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Dr. Deghatun’s Miraculous Pavise (Patrique)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:53 pm
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Patrique
Points spent on item tier (10/20/30): 10

Points spent on item choice (0-8): 8
If 6 or 8 points spent on item choice, select exact base item: Body Shield
If 8 points spent on item choice, select 1 requested power: Magic collapsable alchemy shop

Total TIPs spent: 18

Think the old snake oil salesman cases inside a fold out shield
Dr. Deghatun’s Miraculous Pavise

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

This massive body shield is particularly thick and notably heavy. It is tall enough to cover nearly the entirety of a human body, and is crafted from dense verawood framed in brass. Its face is covered in snakeskin, mottled in brown and gold and white. The inside face of the shield is covered with tiny square drawers with brass knobs, and space for the wielder’s arm. Until a Thread is woven, the shield is too heavy and unwieldy to be used. Once a Thread is woven, it becomes significantly lighter, and adjusts its drawers to accommodate the wielder’s arm, performing in every way like a body shield.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The shield is Physical Defense 4.

Thread Rank Two
The owner gains the Step Right Up ability. For 1 strain, as a Standard action, a stand unfolds from the base of the shield, allowing it to be stable when set on the ground. In this configuration, the shield acts as an Alchemy Kit with all necessary components available in its compartments.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn who made this item (Jofar Abentis).
Effect: While Step Right Up is active, the owner gains a +2 bonus to all Charisma-based tests while transacting business, distributing products, and chatting with onlookers. This ability cannot be used in combat or to intimidate.

Thread Rank Four
The shield is Physical Defense 5.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn what goes in every compartment of the item.
Deed: The owner must replace and/or renew the contents of each compartment. This can, but does not have to be, an adventure.
Effect: The owner gains the Dr. Deghatun’s Miraculous Tincture ability. As a Standard action, the owner can spend 1 Strain to produce a vial of amber, honey-flavored tincture and use it on themself, or any ally within 4 yards. The tincture can produce one of the following effects for 3 rounds: Energy! (+4 Move), Fortitude! (Immediate test to resist Poison at +4), Vigor! (+2 to Close Combat attack tests), Clarity! (+2 Spellcasting/Effect tests), Agility! (+2 PD), Courage! (+2 MD/SD). If the owner uses their Standard action for anything other than attacking or spellcasting, they may use Dr. Deghatun’s Miraculous Tincture as a Simple action.

Thread Rank Six
When using Dr. Deghatun’s Miraculous Tincture, the owner can instead spend 3 Strain to affect 2 targets with one power, or to affect one target with two of the listed powers.

Kuhapr (Lazulin)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 3:10 pm
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Lazulin
Points spent on item tier (10/20/30): 10
If 6 or 8 points spent on item choice, select exact base item: Boots

Total TIPs spent: 16

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

At first glance, there is nothing remarkable about these boots. They are sturdy and comfortable, certainly, and lovingly made from soft grey suede. They hug the calf nicely, and are pulled snug with rawhide laces. When a Thread is tied, the boots become, well, there’s no easy way to say this - twitchy. The wearer finds their feet occasionally nudged to one side without their input. It takes a few days of practice to wear these boots comfortably.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 Rank to Danger Sense.

Thread Rank Two
The wearer gains +1 Rank to Great Leap.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn why these boots are called Kuhapr (Once upon a time, a farmer was guarding his herd. A predator surprised the farmer, who promptly jumped over a nearby cow in shock (Kuhapr means Cow Jumper). Thus saved from the predator, the farmer saved his herd).
Effect: The wearer gains the Astonishing Leap ability. When surprised, the boots urge the wearer to leap out of danger, often surprising their would-be ambusher. On a successful Danger Sense roll to avoid surprise, the wearer may spend 2 Strain to immediately move up to their Great Leap Rank in yards as a Free action (limited by their maximum movement). This movement happens during Initiative (when Surprise is determined).

Thread Rank Four
The wearer gains +2 Ranks to Danger Sense.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn who first wore the boots (Utharan Manipur).
Effect: The wearer gains +2 Ranks to Great Leap.

Thread Rank Six
When using Astonishing Leap the wearer may spend an additional Strain (3 total) to turn the tables and inflict the Surprised condition on a target that attempted to surprise them. The wearer is free to imagine their ambusher’s dumbfounded expression as they leap over a nearby imaginary cow.

Gray Plate (Taras)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 3:11 pm
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name:Taras
Character Name: Taras

Points spent on item tier (10/20/30): 10 Journeyman
Points spent on item choice (0-8): 8

If 6 or 8 points spent on item choice, select exact base item: Crystal Plate armor
If 8 points spent on item choice, select 1 requested power: Silent and stealthy

Total TIPs spent: 18
Gray Plate

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

A set of large obsidian plate joined together by a weave of flexible roots that seem to have grown through the stone. Once a Thread is woven to the armor it resizes to fit the wearer and become much more flexible and light. Although the rock is polished to a mirror finish, any further than 2 yards away it seems to reflect no light.
The armor functions like Crystal Plate

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The owner gains the Slow Growth ability.
For 1 Strain the user silences all sounds the armor and used equipment makes for Thread Rank x5 minutes.

Thread Rank Two
The armor is Physical Armor 8

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn who created the armor. (Nemar Firewalker)
Effect: The armor is Mystic Armor 8

Thread Rank Four
The Slow Growth ability now also grants a +2 bonus on checks to remain hidden or undetected.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn where the obsidian was collected (Edge of the Gray forest near where it approaches the flow to the Scarlet Sea)
Effect: The wearer gains +1 rank to Deliberate Assault.

Thread Rank Six
As a simple action, for 1 strain, the roots in the stone slowly grow towards the target of the wearers attacks, bracing the user. For the next attack while Knocked Down, the wearer may ignore the knocked down penalty on the attack test.

Prowler's Hide (Vallone)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 3:11 pm
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Vallone
Points spent on item tier (10/20/30): 10 (Journeyman)
Points spent on item choice (0-8): 6
If 6 or 8 points spent on item choice, select exact base item: Hide Armor

Total TIPs spent: 16
Prowler’s Hide

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

This suit of hide armor has been crafted from a single skulk hide. Its scales seem to shimmer as they subtly shift across hues of green, grey, brown, and rust. The armor has a high collar and is long enough to guard the wearer’s thighs. When a Thread is woven, it sizes to fit its wearer, and even opens up gaps for wings or tail.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The scales of the armor seem to mimic the colors of its surroundings. The wearer gains +1 Rank to Stealthy Stride.

Thread Rank Two
The armor’s Initiative penalty is now 0.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn who enchanted the armor (Ta’vel Ikthri V’strimon).
Effect: The wearer gains the Prowler’s Promise ability. When making an attack from stealth, the wearer may spend 1 Strain as a Simple action to gain +3 to the Attack test.

Thread Rank Four
The wearer gains +2 Ranks to Stealthy Stride.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn who hunted the skulk whose hide was used for the armor (Natiri S’vin V’strimon)
Effect: Prowler’s Promise now adds +3 to the Damage test as well.

Thread Rank Six
The wearer gains +3 Ranks to Stealthy Stride.

Bloom Garden (Azurea)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:08 am
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Azurea
Points spent on item tier (10/20/30):10
Points spent on item choice (0-8):8
If 6 or 8 points spent on item choice, select exact base item: ferndask
If 8 points spent on item choice, select 1 requested power: Must have true wood in it to tie to the theme of all my other items. This is the last true element to complete the set.

Total TIPs spent: 18
Bloom Garden

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

When watered, this ferndask is a web of delicate vines, intricately woven together with threads of copper wire, set into a disk of living True Wood. The metal provides a subtle shine, nestled within the lush green. The vines bear a profusion of buds, none of which have yet blossomed into flowers.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The ferndask is Physical Defense +2, Mystic Defense +2, Initiative Penalty 2.

Thread Rank Two
The ferndask is Physical Defense +2, Mystic Defense +2, Initiative Penalty 1.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:

Effect: The wearer can use the Guardian Bloom ability. By taking 2 Blood Magic damage as a Standard action once per day, the wearer can cause a single perfect flower to blossom from the ferndask. This flower can be plucked and given to an ally or animal companion. While worn, the flower’s magic can be expanded by its wearer (animal companions can do this when commanded, or instinctively) as a Free action to provide +2 PD until the end of the round. The flower can be used any time until the next sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first. The Blood Magic can be healed after the flower has been used.

Thread Rank Four
The ferndask is Physical Defense +2, Mystic Defense +2, Initiative Penalty 0.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:

Effect: The flower from Guardian Bloom can now be expended to provide +2 MD instead of PD.

Thread Rank Six
Until the flowers from Guardian Bloom areis activated, the ferndask is Physical Defense +3, Mystic Defense +3, Initiative Penalty 0.

Thread Rank Seven
Key Knowledge:

Effect: The wearer can now take an additional 2 Blood Magic damage to create two flowers with Guardian Bloom.

Thread Rank Eight
Until the flowers from Guardian Bloom areis activated, the ferndask is Physical Defense +3, Mystic Defense +3, Social Defense +3, Initiative Penalty 0.

Jakoro's Robes (Dale)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:09 am
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Dale
Points spent on item tier (10/20/30): 10
Points spent on item choice (0-8): 8
If 6 or 8 points spent on item choice, select exact base item: A suit of Ring Mail (visual appearance of Armored Robes) each ring is carved with arcane glyphs.
If 8 points spent on item choice, select 1 requested power: Ring Shaping: When casting a spell with an area off effect greater than a single hex. For 2 strain, shape the area effect spell to exclude a single hex.

Total TIPs spent: 18
Jakoro’s Robes

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

This set of Ring Mail features leather so supple it appears almost like red cloth, with the rings providing a varying pattern of indigo, blue and black. It originally belonged to the Master Illusionist Jakoro, a T’skrang bon vivant famous for debating the Wizards of their day on the theoretical underpinnings of Magic… and winning. The mail will resize to fit the wearer when the first Thread is tied, including reshaping to accommodate a T’skrang’s tail or a Windling’s wings.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The Armor provides Mystic Armor 1.

Thread Rank Two
The Armor’s Initiative Penalty is reduced to 1. When casting a spell with an area of effect the armor will briefly flare with a color appropriate to the Spell. (The Owner may repress this effect at will.)

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The Owner must learn the name of the bar where Jakoro liked to hold court and debate the scholars of the day.
Effect: The armor provides Physical Armor 7.

Thread Rank Four
The Armor provides Mystic Armor 2. When casting a spell with an area of effect the Owner may make the visual representation of the Spell what they choose, within limits. (A Fireball could be made to look like an inferno, but not a blizzard.)

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The Owner must determine the name of Jakoro’s noble patron, who originally gifted them with the Armor.
Deed: The Owner must challenge a Wizard to a debate at a location where alcoholic beverages are available and the public is welcome. At the end of the night, they must lead the entire location in a toast to Jakoro.
Effect: The Armor provides Physical Armor 8.

Thread Rank Six
When casting a Spell with an area of effect the Owner may spend 2 Strain to modify the area to create a small pocket of space where the Spell has no effect. This “hole” may be no more than 2y in diameter.

Gale Cutter (Upgrade) (Sandrin)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:09 am
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Sandrin
Points spent on item tier (10/20/30): 10
Points spent on random upgrade chance (0-8): 0
Points spent on item choice (0-8): 0
Total TIPs spent: 10

Upgrade Gale Cutter to Warden tier.
Gale Cutter

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

A lithe, silvery blade that sparkles with its abundance of True air. The transition from blade to the hilt is almost seamless with only a hint of a guard to keep the wielder’s hand in place and properly seated in a scabbard. This broadsword style was once popular with elves from the Western Kingdoms before the Scourge and demanded a style of grace rather than power.

The sword has the statistics of a broadsword without a thread attached.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The owner gains +1 to their Initiative test when wielding the sword.

Thread Rank Two
The owner can use the sword as a throwing weapon [short: 2-10 yards, long: 11-20 yards].

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn of the fighting style used with this sword design.
Effect: The owner may use the Gale Cutter ability as a Simple Action. For 1 Strain, the blade becomes translucent but for the sparkles of True Air and leaves cavitations in its wake. This gives the owner +2 to their Attack tests with the sword against opponents with lower Initiative. Gale Cutter lasts until the end of the round.

Thread Rank Four
The owner gains +2 to their Initiative test when wielding the sword.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn where the True air for the sword was harvested.
Effect: The Gale Cutter ability now also gives +2 to Damage tests with the sword against opponents with lower Initiative.

Thread Rank Six
The owner gains +3 to their Initiative test when wielding the sword.

Thread Rank Seven
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn who last wielded this sword.
Effect: The Gale Cutter ability now gives +3 to Attack and Damage tests with the sword against opponents with lower Initiative. The range it can be thrown also increases [short: 2-20 yards, long: 21-40 yards].

Thread Rank Eight
The owner may use the Howling Gale special maneuvers, as motes of True Air that accompany the translucent blade swirl into a powerful gust of wind.
JHowling Gale [Melee] (Wielder, Melee Weapons): The wielder may spend two extra successes on a Melee Weapons attack to force the target to make a Knockdown test against the Attack test result.
Howling Gale [Thrown] (Wielder, Thrown Weapons): The wielder may spend an extra success on a Thrown Weapons attack to give the target the Harried condition until the end of the round.

Tally-Hawk (Darius)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:10 am
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Darius
Character Name: Darius Crawford
Points spent on item tier (10/20/30): 10
Points spent on random upgrade chance (0-8): 0
Points spent on item choice (0-8): 6
Base Item: A Hawk Hatchet

Total TIPs spent: 16

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

The ornately carved shaft of the weapon contains a pair of pristine eagle eyes placed in the center of a piece of highly burled wood. The blades of the hawk hatchet seem to be an intricate set of bird wings with a polished silver filigree.
Without a thread attached, the weapon works like a normal hawk hatchet. Once a thread has been attached the wings seem to stretch and the eye will move to find the target. A flick of the wrist will cause the wings to fold.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The weapon collapses into a small rod, the silver wings snap out from the shaft as the throwing motion begins. This grants +1 to tests to conceal the weapon.

Thread Rank Two
The weapon is now base damage 5.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:

Effect: The wielder gains +1 Rank to anticipate Blow

Thread Rank Four
The weapon is now base damage 6.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:

Effect: The wielder gains the Predators Precision power.
Predators Precision: Before Initiative the wielder may spend 2 strain to count each additional success on the attack test as 1 higher than normal (Normally +3 per extra success instead of +2)

Thread Rank Six
The weapon is now base damage 7.

Briar's Defense (Karl)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:12 am
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Karl Tomsson
Character Name: Karl Tomsson
Character forum thread link:
Points spent on item tier (10/20/30): 10 (Warden)
Points spent on item choice (0-8): 6
For 6 points: Ferndask Shield

Total TIPs spent: 16
Briar’s Defense

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

This appears to be a normal ferndask woven of a deep brown root, it almost appears near dead no matter how much it is watered. The interior is covered by a soft green moss.

Once a thread is tied to the shield the vines seem to twist and shift with thick thorns beginning the protrude

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The shield has +2 Physical Defense total.

Thread Rank Two
The shield has Initiative Penalty 1

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn where vines were collected. (From a gulley in the Liaj Jungle)
Effect: The bearer may spend 1 strain to draw forth a thorned arrow as a simple action.
This arrow may be shot at an opponent and functions as an entangling weapon (1 Extra Success will entangle the opponent) with a DN of 12 + Thread rank to break free.

Thread Rank Four
The bearer gains +1 rank to Wood Skin.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn why the type of vines. (The vines are a variant of a Creeper Vine)
Effect: The shield has +3 Mystic Defense total.

Thread Rank Six
The bearer gains +2 ranks to Wood Skin.

Thread Rank Seven
Must travel to the Liaj Jungle and collect a new vine to add to the shield
Effect: The shield has +3 Physical Defense and +4 Mystic Defense total and Initiative Penalty 0.

Thread Rank Eight
The shield grants +1 Physical Armor and +1 Mystic Armor

Ring of Endurance (Thorkell)

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:06 pm
by Very Useful Gloves
Character Name: Thorkell
Journeyman: Starting DN = 15, Starting EDN = 25, Starting SP 500
External Craftsmanship: EDN -3, 500 SP
True Earth: DN +1, EDN -1, 50 SP
True Water: DN +1, EDN -1, 50 SP
Final DN = 17, Final EDN = 20, 1050 SP
Design Time: 8 successes necessary.
Design Step 30 against 17 so 3 successes per week.
3 weeks
Enchant Time: 20 days -2 days per extra success.
Enchant Step 36 against 20 so 3 extra successes.
14 days
Ring of Endurance

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

This gold ring has a band of swirled brown and blue tones. At times, the bands of blue seem to coil through and around the gold of the ring.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 Circle to a Discipline of their choice for the purposes of determining Durability.

Thread Rank Two
The wearer gains +1 rank to Fireblood

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The name of the person who created the item.
Effect: As a simple action for 1 Strain the wearer gains +2 Physical Armor until the end of the next round.

Thread Rank Four
The owner can use the Resilient Fate ability as a Free action. After the wearer is hit by an attack, but before damage is determined, they may spend a Karma point to add their Karma Die to either Physical or Mystic Armor. When the owner uses this ability, a swirl of magical energy appears where the attack will hit immediately before the impact and strengthens the area before dissipating. This ability can be used a number of times per round equal to the thread rank.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
Where the item was created.
Effect: The wearer gains +2 to their Toughness value.

Thread Rank Six
The wearer gains +1 Recovery Test