a fireball in. Ran in after da boom n punched stuff. Red fur hat lit me on fire to burn da horror’s goons more. Flaming punches da best! Dey works pretty on guys tossin lightnin at ya too. Da crazy windling fights good, n da orange lizard got in some nice swipes too.

Tried ta sort out da bodies of Farroth’s buddies afterwards, before we burned ‘em. Dey was ripped apart n sewn back together wrong so ta be respectful we puts da heads wit da right necks n stuff before we torched ‘em.

Been learnin to crumple stuff. Got a lot of practice in once we went into da ol kaer proper. Lots of crazy scholar stuff, horror stuff, n prisoner stuff. Dey was tyin down folks n animals n even horrors to do awful things. Grandmother Earth’s heart was cryin. Punched some of the stuff n a few doors while we went lookin for da ting in charge.

Grandmother whispered to us n we found da hidden lab. Went in n punched da Overseer n da things he waz makin. Da orange t’skrang, he got ripped apart by the critters we waz fightin. Tried healin him but the death magic in da lab where he fell wuz eatin away at ‘im bad. After burnin da lab, we carried da t’skrang’s body to da village n scattered his ashes by da river. Carved his name n a blessing from Grandmother on a stone to mark da spot.

Wanted to punch more stuff on da way home.



<original entry>

My friend Orlam the human Elementalist was contacted in Throal by a man named Arunath Poylan. Arunath was living in the village of Jurong (hex 53.08) after he and his fellow kaer dwellers emerged from Kaer Voklar to the west (hex 51.08). The Voklar met the riverfolk of Jurong shortly after they emerged, and the two groups are reputed to be on friendly terms, enjoying the beauty and bounty of the Caucavic River Valley.

In Arunath’s message, he told Orlam that a party of non-adept Voklar scouts had discovered a mysterious cave like opening in an area of rolling hills nearby; an opening which Arunath believes may be the entrance to a kaer the Voklar knew about before the Scourge, Kaer Corvega. All but one of the non-adepts who found the cave were slain. Arunath asked that Orlam gather a group of adepts to travel to Jurong, meet with the survivor, and investigate the cave (border of hexes 49.06 and 50.07). The Voklar had legends that the Corvega were a group of reclusive, magically advanced scholar-adepts who had prepared some sort of experimental retreat to ride out the Scourge in.

Joining us were Orfen the Elven Elementalist, Z’mokki the T’skrang Thief, and Youghdel the Windling Sky Raider. We traveled to Jurong without incident.

In Jurong, we met with Arunath and the survivor, a non-adept elven male Named Farroth. Farroth explained that he and his companions were mapping the surrounding area when he paused to relieve himself. As Farroth hurried to catch up, he saw his companions walking glassy eyed into the cave, followed by horrible screams. Peeking in through the partially open large round stone door at the cave entrance, Farroth saw strangely distorted large humanoids ripping his companions limb from limb, followed by ominous silence. Farroth ran for his life and returned to Jurong to report this new hazard near their home.

We discussed what Farroth said that he had seen with him and with Arunath, and could find no inconsistencies. Farroth agreed to lead us (most of the way) to the cave, but flat out refused to go anywhere near it in what seemed a sensible attitude for a non adept faced with such a horror.

Arriving near the cave, we approached cautiously; physical and astral senses stretched to assess any hazards. Z’mokki moved forward to check for traps and reported a group of large humanoids apparently pieced together from bits and pieces of a variety of bodies, standing silently in a large chamber just inside the entrance. We decided to lob one of Orlam’s fireballs through the door as a sort of doorbell, and clear the creatures as they came out, using the hall as a kind of choke point and for cover.

There were two types of horror constructs in the chamber; powerful Brutes supported by Spellcasting Plagues. We punched them. It was a tough fight. We emerged worn but victorious. We cremated the remains of Farroth's companions, who appeared to have been used as raw material (along with other... to make the constructs we had fought.

We then explored the corruption filled kaer. The place was full of the stuff of nightmares. The scholar-adepts had apparently gone through much of the Scourge advancing their technical skills by experimenting on trapped animals, Name Givers, Horrors and Horror Constructs. The place was awash in the remains of operating tables, restraints, cages, and blood stained equipment in a way I wish to forget the details of, but cannot.

It appeared that at some point, one of the experimental subjects escaped and… …merged… …with one of the surviving scholars to become a new hybrid being, The Overseer. The Overseer then… …changed, and used it’s powers on the others in the kaer, alive and dead, to create even more monstrosities.

We tracked The Overseer to his equipment filled hidden lab and punched his minions; mutated animals and Name Givers both. I admit to a certain grim satisfaction in helping to end The Overseer’s undead existence with my companions after a battle dearly fought. We were as thorough as possible in burning out the corrupt remains rotting away after the fight, but our hearts were aching. During the fight, Z’mokki had been torn to shreds by one of The Overseer’s mutant giant canines. It filled us with sorrow that all our efforts to heal Z’mokki were in vain. He was lost.

We carried Z’mokki’s body back to Jurong, where we cremated it in purifying flame. We scattered the t’skrang’s ashes on the river, and placed a large carved stone in his memory by the riverside (hex 53.08). Our hope is that Z’mokki will somehow be able to hear the peaceful sound of the flowing water as he continues on his journey. Be at peace, our friend. Be at peace.


Re: [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:40 am
by Sharkforce
Orlam Rolfsom, Journal Entry # 15: Rise from Dust

Arunath Poylan, First Speaker of Kaer Voklar, contacted me out of the blue the other day. I received a letter requesting my assistance in a matter involving a suspected kaer that scouts from Kaer Voklar had come across. He seemed to think it was related to a kaer called Corvega which had been settled by a group of scholars hoping to push the limits of their knowledge during the Scourge. A worthy goal when taken at face value, but without care even the noblest of pursuits can go awry.

As the letter requested the assistance of Adepts, and not just a lone Elementalist, I endeavoured to gather a team that would be ready for exploration of a lost kaer; Z'mokki the great, a Thief of my acquaintance, to keep an eye out for traps and tricks designed to keep out the horrors, Strata, a mighty Gauntlet to strike down any foes, Orfen (who seemed mostly to be following Z'mokki like a lost puppy) to act as our medic, and Youghdel the strongest Windling that ever was, a Sky Raider (who I think was mostly looking for a good excuse to "bust some 'eads" as he might put it).

We set off for Kaer Voklar, traveling mostly overland. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Strata had a pair of thread boots that gave him the most impressive rate of travel. He also seems to have become somewhat more verbose since I last traveled with him. I suppose it has been some time, perhaps he just picked up the habit while he was in town some time. We made good speed and arrived at Jurong, which had expanded their fishing operation and where I saw a few faces that looked familiar from my last trip to Voklar. It seems fish are quite a treat for those who live in Voklar, they were quite fond of them.

Arunath introduced us to Farroth, the sole survivor of the scouting expedition, who told us his tale. It seems that they had spotted an odd-looking hole in a hillside in an area which had been thought to house Kaer Corvega. Farroth had stopped to relieve himself and was a little ways behind the other five in the scouting party, and as he was catching up he was surprised to see them all walk inside when they had agreed to wait and enter together. Shortly afterwards he heard crunching sounds and the screaming of his companions, an awful combination.

When he snuck up close, he could see mishapen things like twisted and broken Namegivers of some sort among the remains of his former friends. I could not think of any natural creature that met the description he was able to give, so that suggested either spirits or horrors (probably the latter). He had then prudently left to go find help (hence the group of us Adepts). Arunath wanted us to investigate, and we hadn't come all this way to just go back so we set off, lead by Farroth who took us near enough for us to make the last bit of the journey on our own while he went his own way.

The entryway held a small group of what appeared to be horror constructs of some sort made up of parts of other Namegivers... some looked fresh enough to be the unfortunate scouting party that had met a disastrous end. We prepared for battle, moved up close and I unleashed a fireball, which did not have as much of an impact as I would have liked. It was a hard-fought battle, a pair of withered Namegivers who looked like they ought to be dead hurled lightning and sickly bolts of energy at us. Youghdel insisted "his dad is a lightning bolt" and as much as I find his claim to be suspect, he did seem strangely unharmed by the lightning. On the other hand, the strange energy seemed to be quite devastating to him.

We had taken quite a beating, so we fell back to spend some time resting. Z'mokki was still looking a little injured, but insisted that nothing could stop the great Z'mokki. Well, the rest of us weren't doing too poorly (although Strata was worried he did not have karma in case we ran into another similar fight). The whole place was pretty badly damaged, time had not been kind to this place, and what little we were able to put together suggested that something had gone horribly wrong there.

Scraps from journals and letters suggested that the scholars were performing increasingly awful experiments on living creatures, twisting and warping them. It seems likely that they had sealed themselves in with some sort of horror that slowly bent them to an ill end, and eventually took one of their bodies for itself perhaps. Or perhaps it simply warped them for its amusement and left, I doubt that we would have overcome a horror so cunning and vile as to have caused what we saw in those halls as we had.

The halls seemed mostly empty, and I wonder if perhaps the few "survivors" if you can call them that (constructs made from the shells of Namegivers in mockery of us) had turned to cutting each other apart in pursuit of a knowledge of what makes a horror construct work. I shudde to think of what their research notes might have said, but I dared not study them to find out. Some knowledge is simply better not learned, a lesson I fear the scholars in that wretched hole failed to learn for all their learning.

We finally reached a deeper part of the kaer, a laboratory where the results of their forbidden experiments were found: some sort of dogs warped into a horror construct called a norikott. I have heard a little bit about such creatures, though not much is known other than that they consume the flesh of Namegivers exclusively (which might explain why there were not more monstrosities roaming about), and a warped individual conducting a ritual I do not care to think or write about. We didn't see much need to discuss anything with them, or they with us, and so battle was joined.

The hounds were vicious and terrible, tearing at us with great ferocity but failing to get any solid hits on Strata. The thing operating the laboratory equipment called for its master and a strange blackened form came out to join the battle. This one had even more formidable spells which it hurled at us freely. As had seemed to be the case in the prior battle, my attempts to destroy their morale were unsuccessful, although at least my efforts to inspire my companions to greatness were more effective. I fear a little too successful on Z'mokki; he ran out to challenge the apprentice but was chased down by one of the norikott charging at him. I thought we had come well-prepared with a number of last chance salves, but it seemed that Death itself had grabbed hold of him and would not let go.

We at least avenged him and it seems like the place was cleared. We were able to find a small laboratory that had not been used, and packed up what we could of it to bring home with us. I would not touch the rest of the equipment, it is almost assuredly tainted beyond belief, although I struggled to pierce the corruption that stained the astral to get a good reading. I could not be out of that place soon enough, though we did take a moment to destroy what we could. I called on a spirit of the earth to go bury the entrance to keep that place locked away from the rest of the world so that no more poor creatures of Jaspree might fall into the embrace of any things left in that place of death, but I have included instructions here to find that place should some brave group of Adepts need to investigate again. I do not care much for it, and would prefer to never see it again.

As for poor Z'mokki, all we could do was to return his possessions to his family and remember the greatness of his heart.

Re: [5H] Rise From Dust (2021-08-31 @ 2300 GMT 7PM EST)

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:20 pm
by redwraith
AAR: Rise from dust
GM: Redwraith
ECR: 5
Difficulty: Medium

Player Rewards:
Orlam: 6,000 LP, 63 sp, 5 TIPs, Alchemy Lab, Healing Potion
Youghdel: 6000 LP, 563 sp, 1x Healing Potion, 5 TIPs
Orfen: 6000 LP, 213 SP, 5 TIPs, Alchemy Lab
Strata: 6000 LP, 713 SP, 5 TIPs, might be buying some potions

Alt Rewards: Alchemical Equipment and potions

Journal: 300 LP, 178.3 SP

GM Reward: R'edtarian (13000 LP, 775 SP, 3 TIPs)

Orfen: Item History ESR 15 (Rank 4 + Step 7 PER + Step 4 Karma)
Alchemy ESR 11 (Rank 4 + Step 7 PER, but no kit or lab yet) -Booster Potions
Orlam: Item History (Talent, Rating 5, step 16), Research (Skill, Rating 2, Step 9, +3 available for 20 sp in the Great Library)

The party was contacted by Arunath Poyal from Kaer Voklar to explore Kaer Corvega. The party arrived at Kaer Corvega which they discovered had fallen to some Horror's after the dwellers of the Kaer had been experimenting on them. The party fought several horror constructs and slowly made their way through the darkly foreboding kaer to face the Kaer Overseer. During the battle with the Overseer Z'mokki was killed and nothing the rest of the party did was able to revive him.