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RESOLVED (ECL 2M): There goes the neighborhood!

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:13 pm
by Rathan01
Player: Malonin "Mal" Tyrnith (Rathan01)
Rumor: Supply caravans traveling to Clear Water Crossing to help with the rebuilding have, on 2 occasions now, been attacked with a loss of all animals and namegivers. Primarily tools and building resources were taken and the bodies seemed to be completely left untouched.

A call is put out to lower circle adepts to investigate what is going on. They are to either deal with the problem or gather enough intel that higher circle adepts can get involved.

Location: 43.11, 43.12
Circle: ECL 2M
Reward: ???
Benefit: Protect travel routes to nearby southern locations.
Notable NPCs: If you are adding a named NPC, even if it's just the source of the rumor.