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Claimed: [7-10] Slightly Used Airship Free to a Good Home

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:21 am
by sigfriedmcwild
Player: Norg (sigfriedmcwild)
Rumor: Norg knows the location of a "like new" airship abandoned by its former owners and would like to retrieve it. No big deal, other than being crashed, in a fire that has been burning since before the scourge, in a city the great dragon Vesdenjas claims as his own, where 3 abominations created by scourge cultists are fighting for supremacy. Easy peasy. Oh and a hydra may also be roaming around.
Location: The lost city north west of the Scytan mountains
Circle: Somewhere between 7 and 10? Norg could act as the quest giver and not go himself if the GM prefers
Benefit: Another mostly working airship for the aeronaut club.
Notable NPCs: The 3 abominations fighting for dominance in the city, maybe Vasdenjas, maybe scourge cultists.

Re: Claimed: [7-10] Slightly Used Airship Free to a Good Home

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 6:25 am
by predajey
Adventure: Slightly Used Airship Free to a Good Home
Status: Claimed, Upgrade to 10M
Notable NPCs and Features: