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Re: LFG [9M]: The Serpent Rises (2021-04-22 @ 2300 GMT)

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:05 am
by Sharkforce
From the Journal of Zivilyn, Windling Magician: The Serpent Rises

You know, usually when you say "well there's a week of my life I won't be getting back ever", it just means you wasted your time. This time, I mean that I'm missing a week of memories, with barely anything to explain why. I apparently did *something* in that time, I just don't know exactly what. I just... sort of... woke up on a raft, with Haze and Howler by my side. Bloodbeat, Lazulin, Elisen, Jacint, Isidro, and Nez were all there as well. No memories of anything, just the bunch of us on a raft with a bunch of money (which is somewhat less irritating than the rest) and some chunks of flesh from what looks to be an extremely large tentacled aquatic creature.

All I have to go on are a few notes in my Grimoire. Something about Water Spirits in Sosanopa talking about some creatures lairing in the Serpent River. Meeting a Drake for the first time, apparently looking like Leviathans are rumoured to appear, and supposedly connected to Wavedancer. Memories of the group of us meeting in Throal to do... something. Rumours of problems on the Serpent River with ships being destroyed by who-knows-what.

Passions, it all seems so strange. Nothing seems physically wrong with us, apart from a few minor bruises. My best examination of our patterns shows nothing out of order. The Questors of Garlen we visited could find nothing wrong. How did we end up floating on a raft in Lake Ban?

Re: LFG [9M]: The Serpent Rises (2021-04-22 @ 2300 GMT)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 2:47 am
by Anoush
Bloodbeat's Journal:

Something exceedingly strange happened recently. One morning I woke up on a raft, heading south on the Serpent River, heading towards Lake Ban. Yet, I had gone to sleep the night before — I’m positive! — in my own bed in Throal. Truly a puzzling occurrence!

Along with me on the raft were some good companions: Elisen (windling cavalryman and troubadour), Lazulin (troll raider and sun herald), Nez (windling beastmaster, warrior and windmaster) and Zivilin (windling multi-discipline magician). We were all a bit worse for the wear, with minor cuts and scrapes, but no serious damage. All of our assorted animal companions were with us, too.

On the raft, there was also a large sack of coins — mostly gold! — and some thick fish skin. The fish skin was like nothing we’d ever seen before. It was very thick, so must’ve come from a large creature, and was more smooth than scaly.

Within a couple of hours, we reached some of the fishermen from Lake Ban. The ships were abuzz with stories of some recent disasters. Apparently a number of ships had crashed aground along the Serpent River recently. No one had any idea why the ships — good sized, one and all — had foundered. The weather had been fine, no more pirates than usual had been reported. It was a mystery.

We continued on to Lake Ban and visited the temple of Garlen. The healers there pronounced us all healthy, both physically and astrally.

Still, as near as we could figure, we'd all lost several weeks of our lives. We speculated about what had happened all the way back to Throal.

Re: AAR [9M]: The Serpent Rises (2021-04-22 @ 2300 GMT)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 3:27 am
by sigfriedmcwild
From the memoirs of Elisen of clan Adorjan, Haressa-tis and Lore Keeper

Did you ever wake up on a raft in the middle of lake Ban with several other adepts, a sack of gold coins, and no memory of how you got there?

Thankfully hanging around with Juniper (Solanus Pyrocantha, elven Shadow and questor of Lochost) had taught me how to deal with a situation like this and for once there was no splitting headache, nausea, or rush to the outhouse to return to the earth what had been stolen the night before.

Juniper as it turns out was not among my shipmates. They were Bloodbeat II of Syrtis (t'skrang Nethermancer and Weaponsmith), Lazulin (troll Raider and Sun Herald), NezPerce GrosVentre (windling Beastmaster whose lineage is unknown to me), and Zivilyn (windling Magician from Skyreader Island).

Bereft of the simplest explanation for our predicament (although Lazulin decided that "blame Juniper" was a good enough answer) we wracked our brains and scoured our packs for any notes we may have taken in the last few days. I asked Zivilyn to use their ability to speak to animals to check if Jacint, Isidoros, or Teh remembered anything but whatever had stolen our memories affected them too.

Eventually Zivilyn found some waterworn notes that mentioned some facts:
- Something about water spirits in Sosanopa
- Something about creatures lairing in the Serpent
- Something about meeting a drake, possibly connected to Wavedancer

From the other end our memories pretty much stopped around meeting up in Throal to do... something.

From what the V'Strimon guards that saw us arrive mentioned and some more research once we got back to Throal this is my reconstruction of the facts:
- We met in Throal to investigate the rumours of ships being attacked on the Serpent between Sosanopa and Syrtis
- We left heading north to Sosanopa
- Something happened there which led to us losing our memories, probably another murder cult or something
- The outcome of the confrontation in Sosanopa left us on a raft floating down the river for days, until we got to lake Ban

But this is not enough. As a lorekeeper the legends in my head are my most precious possession (and before you aks, oh oafish reader, Jacint, Isidoros, and Teh are most DEFINITELY NOT POSSESSIONS, they are dear friends and companions) and I cannot let this theft go unavenged.