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Magic Item: Threads and Deeds

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:18 pm
by FrozenVomit
Let say I own a magic Sword with a woven level 1 Tread, that gives +1 on damage.

One day with that level 1 thread I kill an « Espraga »

Later, at level 3 threads, there is a deed. The deed is to kill an Espraga with the sword.

Does my deed is already done or I need to kill an other espraga.

My guess is my deed is already accoumplish. Imagine if I needed to kill a specific person that I already kill at level 1... 😳

What are your thoughts?

Re: Magic Item: Threads and Deeds

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:43 pm
by Slimcreeper
The act has to be linked to the deed. I would avoid designing deeds that are linked to a specific individual for that reason.

Re: Magic Item: Threads and Deeds

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:05 pm
by Mataxes
There are a number of examples where a deed involves (for example) "damage/wound/slay the Horror that killed the previous owner".

If you are going to have a weapon or item with a deed like that, it should be the focus of a story arc or campaign and not some random thing that might happen early by accident. You should tailor your game to feature it to one degree or another.

I haven't given a lot of thought to the theoretical implications of "what happens to an item with a required Deed if the (presumably unique) Deed happens without the item being involved?" From a broad setting-implications standpoint it's an interesting idea to play with. In practical, dice-on-the-table play not so much.

Re: Magic Item: Threads and Deeds

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:31 am
by ChrisDDickey
My assumption, based upon nothing, is that the deeds varied over time, different deeds for different owners.
If one owner fails to accomplish a unique deed it might carry over to the next owner. If not, the pattern manifests a new deed for the next owner.