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Oria Stone-Singer (Elementalist)

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:38 am
by zevait
Roll20 Name: Zevait
Discord ID: zevait

Character Name: Oria Stone-Singer

Race: Obsidimen

ECR: 2
Lifetime Legend Total: 800
Unspent Legend: 100
Thread Item Points: 3
Silver: 1.7

Elementalist-Circle: 2
Discipline Abilities: Elementalists use half-magic for knowledge of nature,
the elements, uses of elemental magic, and other magical rituals.

The Elementalist may make a Perception-based Half-Magic test to detect
the presence of elemental spirits within 30 yards. The Difficulty Number for sensing
an elemental spirit is the spirit’s Mystic Defense

The Adept adds +1 to Mystic defense

Dex: 12
Str: 16
Tou: 13
Per: 16
Wil: 16
Cha: 10

Karma Mod: 3
Karma Step: D6
Karma Max: 3
Uncon: 29
Death: 36

Init: 5
PD: 7
PA: 3(Natural)
MD: 9 (+1)
MA: 3(natural)
SD: 6

Movement: 10
Carrying Capacity: 175
Wound Threshold: 12
Recovery tests per day: 3
Elementalist Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent: Spell Casting (3)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Thread Weaving (3)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Pattern Craft (2)
First Circle Talent Option: Wilderness Survival (2)
Second Circle Talent Option: Standard Matrix (2)
First Circle Discipline Talent Awareness (1)
Second Circle Discipline Talent Fire Heal (1)

Free Talent: Standard Matrix (2)
Free Talent: Standard Matrix (2)

Elementalist Talent Knacks:
Circle 1 Spells:
Air Armor
Crunch Climb
Earth Darts
Heat Food
Purify Earth

Circle 2 Spells:
Shield Willow
Knowledge Skill: Obsidimen Lore (2)
Knowledge Skill: Botany (2)

Read/Write Language: (1) (Throalic)
Speak Language: (1) (Throal)
Speak Language: (1) (Obsidimen)

Artisan Skill: Body painting (2)

General Skill: Physician (3)
General Skill: Animal Handling (2)
Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack)
Artisan Tools (Body Paint)
Grimoire (a stone tablet, covered in moss, the moss shifts to reveal spells on the tablet.)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, robe, traveler’s cloak)
Buckler +1
Troll Quarter Staff Damage 5
Trail Rations (1 week)
Physician's Kit Basic 3/3
Writing Kit (Quill Pen, Writing Ink, 10 sheets parchment, 2 candles, 10 pieces of chalk
Fire Fly Chalk (1) stick
Threads Tied:

Animal Companions:

Brief Backstory:
"The walk from Gannagroth was a pleasant one, the way the grass shifts with the wind is always very calming to my mind. Therbis and the others had a plan to go to Throal and experience what it was like for the other name givers since the scourge ended. I knew that Therbis would need someone that actually knows how to survive in the wilderness, all he ever concerned himself with was learning about history and telling very long stories. Reaching Throal was quite impressive to say the least, how the dwarfs moved all that earth must of been impressive to see. I hope one day to learn to do something like that."

Re: Oria Stone-Singer (Elementalist)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:05 pm
by ottdmk
zevait wrote:
Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:38 am
Roll20 Name: Zevait
Discord ID: zevait

Character Name: Oria Stone-Singer

Race: Obsidimen

ECR: 1
Lifetime Legend Total:
Unspent Legend:
Thread Item Points:
Silver: 1.7

Elementalist-Circle: 1
Discipline Abilities: Elementalists use half-magic for knowledge of nature,
the elements, uses of elemental magic, and other magical rituals.

The Elementalist may make a Perception-based Half-Magic test to detect
the presence of elemental spirits within 30 yards. The Difficulty Number for sensing
an elemental spirit is the spirit’s Mystic Defense

Dex: 12
Str: 16
Tou: 13
Per: 16
Wil: 16
Cha: 10

Karma Mod: 3
Karma Step: D6
Karma Max: 3
Uncon: 29
Death: 36

Init: 5
PD: 7
PA: 3(Natural)
MD: 9
MA: 3(natural)
SD: 6

Movement: 10
Carrying Capacity: 175
Wound Threshold: 12
Recovery tests per day: 3
Elementalist Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent: Spell Casting (3)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Thread Weaving (3)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Pattern Craft (1)
First Circle Talent Option: Wilderness Survival (1)

Free Talent: Standard Matrix (1)
Free Talent: Standard Matrix (1)

Elementalist Talent Knacks:
Circle 1 Spells:
Air Armor
Crunch Climb
Earth Darts
Heat Food
Purify Earth
Knowledge Skill: Obsidimen Lore (2)
Knowledge Skill: Botany (2)

Read/Write Language: (1) (Throalic)
Speak Language: (1) (Throal)
Speak Language: (1) (Obsidimen)

Artisan Skill: Body painting (2)
General Skill: Physician (3)
General Skill: Animal Handling (2)
Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack)
Artisan Tools (Body Paint)
Grimoire (a stone tablet, covered in moss, the moss shifts to reveal spells on the tablet.)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, robe, traveler’s cloak)
Buckler +1
Troll Quarter Staff Damage 5
Trail Rations (1 week)
Physician's Kit Basic 3/3
Writing Kit (Quill Pen, Writing Ink, 10 sheets parchment, 2 candles, 10 pieces of chalk
Fire Fly Chalk (1) stick
Threads Tied:

Animal Companions:

Brief Backstory:
"The walk from Gannagroth was a pleasant one, the way the grass shifts with the wind is always very calming to my mind. Therbis and the others had a plan to go to Throal and experience what it was like for the other name givers since the scourge ended. I knew that Therbis would need someone that actually knows how to survive in the wilderness, all he ever concerned himself with was learning about history and telling very long stories. Reaching Throal was quite impressive to say the least, how the dwarfs moved all that earth must of been impressive to see. I hope one day to learn to do something like that."

Adventure #1

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 4:21 pm
by zevait
Schools in for summer

TIPs: 3
Legend points: 800
Silver: 200

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal?

1 week downtime to train to circle 2 188 after haggle (3)

Legend Spent:
200lp to increase tracking to R2
200lp to increase wilderness survival to R2
200lp to increase climbing to R2
200lp to increase Scout weaving to R2

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:

Re: Oria Stone-Singer (Elementalist)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:09 pm
by zevait

TIPs: 5
Legend points: 1200
Silver: 300SP

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal?

47sp for forge "blade" on medium crossbow after haggle
94sp for forge "blade on medium crossbow +1 after haggle

Legend Spent:
Learn Stealthy Stride R1 100lp
learn Avoid Blow R1 100lp
raise avoid blow R2 200lp
raise stealthy stride R2 200lp
raise missile weapons R3 300lp
Raise Avoid Blow R3 300lp

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
47sp for hide armor after haggle R3
94sp for medium crossbow after haggle