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Re: LFG: [12M] Road Trip(2021-07-10 2300 GMT)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:23 pm
by Montaugh
I will not be able to make it after all.

Re: LFG: [12M] Road Trip(2021-07-10 2300 GMT)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:52 pm
by Waijhou
Dvarim, ZIl , Karl, and Daldorer, please come assist me on a small road trip.

Re: LFG: [12M] Road Trip(2021-07-10 2300 GMT)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:48 am
by Xzandrate
AAR: Road Trip
GM: Xzandrate
ECR: 12
Difficulty: Medium

Player Rewards:
Xeviouz: 184000 LP 2500 SP 3 TIP
Dvarim: 184000 LP 2500 SP 3 TIP
Zil: 184000 LP 2500 SP 3 TIP
Karl: 184000 LP 2500 SP 3 TIP
Daldorer: 184000 LP 2500 SP 3 TIP

Journal Reward: +9200 LP, +625 SP

GM Reward: Lazulin: 69000 LP 1400 SP 3 TIP

Forge Weapon 13/32
Forge Armor 13/32
Craftsman (anything) 13/37
Design Enchanting Pattern 12/29
Enchant True Pattern 12/36
Item History 4/18
Enchant Storm Steppers (10 TIPs, 1,500sp, 2 weeks)
Common Magic Items:
Cleaning Brooms (x5): 1 day/75sp
Fire Starter: 1 day / 25sp
Firefly Chalk: 1 day / 25sp
Hot Pot: 1 day / 25sp
Pot of Grumbah, Small: 1 day / 37.5sp
Dwarven Sunshade Hat (exclusive): 1 day / 125sp
Season Lamp: 1 day / 175sp

Research rank 5, step 13 (step 16 if pay 20 sp for library access).
Item History Rank 9 (step 20).

Alchemy Step 8 (Rank 3) Recipes: Booster Potion and Small Light Quartz
Item History Step 20 (Rank 8) (Historian: Extra Successes reduce Research Times)
Research Step 44 (Rank 12) (Librarian: Extra Successes reduce Research Times)
Patterncraft 24 (Rank 12) :
Craft Blood Charm
Craft True Pattern
Design Enchanting Pattern
Incorporate Bound Spirit
Incorporate Glyph

Animal Training (talent rank 11 step 22)
Forge Weapon (rank 10 Step 22, several successes, probably)
Research (Rank 5 Step 16, or Step 19 with Library Access)

Summary: The adventurers reclaimed the High Tower and reinstated the Immortals. Xeviouz has sworn to the Immortals and bonded to his shroud. Aazhvat has retreated into astral space with the re-concecrating of the tower.

Re: AAR: [12M] Road Trip(2021-07-10 2300 GMT)

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:36 pm
by Waijhou
Saturday July 17, 2021
LFG: [12M] Road Trip(2021-07-10 2300 GMT)
Rumor:: To reclaim the High Tower, Xevouz must retrieve the promised Rose from the Wyrmwood and use it to reclaim the Tower.

Leave throal headed to the Wyrmwood to look for the Rose. Along for the adventure is Karl and Ruben, Daldorer, Dvarim and Zil. Before leaving we do research at the great library about the denizen of the High Tower. Azhvat seems to be a astral entity and inhibits circular objects. Teloda also indicates the eye of the Horror can manifest in the top of the tower, because it is a circular object. Thats why aerial assaults always fail.
We leave Throal traveling to Smugglers Respite. We meet two Bloodwood Warders at the village that will guide us into the wood. Alinar and Merphys are their names. Alinar does the majority of the speaking. She talks in hushed tones. After answering a few questions Alinar and Merphys agree to guide us into the Bloodwood. We will leave the next morning.

It takes us three days to enter the city of Altan, we took a winding path that supposedly keeps us safe from being over run by the flora and fauna. Prestia Teo is the BloodWarder incharge of the town. We have 2 days to find what we need then we will be escorted back out to Smugglers Respite. We will be meet by the descendants of the family that Teloda stayed with so many years ago. As we get to the city gate, we do greeting rituals with the guards. Once inside the town, we can go where we want, talk to anybody we want, but we are not allowed to leave the town. First day Merphys brings a blood elf female to meet with us. Her name is Siraye Errie, her family is protector of the bloom. She gives us 2 things from her cloak. One is a crystal canister 1 foot in diameter and 2 feet tall. The other is a small potted plant. Looks like a venus fly trap. She feeds a bug to the fly trap and then she speaks.
The crystal cylinder has a kernel of true earth surrounded by true water. That is the bottom cap stone. On the top cap stone is a kernel of true fire. Out of this grows a magnificent blue rose. She asks to see Teloda’s journal as proof that we are who we say we are. Once shown she is happy to be rid of the rose, the blood oath complete. She has a scroll for us and a map. The scroll is how to use the rose. The journal is of Teloda’s last days in the Bloodwood. She has compatriots that are trying to grow another rose, but they are constantly being hunted and killed the the Queens guards. She thinks the rose could help cure the Bloodwood. Asks if I am willing to give it back to her. I am not. Asking if the needs of the elfs are more important than the needs of the Humans of Landis. I and the others assure her we are willing to come help her with a new rose after we are finished with our mission in Landis.

Next day we head out back to Smugglers Respite, then make our way to Throal. From Throal, we catch a ride on a crystal raider ship towards the Crystal Peaks From the peaks to the Liaj river, board the canoes and down stream into Kaerafhad. As we reach Landis we are flagged down by 3 members of the Legion that were out looking for us. The second thing that occurs is that when we enter the lands of Landis, we get that uneasy feeling. Like the land itself is going to try to repel us. As we are traveling in, the canister with the rose grows warm. We make it to the Camp of the Legion outside Fava. The camp is smaller than it used to be. Strugu meets us as we enter the camp, asking if we were successful. I tell him we are and show him the Rose. THe Master of the tower must now BOND with the Rose, then place it in the center of the Tower.

When looking at the Flower Astraly, the patter is as complex as a Name Giver. Strugu feels this is the lst ditch effort to reclaim the tower. He is committing all the resources of the Legion. The Legion will assault the first floor, my group will lead the assault on the second floor. Then we lead the assault on the top two floors. Bottom of the tower has a 12 yard radius. The top is only a 10 yard radius. 12 total floors.

After a couple days of prep, the Assault begins. 300 Legionnaires push towards the Tower. It takes a couple hours to reach the tower. The front door is breached with a small ram. The troops begin to pour into the tower. Once the first floor is secured, my team begins the assault on the second floor.
4 Steelmen and 3 small steel monkeys await us. Brutal fight be we are triumphant and the team pushes on. Several Legionnaires are lost in the fighting at each floor. Push on through the tower, at the 11th floor I take point and go up the circular stair case. In this room are 2 giant Skull fiends and 2 Greater Worm Skulls. Another brutal quick fight and we are moving up to the last level of the tower. A giant eye is resting over a large bronze circular plaque, and 2 very large Gloom Wings. THe Gloom Wings die quickly and the eye disappears as soon as it is hit. THe horror is in the astral and tries to manifest an eye each round. It also uses its spell casting ability to try to kill us. I am able to spot its form in the astral and use my Spirit Strike ability to hit it. So is Devarim. As the battle rages on, Strugu comes into the room and Places the Rose in the receptacle in the center of the floor. As he does, there is a bright light on the astreal that is radiating out from the rose and expanding out from it. It forces the horror to flee the tower.
After the battle subsides I am allowed to swear the oath of the Immortals.