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FASA Games, Inc.FASA Games Forums and News 2021-06-19T02:40:41 https://fasagames.com/forum/app.php/feed/topic/2404 2021-06-19T02:40:412021-06-19T02:40:41 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18708#p18708 <![CDATA[Re: AAR: [3H] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]>

[A letter from Kun'da'lin Iceclaw, found among her parents' effects at the troll moot; written in Sperethiel.]

Dearest Mom & Dad,

I’ve been hearing about a personal trainer here in Throal, someone Named Montazh. He’s famous and mysterious, and by all accounts a miraculous trainer. I finally got to meet him and even had a few training sessions with him. But first the story of how I earned that training.

I ran into some adventurers, people that I knew from previous missions, who introduced me to a couple others and to finally another Sky Raider, ba windling, Named Youghdel, who was organizing a group to arrange for training from Montazh. Complicated, I know. The others were Kayapo (windling Shaman), Redroum (dwarf illusionist), and Rendar (ork cavalier).

Together we went to the office of Montazh’s gym too meet him and talk about getting training from him. Montazh turned out to be the buffest troll I’ve ever seen. Muscles upon muscles, and fast as lightning! I’d heard that Montazh charged an exorbitant sum for his services, so I was relieved when he asked for our services instead. I had no idea what I was getting into though.

Montazh had some friends, Throalic diplomats, who’d gone missing while in the Servos Jungle trying to establish diplomatic relations with some of the tribes there. The diplomats had left Throal two weeks ago, but hadn’t sent word back since. Montazh wanted us to accompany him to the Servos to rescue his friends. Further, rather than trekking overland to the Servos, Montazh would fly the whole group of us there in his very own drakkar, D’Chopa. If I hadn’t been impressed before, I was now!

The next morning we met at the airfield. The ship was in very good shape, but smaller than the drakkars used by most of the troll clans. Luckily, Montazh had his own well-trained crew of mostly t’skrang to pilot the ship, led by a skilled lieutenant, Named Wanso. So I could relax and enjoy the ride.

The trip was short. About six hours after lifting off in Throal, Montazh set down the drakkar in a clearing in the northern reaches of the Servos Jungle. The diplomats had last been seen in this area. I found their trail easily enough and we set off. The tracks led us quickly to a small fort, made mostly of wood, with a few guards posted.

I really need to tell you more about Youghdel. Most windlings seem energetic and enthusiastic about life to me, but Youghdel was over the top. It seemed like he never stopped rocketing from placee to place, person to person, and he delighted in saying the most outrageous statements with no concerns for how others would take them. It was wonderfully freeing to travel with him! Appalling at times, but definitely exciting!

Youghdel immediately approached the guards, then there was lots of shouting, and practically accused them of kidnapping the diplomats. Obviously, a fight ensued and the guards were dead. We did find the diplomats — who had been kidnapped — inside the fort. So our actions were justified after the fact. The diplomats were none the worse for wears, so after patching ourselves up a bit, we headed back to the drakkar, thinking what an easy job this had been.

Still, the guards had seemed nervous, with worried glances over their shoulders. And they made comments to Youghdel about “Don’t let the thing kill us?” and the like that made me wonder what was really going on here. Afterwards, we examined the guards’ bodies and found that they had tainted wounds, inflicted by some kind of animal that pre-dated our battle with them. Strange. Then Rendar saw something weird on the astral and Kayapo talked to the spirts and learned about an attacker at the fort, someone called “The Loner.” Kayapo began calling this unknown creature “Anorak,” although I had no idea why; perhaps that had meaning in the windling tongue?

After all this, we began retracing our steps back to the drakkar. But somehow the jungle had become confusing. It was difficult to find our tracks and it took all my skills as a navigator to keep us on track. Youghdel was in the lead, and before long he atracted a huge ghostly wolf, that we believed was an umbral stalker. This creature could pop in and out of astral space. So it would attack, and then leave, appearing in a different place to attack someone else in our group. It was confusing and frustrating. There was a lot of juggling of position to protect the diplomats, and get the creature to attack us instead. The creature was wearing us down, but eventually we got the better of it. Redroum finally killed it with a phantom flame spell.

Once it was gone, we hurried back to the ship and flew off back to Throal.

All my love,

Statistics:Posted by Anoush — Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:40 am

2021-05-03T23:56:512021-05-03T23:56:51 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18384#p18384 <![CDATA[Re: AAR: [3H] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]>
Apparently Youghdel wants me to join him and meet with the legendary Montazh. Youghdel said he was legendary not that I had heard of him. Apparently this Montazh is the go to trainer for all of Thoral's adepts and he has time to help Youghdel. It seems like a simple task and I'll get paid for this simple trip. Youghdel just needed to explain that there was a good amount of silver involved rather than wasting so much time talking about this training.

The rest of the party that Youghdel has gathered includes Keel, Kyapo and Rendar. We meet with Montazh and he indicated that some T'skrang diplomates where lost in the Servos jungle during their expedition to meet with the local tribes. Montazh want's us to join him in finding the diplomates. Montazh has a drakkar, D'chapa, which allows us to swiftly travel to the Servos.

Once we arrived at the jungle Keel was able to direct us towards the village that we believe the diplomates might be held at. Once we arrived at the small fort the guards greet us with some hostility and freely claim they are holding the T'skrang hostage. Which of course means Youghdel charges them, and I just manage to cast monstrous mantle on him to turn him into a killer bee. Hehehehe. Damnit he doesn't take offense but loves being a giant bee, there goes my joke.

After a quick "battle" we have subdued or chased off the guards here at the fort and free the T'skrang. After talking with the T'skrang and the former bandit they let us know that the bandits have been attacked over the last several days by a large wolf or wolves. During our conversation Kayapo does an astral sight to see if anything looks out of place in the astral and noticed a shadow on Rendar's pattern. This isn't good...for Rendar.

The stories of this giant wolf and Rendar being marked makes us all a little anxious to leave and get back to D'chapa and leave the jungle behind. Youghdel takes the lead with Keel once again navigating the jungle for the quickest way to D'chapa. All of a sudden a dark wolf creature appears beside Youghdel and takes a chunk out of him. Rendar charges the wolf and doesn't manage to hurt the wolf as his weapon passes through the creature like a ghost. Then the creature disappears out of sight just as suddenly as it appeared.

Keel decides to rush the diplomates to D'chapa while myself and Rendar move a bit slower keeping an eye out for this wolf creature. The creature keeps appearing and taking a swipe at us as we travel along. Rendar eventually drags me onto Quechir as my short legs aren't ideal for a run through a jungle. I kept preparing my spells incase I get a chance to land my spell on the wolf as it jumps between planes.

Eventually it makes a slight misstep and we all get some solid attacks against the dark wolf. I finally get my phantom flame spell cast which I'm hoping will still burn the wolf as it shifts back to the astral plane. After this brief flurry of attacks the wolf creature doesn't return to bother us again and we are all able to reach the D'chapa safely.

Montazh agrees to train any of us who want training. I explained that I wanted to be more aware of my surroundings and able to resist magic attacks. He started with an age old task of finding a needle in a haystack. I wasn't too interested in this task until he changed the needle to a gold coin. I quickly located the coin and passed this first task. The second task was to play dodge ball but instead of a ball it was earth darts being tossed my way. I took some lumps but eventually it became easier and easier to dodge these mystical attacks and Montazh clapped me on the back as I've finished my training.

Statistics:Posted by redwraith — Mon May 03, 2021 11:56 pm

2021-05-02T15:23:572021-05-02T15:23:57 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18377#p18377 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3H] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> As told in Randy Urtam's Down Below Taproom and transcribed by Scholar Menek of the Adept Records branch of the Great Library.

Right. So on account of I may be amazing but I ain't perfect, I am right committed to constant self-improvement. You didn't know that about me, didja, you right wanker. I'm fucking deep, I am, full of bloody introspection and whatnot. But I figure if I need to train then it's best to train with the best, and we all know that's Montazh. Yeah, you heard me right. No he's not a bloody myth. Same as yer mum's orgasms. Just because you ain't seen 'em don't mean I ain't. Yeh I said it! Come at me, you twat. Yer mum sure did! HAH!

Where was I? Needing another beer to water the garden of my dulcet words. Ahh, that hits the spot. Right. We make the connections, we get a job. Can't just train with the man himself. We have to earn the opportunity. Fine with me. There's some T'skrang what got themselves kidnapped so off we go to the rescue. With me are Keel, who is a right proper Sky Raider and whom I've seen in the usual haunts, me old friend Kayapo the Spirit Talker, me new friend Redroum the Sight Blinder, and me brand new friend Rendar the Sweaty Thunder. It's a badass crew, tough as nails the lot of 'em, and likely to bash yer teeth in just for looking at them sideways. Yeah, Squinty Dox, I know sideways is the only way you can look at anything. I suppose we'll give you a pass.

We find some piss poor bandits in the Servos Jungle what have taken these poor T'skrang captive. So we bounce 'em out in quick order. I try to take one of 'em under me wing on account of teaching the way of jumping out of airships and robbing people blind is how one gives back to the community. Turns out he failed the course, though, on account of being eaten by a werewolf. Tough way to bollocks the interview process.

Right, so the werewolf. Turns out there's this shadow fucking monster what's been scaring the piss out of these bandits for a few nights. I mean that quite literally. One of 'em tried to take a piss and all that came out was dust. No I'm not having a laugh. Say that to my face. SAY IT. I'll punch yer nose clear round to the back of your head so you'll be smelling your own arse all day.

This thing, see, this Horror thing, it was a werewolf. Twelve feet tall if it was an inch with fur like bleeding shadows, and I don't mean that like 'fucking shadows' but I mean shadows that were bleeding. Drip drip drip all over the ground. Sizzling, hot shadow blood coming off this nightmare werewolf thing. It's eyes were balefire, which is like regular fire but ten times more baleful. The kind of fire that wants your bones for fuel. This twelve foot tall balefire bloody shadow werewolf, well, it could fly, too. No lie.

After we got back, I looked it up, and it's one of the ten most dangerous Horrors what have ever been encountered in Barsaive. (Editor's Note: It is no such thing. As best as I can tell, Mr. von Smeshfays and his allies encountered an Umbral Stalker, and not a flying twelve foot tall balefire werewolf. -- Menek).

It was a pitched battle, a fighting retreat through the grasping undergrowth of the Servos. Yeah, we were retreating you tosh. The point was to rescue the ambassadors. Don't do no good if we kill the thing but lose the T'skrang too, does it. It's all right, I'll help you understand. Here's me teaching aids (Editor's Note: At this point, Mr. Smeshfays held up his fists, indicating his left as 'Lesson' and his right as 'Plan' and proceeded to punch the questioning bar patron. -- Menek).

The werewolf kept jumping at us from the shadows and magical wibbly wobbly space and we kept trying to figure where the rotter was going to come out. It was a hunt, ladies and gents, no two ways about it. I was burning and bleeding, which for me is nearly the same thing. I got the scars to show, too. 'Ere, take a look. That's right, nasty business ain't it. There's another on my - fine, fine, I'll keep me pants on. Your loss.

Finally, Redroum lit the fucking balefire shadow flying werewolf on fire, at which point it ran away and, I figure, burned to death. And that is the story of how me mates and I defeated the Balefire Werewolf. Now who's gonna buy me another beer! Ahh, that's right. All of you!

Statistics:Posted by bronzemountain — Sun May 02, 2021 3:23 pm

2021-05-02T03:24:062021-05-02T03:24:06 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18376#p18376 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3H] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Rendar's Field Report

Youghdel has finally been able to get in contact with the mysterious personal trainer Montazh. Montazh has agreed to pump up Youghdel (and anyone else) if they perform one task for him.

Youghdel (Windling Sky Raider)
Keel (Elf Sky Raider)
Kyapo (Windling Shaman)
Redroum (Dwarf Illusionist)

We’re met by a secretary who takes us in (after Youghdel “introduces himself”). Inside there’s a very strong troll, Montazh. A group has been sent to the Servos to deal with one of the tribes there, but the group has gone missing. Some groups are against Throal, but haven’t pinned down details about them. The team was 4 T’skrang ambassadors, headed for the Northern section of the jungle, left about 2 weeks ago.

Montazh brings us on his personal drakkar, D’chapa. Captain Wanso is normally in charge, but Montazh pilots this time.

We put down inside the jungle and go the rest of the way on foot. Keel navigates us towards the village, but takes the scenic route. Eventually we find a trail to follow which leads to a small wooden fort. There are some people on the walls, on watch and haggard looking. As we approach, they level their bows at us and ask what we’re doing here. They claim to have the ambassadors and we can’t have them. This provokes a violent response from us.

After killing 3 of them, one surrenders. One archer escapes. True to their word, we find the ambassadors held inside the fort.

The ambassadors tell us that the brigands said something about ransoming them off. OUr new captive says they’re just trying to make some money. They usually raid the villagers. We look through their spoils, finding trade goods, perishables, some silver. They tell us that they’ve been attacked by wolves, but not normal wolves. Mostly at night.

Kayapo notices a dark mark on my Pattern. Fearing a horror mark, I show the group where I keep my list of next of kin. We go back to where Kayapo thought he spied something in the woods and look for the monster. Kayapo talks to a nature spirit about the horror. It’s attracted to prey that's alone, referring to it as the Loan Predator.

We take the ambassadors and captives and head for the drakkar. Youghdel takes point, acting as bait. Shortly after we start, Youghdel is ambushed. I charge it, but my lance passes through its form. The Umbral Stalker claws rake my flank, then it vanishes back into the Astral.

The horror harries us this way as Keel leads us through the pass. We stay in two tight groups. I bring Redroum up onto Quechir to keep him from falling behind. The Umbral Stalker gets in front of us to ambush the ambassadors one last time before we get to D’chapa. When it manifests, we all jump on it. After patiently waiting, Redroum lands a Phantom Flame on it, which burns it to death as it runs away.

The next morning, all examinations show that the mark on my Pattern is gone. Discussing with experts, these Stalkers use it to track and ambush their prey, it wasn't a true Horror Mark.

Statistics:Posted by Dougansf — Sun May 02, 2021 3:24 am

2021-05-02T01:07:092021-05-02T01:07:09 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18369#p18369 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3H] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> <Throalic date equivalent to May 1, 2021>

“You can’t find light by avoiding the darkness”

My friend Youghdel the windling Sky Raider was quite… …enthusiastic… …about training under a rather buff troll Named Montazh. He asked Keel the elven Sky Raider, Redroum the dwarf Illusionist, Rendar the ork Chevalier (and his horse Quechir) and myself to join him on running an errand for the troll. It seemed the errand was to earn Montazh’s favor so that he would train the windling, tho in what I still am not certain.

The errand involved taking a trip on Montazh’s private drakkar, the D’Chopa, to the northern section of the Servos Jungle to locate four missing t’skrang diplomats who are friends of his (3 female, 1 male, named Kosh, Jajut, Rux and Otoxl). The t’skrang were on some errand to meet with local Cathan tribesfolk on some business I didn’t learn the details about, but had been missing for several days.

I have never traveled on a private airship before. The D’Chopa was outfitted like a private yacht and was quite luxurious. While Montazh owns the ship, the Captain was one Wanso, who seemed a quite competent air sailor and led the crew with a smooth, practiced style.

Once we landed, we searched the area and found quite a large bandit fort and compound deep in the jungle (hex 37.09). As we approached to scout the place and see if the diplomats were being held there, Youghdel flew up and yelled “We’re looking for four t’skrang diplomats, have you bastards seen them” at the men standing guard at the fort. Redroum then cast a spell on Youghdel turning him into some sort of large bee monster hybrid and the mayhem began. I didn’t see the part of the fight where Youghdel captured one of the bandits, but I do remember the windling yelling at the bandit to kiss his stinger, or something to that effect.

The diplomats were indeed inside, and the bandits confessed that their numbers had been considerably thinned by some sort of wolf like monster who had been appearing out of the darkness and slaying them one by one. I spoke with a local squirrel spirit and learned that the wolf was indeed of a dark and magical nature, and was a superb ambush predator. The diplomats were quite nervous about the creature and asked us to hurry back to the ship.

As we approached the D'Chopa, we were attacked by a large wolf like creature made of darkness that we later identified as an Umbral Stalker, a type of horror allied spirit that usually travels in packs and takes down prey. I am so grateful it was only a single ‘Stalker, as it was quite difficult to run off as we guarded the diplomats through a maze of greenery to get back to the ship. The creature would manifest out of astral space, rend with tooth and claw, then fade back into the astral almost faster than we could react. Guarding the t’skrang was quite challenging. Through all of our coordinated efforts and a bit of luck we were able to defeat the creature. Tho it was not slain, we ran it off so that all of Montazh’s friends could safely board the ship and return to Throal.

Statistics:Posted by Serespar — Sun May 02, 2021 1:07 am

2021-05-01T22:09:322021-05-01T22:09:32 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18367#p18367 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3H] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Do You Even Lift?
Time: 2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT
GM: verse86
Circle: 3
Difficulty: Hard

Player Rewards:
Character Name:
Kayapo 2000 LP, 413 SP, 5 TIPs, + Journal (1/2 price att training, CHR)
Youghdel: 2,000 LP, 233 SP, 5 TIPs, 1st DEX training.
Redroum: 2,000lp 413sp, 5tips Journal 100lp, 103.25sp Perception train 1
Keel: 2000 lp, 168 sp, 5 TIPs, 1st Dex training (step 7)
Rendar: 2000 lp, 333 sp, 5 TIPs, 1st Will training (step 4)

GM Reward: Z'mokki: 1400 lp, 275 sp, 3 TIPs

Downtime Actions Available:
Animal Training (Rank 4, Step 14)

Research Rank 3 Step 9 (step 12 with library access)

Further Information:
Youghdel has helped Montazh rescue the Throal ambassadors.

Statistics:Posted by verse86 — Sat May 01, 2021 10:09 pm

2021-05-01T01:11:582021-05-01T01:11:58 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18359#p18359 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Statistics:Posted by bronzemountain — Sat May 01, 2021 1:11 am

2021-04-30T18:29:262021-04-30T18:29:26 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18357#p18357 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Name: Patrique
Date of Last Game Played by player: Apr 23/2021
ECR: 4
Discipline: Troubador
Unique: Salesman extraordinare, goods from across Barsaive and the best cures around.
Downtime: Can read to you from Patrique's Pals fanclub letter
Item History 4/19
Alchemy 5/9(effective step with kit) - Booster Potion 25sp 1 day, Light Quartz 125sp 4 days


Statistics:Posted by Xzandrate — Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:29 pm

2021-04-27T14:04:302021-04-27T14:04:30 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18329#p18329 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Name: Rendar
Effective Circle Rating: 4 (11860 LP)
Discipline: Cavalier 4
Unique: Melee, Speed, Physician, Animal Handling
Last Time Player Played: March 5, 2021

Animal Training (Rank 4, Step 14)

Statistics:Posted by Dougansf — Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:04 pm

2021-04-27T12:39:032021-04-27T12:39:03 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18328#p18328 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Name: Youghdel von Smeshfays
ECL: 3
Discipline: Sky Raider
Quote/Unique: Sky Raiders in flight. Afternoon delight!
Notable Abilities: Stronkest Windling.
Downtime: Fuck off.
Last Game Played: 2021-04-20

Statistics:Posted by bronzemountain — Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:39 pm

2021-04-27T00:03:332021-04-27T00:03:33 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18327#p18327 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Date of Last Game Played by player: April 23 2021
Circle: 3
Discipline: Beastmaster
Unique: Interesting drawings
Downtime: DIY

Statistics:Posted by LadyDragoon — Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:03 am

2021-04-30T18:26:222021-04-26T23:38:00 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18326#p18326 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]>

Name: Kayapo
Date of Last Game Played [ Scenario ]: [ April 27, 2021 Save K'ong <with Strata>]
Circle: ECR 4, Circle 4
Discipline: Windling Shaman ( Novice Rank )
Unique: "Mystic windling shamanic healer from the Liaj jungle"
Party Buffs:
Chain Cast Prey Senses (+3 to Awareness and Danger Sense, self and 5 companions, 3 slots)
Recipients select a Spirit Animal who blends with their features as they receive the bonus
Physician Rank 3 (Step 10 vs TN 5 for 8.3 SP/1 refill, +3 to Recovery Test, takes a half hour)
Hero's Feast (+6 to a post battle Recovery test, takes an hour [ grimoire cast ])
Downtime: Talents and Skills that other characters can use over downtime;

Secondary character

Statistics:Posted by Serespar — Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:38 pm

2021-04-26T07:31:232021-04-26T07:31:23 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18325#p18325 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Keel
ECR: 3
Last game played: April 22 [Bloodbeat II]
Discipline: Sky Raider 3
Quote/Unique: De’abor abora!! (While we live, let us live!)
Notable Abilities: I bash things with my sword.
Downtime: n/a

Statistics:Posted by Anoush — Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:31 am

2021-04-26T01:32:002021-04-26T01:32:00 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18324#p18324 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Name: Redroum
Date of Last Game Played: 2021-04-20
Circle: 3
Discipline: Illusionist
Unique: Do I have a deal for you.
Downtime: Research Rank 3 Step 9 (step 12 with library access)

Statistics:Posted by redwraith — Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:32 am

2021-04-29T12:01:192021-04-26T01:20:38 https://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2404&p=18323#p18323 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [3M] Do You Even Lift? (2021-05-01 @ 18:00 GMT)]]> Name: Orlam
Date of Last Game Played: Apr 27
Circle: 5
Discipline: Elementalist 5
Unique: healing boosts, combat buffs and debuffs, comfort, navigation, and evidence analysis.
Downtime: Item History (Talent, Rating 3, step 14), Research (Skill, Rating 2, Step 9, +3 available for 20 sp in the Great Library)

(I no longer qualify, due to being higher circle. Enjoy the adventure!)

Statistics:Posted by Sharkforce — Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:20 am
