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Rumor: 4M The Man following the mass migration: Not Taras.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:18 pm
by kaetaur
Player: Arphen (kaetaur/kaetaur#082)
Rumor: An unknown human, who looks a lot like Taras and is not Taras, was seen following a mass migrations of Aardwolves from the south crossing the Coil River. He had a long legged cat like creature as a companion. Many Aardwolves drown crossing the river and he is needed for questioning in relation to the mass movements of various invasive species into the mountain. Beware we have seen cougars, Aardwolves, and the deadly rabbits know as Preces. Fair warning a bridge on the road to Coalton has a cougar infestation.
Location: Last seen following a large group of Aardwolves crossing the coil river.
Circle: 4M
Reward: TAFWA will give access to half priced alchemical components or healing aids.
Benefit: Discovering what is causing massive animal movements and stopping it to keep the Barsaivian Ecology balanced.
Notable NPCs: TAFWA officer Gortek Harvester (TAFWA: Throalic Agriculture Fish and Wildlife Association

Re: Rumor: 4M The Man following the mass migration: Not Taras.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:36 pm
by verse86