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Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman/Wizard/Elementalist/Nethermancer/Illusionist)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:31 am
by Sharkforce
Roll20 Name: Sharkforce
Discord ID: sharkforce#4983
Character Name: Zivilyn
Race: Windling

Lifetime Legend Total: 1,296,540
Unspent Legend: 8,340
Thread Item Points: 16 current (152 lifetime), 0 Pending
Silver: 3,105.6

Discipline: Shaman
Circle: 9
Discipline Abilities: half-magic to recognize different animals, animal tracks, and abnormal behavior among animals and creatures. The Shaman may make a Perception-based Half-Magic test to detect the presence of beast spirits within 30 yards. The difficulty for detecting the beast spirit is the spirit's Mystic Defense. If the test succeeds, the adept can sense the presence of the beast spirit and use spells or talents, such as Spirit Hold or Spirit Talk, to communicate and interact with it. The gamemaster can choose to make the test on behalf of the adept at any time, as this innate sense is always active.

Pack Leadership: The adept performs a 30 min ritual, then Names and places a drop of blood on up to Shamanism rank allies, marking them and taking 1 Blood Magic Damage for each ally. The blood forms into a personal glyph of the adept until the next sunrise which can be detected astrally.
When the adept casts a spell with the Pack keyword, they can spend 1 Strain per target to affect up to all Named targets within the range of the spell. The adept does not have to affect all eligible targets. The adept must pay one additional Karma Point per target if the spell has the Binding keyword. This is one casting of the spell, despite the number of targets affected. Using this ability replaces the normal number of targets for the spell and extra threads cannot increase the number of targets.

Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on a test to Summon or interact
with a spirit.

Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point to gain the benefit of an extra thread woven for Increased Effect on a spell with the Binding or Spirit keyword. This does not require weaving an extra thread or count against the adept’s limits for extra threads.

Spirit Pact: (The short short version): be nice to spirits, take 1 BMD, get this: From then on, when the Shaman summons any spirit, they choose an additional power the spirit possesses for free, and gain an additional success when summoning and negotiating for services. Additionally, summoning Named spirits does not require an additional success if the Shaman knows the spirit’s Name.
Discipline: Wizard
Circle: 8
Discipline Abilities: Half-magic to recognize different types of magic use, identify specific uses of Wizardry, and knowledge of magical rituals.
Book Mage: For 1 Strain, the adept gains a +5 to a Thread Weaving test to reattune on
the fly if they are looking at the spell in their grimoire.
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on any test to recall information (including
Knowledge tests).
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point to change the range of a spell from Self
to Touch.
Discipline: Elementalist
Circle: 7
Discipline Abilities: half-magic for knowledge of nature, the elements, uses of elemental magic, and other magical rituals. The Elementalist may make a Perception-based Half-Magic test to detect the presence of elemental spirits within 30 yards. The Difficulty Number for sensing an elemental spirit is the spirit’s Mystic Defense. If the test succeeds, the character can sense the presence of the elemental spirit and can use spells, or talents such as Elemental Tongues and Elemental Hold, to communicate and interact with it. The gamemaster may choose to make this Half-Magic test on behalf of an Elementalist character at any time, as this innate sense is always active.
Fire and Ice: For 1 Strain the adept may do one of the following as a Standard action
with a successful Elementalism test against the higher of the target’s Mystic Defense
or a Difficulty Number of 6:
1. Create a small flame between his thumb and forefinger. This fire lasts for only one
round, but is intense enough to light a torch. If used in combat, it inflicts Step 4/D6 fire
damage (Physical Armor provides protection).
2. Freeze water by touching it with his middle three fingers. The adept can freeze up
to one quart of water from each use of this ability. If used in combat, it inflicts Step 4/
D6 cold damage (Physical Armor provides protection).
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on Recovery tests.
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point to target an additional ally with a spell
he is casting.
Discipline: Nethermancer
Circle: 5
Discipline Abilities: half-magic to sense the presence of spirits within 30 yards of his location. The Difficulty Number for sensing a spirit is the spirit’s Mystic Defense (determined by the gamemaster). If the test succeeds, the Nethermancer can sense the presence of the spirit and use spells, or talents such as Spirit Hold or Spirit Talk, to communicate and interact with the spirit. The gamemaster may choose to make this Half-Magic test on behalf of a Nethermancer character at any time, as this innate sense is always active.
Blood Summon: The adept may take Blood Magic Damage equal to the Strength rating of a spirit being summoned to gain an extra success on a Summon test. This damage may only be healed a full day after the spirit has left the summoner's service.
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point once per round on any test against a Horror, Horror Construct, or undead target.
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point to increase the target's penalty from a spell he is casting by 2.
Discipline: Illusionist
Circle: 2

Dex: 16 (7) (including +3 from attribute training)
Str: 5 (3)
Tou: 15 (6) (including +1 from attribute training, +2 from thread item)
Per: 19 (8) (including +3 from attribute training)
Wil: 16 (7)
Cha: 13 (6) (+4 to interaction tests; thread items)

Karma Mod: 6
Karma Step: 4
Karma Max: 48
Uncon: 53 (30 + 10*durability 3 - 7 blood magic)
Death: 65 (36 + 10*durability 3 + circle 10 - 7 blood magic)

PD: 13 (9 base +2 race +1 discipline + 1 shield)
PA: 19 (0 base + 19 armour)
MD: 15 (11 base + 3 discipline + 1 shield)
MA: 10 (3 base +1 discipline + 3 armour + 3 Damarish Rose)
SD: 11 (8 base +1 discipline +2 thread items)

Movement: 6 walking/16 flying
(flying: 20 minutes, then toughness (5) test or 1 strain, every 5 minutes +2 difficulty and another test; when wet 5 minutes base and 1 minute intervals, plus counts as harried)
Carrying Capacity: 30
Wound Threshold: 9
Recovery tests per day: 6 (+1 discipline, +2 thread items)
Shaman Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent: Patterncraft (9; Per)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Spellcasting (11; Per) (rating 12; thread item)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Thread Weaving: Shamanism (11; Per) (+1 roll; thread item)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Wilderness Survival (9; Per)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Awareness (9; Per)
First Circle Talent Option: Standard Matrix (8)
Second Circle Discipline Talent: Astral Sight (10; Per)
Second Circle Talent Option: Animal Bond (9; Cha) (rating 10; thread item)
Third Circle Discipline Talent: Spirit Talk (9; Per)
Third Circle Talent Option: Animal Training (9; Cha) (rating 10; thread item)
Fourth Circle Discipline Talent: Danger Sense (10; Dex)
Fourth Circle Talent Option: Enhance Animal Companion (9; Wil) (rating 10; thread item)
Fifth Circle Discipline Talent: Summon - Beast Spirits (9; Per)
Fifth Circle Talent Option: Avoid Blow (10; Dex)
Sixth Circle Discipline Talent: Willforce (10; Wil) (rating 10; thread item)
Sixth Circle Talent Option: Animal Companion Durability (9)
Seventh Circle Discipline Talent: Lifesight (10; Per)
Seventh Circle Optional Talent: Animal Talk (7; Per)
Eighth Circle Discipline Talent: Lion Heart (9; Wil)
Eighth Circle Optional Talent: NOT TAKEN YET, maybe Tracking?
Ninth Circle Discipline Talent: Summoning Circle (6)
Ninth Circle Optional Talent: Tiger Spring (6)

Free Talent: Enhanced Matrix (9)
Free Talent: Standard Matrix (9)
Wizard Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent Research (9; Per)
First Circle Discipline Talent Dispel Magic (9; Wil)
First Circle Discipline Talent Threadweaving (Wizardry) (10; Per)
*Using Spellcasting and Patterncraft from Shaman Discipline
First Circle Talent Option Book Memory (7) (rating 8; thread item)
*Using Astral Sight from Shaman Discipline
Second Circle Talent Option Item History (9; Per)
Third Circle Discipline Talent Tenacious Weave (3; Wil)
Third Circle Talent Option Creature Analysis (8; Per)
Fourth Circle Discipline Talent Steel Thought (9; Wil)
Fourth Circle Talent Option Speak Language (5; Per) (Learned: Human (Travar), Theran, Sperethiel )
Fifth Circle Discipline Talent Astral Interference (NOT TAKEN)
Fifth Circle Talent Option Enhanced Matrix (7)
*Using Willforce from Shaman Discipline
Sixth Circle Talent Option Resist Taunt (9; Wil)
Seventh Circle Discipline Talent Hold Thread (NOT TAKEN YET)
Seventh Circle Talent Option Evidence Analysis (9; Per)
Eighth Circle Discipline Talent Suppress Curse (8; Wil)
Eighth Circle Talent Option Conversation (8; Cha)
Elementalist Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent Wood Skin (8; Tou)
First Circle Discipline Talent Threadweaving - Elementalism (8; Per)
*Using Spellcasting, Patterncraft, and Awareness from Shaman Discipline
Second Circle Discipline Talent Fire Heal (7; Wil)
Third Circle Discipline Talent Elemental Tongues (7; Per) (Learned: Water, Air, Earth)
Third Circle Talent Option Arcane Mutterings (8; Cha)
Fourth Circle Discipline Talent Elemental Hold (NOT TAKEN)
Fourth Circle Talent Option Air Speaking (7; Per)
Fifth Circle Discipline Talent Summon (Elementals) (8; Per)
Fifth Circle Talent Option Cold Purify (8; Wil)
*Using Willforce from Shaman Discipline
Sixth Circle Talent Option Gliding Stride (8; Dex)
Seventh Circle Discipline Talent Earth Skin (7; Tou)
Seventh Circle Talent Option NOT TAKEN YET
Nethermancer Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent Frighten (7; Wil)
First Circle Discipline Talent Threadweaving - Nethermancy (7; Per)
*Using Spellcasting, Patterncraft, and Astral Sight from Shaman Discipline
First Circle Optional Talent Stealthy Stride (7; Dex)
*Using Steel Thought from Wizard Discipline
Second Circle Talent Option NOT TAKEN YET
*Using Spirit Talk from Shaman Discipline
Third Circle Talent Option NOT TAKEN YET
Fourth Circle Discipline Talent Spirit Hold (NOT TAKEN)
Fourth Circle Talent Option Read and Write Language (6; Per) (Learned: Human(Travar), Human (Huulki) )
Fifth Circle Discipline Talent Summon - Ally Spirits (7; Per)
Fifth Circle Talent Option - Blood Share (6; Tou)
Illusionist Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent False Sight (5; Wil)
First Circle Discipline Talent First Impression (5; Cha)
First Circle Discipline Talent Threadweaving - Illusionism (5; Per)
*Using Spellcasting and Patterncraft from Shaman Discipline
First Circle Talent Option Mimic Voice (5; Cha)
Second Circle Discipline Talent True Sight (5)
Second Circle Talent Option Winning Smile (5; Cha)

Thread Item Talents
Standard Matrix (6)
Standard Matrix (6)
Standard Matrix (6)

Talent Knacks
Spellcasting (2) - Astral Strain
Spellcasting (2) - Astral Ward
Spellcasting (2) - Wriggle
Spellcasting (3) - Lick Wounds
Spellcasting (3) - Burst of Speed
Spellcasting (4) - Pack Cover
Animal Bond (1) - Sworn Animal Companion (Howler)
Animal Bond (1) - Sworn Animal Companion (no target yet)
Animal Bond (5) - Menagerie
Animal Training (3) - Smarter Than The Average Bear (Howler)
Animal Training (3) - Smarter Than The Average Bear (Haze)
Enhance Animal Companion (5) - Boost Animal Companion (Haze)
Patterncraft (5) - Craft Blood Charm
Patterncraft (8) - Improvised Pattern
Patterncraft (8) - Design Enchanting Pattern
Arcane Mutterings (5) - Jinx

Hunter's Sense (1)
Invoke Crow Tear (1)
Invoke Leopard Pounce (1)
Moonglow (1)
Otter Swim (1)
Pack Tactics (1)
Prey Senses (1)
Weather Cloak (1)
Ferocity (2)
Hero's Feast (2)
Mark of the Boar (2)
Mountain Goat Leap (2)
Soothe the Savage Beast (2)
Polecat's Resilience (3)
Catwalk (3)
Ferret Reflex (4)
Gills (4)
Invoke Shark Rend (4)
Gathering of Souls (5)
Pangolin Armour (6)
Storm Wolf Call (6)
Beastform (7)
Earth Q'wril (7)
Invoke Unicorn Charge (7)
Lifesight (8)
Salamander Regeneration (8)
War Party (8)

Astral Sense (1)
Bedazzling Display of Logical Analysis (1)
Mage Armour (1)
Quicken Pace (1)
Speed Read (1)
Astral Shield (2)
Dodge Boost (2)
Seeking Sight (2)
Astral Targeting (3)
Identify Magic (3)
Levitate (3)
Wizard Mark (3)
Binding Threads (4)
Evolved Consciousness (4)
Lighten Load (4)
Flight (5)
Giant Size (5)
Energy Shield (6)
Rampage (6)
Sleep (6)
Hypervelocity (7)
Spellstore (7)
Compression Bubble (8)

Air Armour (1)
Heat Food (1)
Purify Earth (1)
Purify Water (1)
Resist Element (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood) (1)
Shelter (1)
Snuff (1)
Waterproof (1)
Air Mattress (2)
Fingers of Wind (2)
Shield Willow (2)
Plant Feast (3)
Thrive (3)
Winds of Deflection (3)
Elemental Spear (Air, Water, Wood) (4)
Grove Renewal (4)
Lightning Step (4)
Fireball (5)
Ride the Lightning (5)
Metal Wings (6)
Cloud Summon (7)

Bone Circle (1)
Experience Death (1)
Life Circle of One (1)
Shadow Meld (1)
Soul Armour (1)
Chilling Circle (2)
Death's Head (2)
Shadow's Whisper (2)
Aspect of the Bone Spirit (3)
Fog of Fear (3)
Summon Bone Spirit (3)
Last Chance(4)
Viewpoint (4)
Aspect of the Cruel Physician (5)

Assuring Touch (1)
Cloak (1)
Mind Fog (2)

Knowledge Skill: Legends and Heroes (1; Per)
Knowledge Skill: Wild Animals (1; Per)
Knowledge Skill: Horror Lore (1; Per)
Knowledge Skill: Scourge History (1; Per)

Read/Write Language: (1; Per) (Throalic)
Speak Language: (2; Per) (Throalic, Windling)

Artisan Skill: Craftsman (Basket Weaving) (3; Per)
General Skill: Air Sailing (1; Wil)
General Skill: Haggle (3; Cha) (+2 from thread item)
General Skill: Navigation (1; Per)
General Skill: Slough Blame (1; Cha)
General Skill: Resist Pain: (2)
General Skill: Wound Balance (2; Str)
Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack) (this should probably weigh closer to 4-5 pounds for a windling, though obviously it would hold less too)
Artisan Tools (Basketmaking)
Windling Dagger (step 1, 2 oz)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
Trail Rations (3 weeks) (this should probably weigh ~7-8lbs)
Hide Armour (5/1) (5 lbs)
Footman's Shield (+2/+0) (3 lbs)
Chalk (5)
Water Skin (2)
Embroidered Robe
Fine Hat
Merchant's Shoes
Physician's Kit Refill (5 uses)
Last Chance Salve
Kelia's Antidote
Wyvern Oil (Wyvernskin Armour) (21/3) forged +13; expires Aug 28)
Crystal Raider Shield (needs recharge)
Token (gift from Jaspree when granted permission to train as Elementalist)
Crystal Buckler (needs recharge Mar 30)
Desperate Spell Blood Charm
Horror Fend Blood Charm
Wool Hat
Wool Jacket
The Damarish Rose (Thread Crystal Buckler)
Troll-sized tent
Shield Cover
Homing Compass
Navigation Charts
Thick Skin Charm

List each additional item on its own line
Threads Tied:
Sworn Animal Companion (Howler)
Sworn Animal Companion (Haze)

Lady Haytrish’s Borrum Hat for Full Moons in 742 TH (3 key knowledge, 3 research knowledge known; Thread tied to Rank 6)
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

The craftsmanship of this hat made of red silk and black velvet is exquisite. It was once the height of fashion among dwarfs, however, that time has long since passed. It is an exceptionally tall cylinder that flares out to a flat top. A golden ornament is affixed to the black silk band at the top of the hat. It is always clean and in pristine condition, and will definitely catch the eye of anyone in the area.

The hat resizes to the wearer when a thread is attached and never falls off of the owner’s head.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the hat’s Name.
Effect: The owner gains +1 rank to Animal Bond.

Thread Rank Two
Effect: The owner gains +1 rank to Animal Training.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn of the first owner’s favorite pets. [Menagerie of beloved war bears]
Effect: The owner gains a +1 bonus to Interaction tests.

Thread Rank Four
Effect: The owner gains +1 rank to Enhance Animal Companion.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the significance of the ornament. [It commemorates her beloved bears slaying an unwanted and pugnacious suitor Named Lord Grimheld Standent as he sought to defend her from her pets.]
Effect: The owner gains a +2 bonus to Interaction tests.

Thread Rank Six
Effect: The owner can spend 1 Strain to spend a Karma Point on an animal companion’s Action test. This can be used once per animal companion per round.
Haddy's Hard Bargain (3 key knowledge, 3 research knowledge known; Thread tied to Rank 6)
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

“A little too large and a lot too ostentatious” is how this amulet would be described by most. The gold amulet is held by a thick golden chain, while the amulet itself is studded with rubies and emeralds framing chocolate diamonds forming a rampant bear. The gold and gems never lose their high polish and always manage to catch the light. On the reverse of the amulet are the stylized initials “HH.”
The amulet automatically resizes to the wearer when a thread is attached, but is always a little larger than feels appropriate. If the wearer attempts to conceal the amulet, such as wearing it under a shirt, they cannot use its effects.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the amulet’s Name.
Effect: The amulet contains a Standard Matrix with rank equal to the Thread Rank.

Thread Rank Two
Effect: The wearer gains +1 rank to Haggle or a +1 bonus to Haggle tests.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn who crafted the amulet and where the gems were mined.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 to their Social Defense.

Thread Rank Four
Effect: The wearer gains +1 rank to Book Memory.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the first owner’s Name and the significance of the colors, imagery, and initials on the amulet.
Deed: The owner must fashion and wear a symbol of the first owner’s family.
Effect: The wearer gains a +2 bonus to Interaction tests if they offer an appropriate financial upside to the other party. This doesn’t have to be directly offering money, but must be sincere and useful to the other party.

Thread Rank Six
Effect: The wearer gains a +2 ranks to Haggle or a +2 bonus to Haggle tests. (If you have to ask, “Can this be combined with the Rank Two effect so I can get 1 rank and +2 to it?” Go sit in the corner and know you are either deliberately obtuse only for the sake of getting bonuses or an idiot)
Wyvern Oil (3 key knowledge, 3 research knowledge known; Thread tied to Rank 6)
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

Iridescent blue and green scales cover this wyvern skin armor and have a glistening sheen to them. Unlike the typical texture of wyvern scales, these are slick to the touch and have beautiful runes infused with True water carved into them. When light hits the scales just right, the sheen on the surface reveals patterns forming glyphs across the surface.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the armor’s Name.
Effect: The armor is Mystic Armor 2.

Thread Rank Two
Effect: The armor is Mystic Armor 3.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn about the runes and glyphs of the armor.
Effect: The wearer gains the Wyvern Oil ability. As a Simple action for 1 Strain, the armor begins secreting a prodigious amount of oil until the end of the next round, quickly coating the armor and everything nearby, making the wearer quite a slippery little devil. The wearer gains +3 to their Physical Defense against Attack tests to grapple them and +3 to tests to escape from a grapple.

Thread Rank Four
Effect: When the wearer uses Wyvern Oil, they experience the joys of nearly zero friction and the armor is Initiative Penalty 2.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn where the wyvern used to create the armor lived.
Effect: The benefits from Wyvern Oil increase to +3 to Physical Defense against Attack tests to grapple them and +4 to tests to escape from a grapple.

Thread Rank Six
Effect: When the wearer uses Wyvern Oil, the oil is slightly noxious. If a special maneuver allows an opponent to initiate a grapple against the wearer, it requires an additional success to use.
Hadritha’s Ladies Formal Boots (3 key knowledge, 3 research knowledge known; Thread tied to Rank 6)
Maximum Threads: 1
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

If there was ever wonder what exactly a “formal hobnailed boot” looks like, wonder no more. These knee-high boots are made from a supple dark leather that combines the latest in Throalic fashion from over 700 years ago with the ruggedness any miner or bear-trainer might require. There is no question they fulfill the latter with thick soles and stitching, brutally large hobnails, and aggressively large straps and buckles to keep the boots securely fastened, though the former is very much an “eyes of the beholder” kind of thing. The boots are adorned with gold toe caps and buckles which never lose their polish. Glittering rubies and emeralds encrust the buckles, while the gold toe caps are “tastefully” simple and engraved only with “HH” in bold letters. A rampant bear is tooled into the leather on each side of the shaft and smaller bears stitched into the gussets.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the name of the boots.
Effect: The boots contain a Standard Matrix with rank equal to the Thread Rank.

Thread Rank Two
Effect: The wearer gains +1 to Interaction tests in any setting where the boots are appropriate (which is every setting).

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the first owner’s Name.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 to Social Defense.

Thread Rank Four
Effect: The wearer gains +2 to Interaction tests in any setting where the boots are appropriate (these boots are the new black).

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the significance of the colours and imagery on the boots.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 Recovery Test per day.

Thread Rank Six
Effect: The wearer gains the Hadritha’s Ladies Formal Boots ability. As a Free action for a Recovery Test, the image of a ghostly rampant bear appears behind the wearer and bellows loudly, surrounding the wearer in a corona of red and green energy. The wearer’s next Attack or Spellcasting test and the associated Damage or Effect test are empowered with a +4 bonus to each. The target must have mortally offended the wearer in some way, however slight (such as an imagined snide remark), because Hadritha’s Ladies Formal Boots is for killing.
The Haytrish Family Jewels (4 key knowledge, 4 research knowledge known; Thread tied to Rank 8)
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

This large piece of gold could easily pass as a heavily jewel-encrusted paperweight for someone with more money than sense to those of effete pursuits. However, anyone else will likely quickly identify it as the fanciest knuckleduster to perhaps ever grace Barsaive. The knuckles are studded with rubies and emeralds framing chocolate diamonds which form a rampant bear. Carvings on the jewels and the arrangement of how the bear is formed mean anyone on the business end of the knucks will have “Property of HH” with the rampant bear prominently displayed on the exposed skin. The palm grip bears a glyph carved on one side and the rampant bear carved on the other.

The knuck automatically resizes to the wearer when a thread is attached.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge: The wearer must learn the knuckleduster’s Name.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 rank to Spellcasting.

Thread Rank Two
Effect: The wearer gains +1 to Thread Weaving tests.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn who crafted the knuckleduster.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 rank to Willforce.

Thread Rank Four
Effect: The wearer gains The Haytrish Family Jewels ability. As a Simple action for 1 Strain, the wearer pounds their fist wearing the knuckles into their palm (this may hurt a bit, especially for most spellcasters who aren’t accustomed to that kind of physicality) and the jewels gleam to life with the roar of a bear from the wearer’s bare hand. The wearer gains +2 to Spellcasting tests until the end of the round (this includes tests that mimic Spellcasting, such as Concise Casting).

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn where the gems were mined.
Effect: When the wearer uses The Haytrish Family Jewels to cast a “touch” ranged spell and delivers it with the knucks, their fist has the image of a roaring bear’s head around it. The wearer also gains +2 to the Effect test. The wearer can choose to reduce the range of any spell to touch. This has no effect on spells with the range “self,” even if adjusted to “touch.”

Thread Rank Six
Effect: The owner gains +1 to their Karma Step when using Karma to enhance Effect (spells only), Spellcasting, or Thread Weaving tests.

Thread Rank Seven
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the first owner’s Name.
Effect: When the wearer uses The Haytrish Family Jewels, the bear’s eyes light up like disco ball kaleidoscopes of madness and violence. If the wearer reduces the range of a spell to touch, they gain +1 to the Spellcasting and Effect test for every 10 yards it is reduced; the range cannot be first increased then decreased. The wearer can also spend an additional Karma Point on the Effect test for a touch range spell.

Thread Rank Eight
Effect: When the wearer uses The Haytrish Family Jewels, the wearer finds themselves roaring along with the bear. The owner gains +2 to their Karma Step when using Karma to enhance Effect (spells only), Spellcasting, or Thread Weaving tests. The wearer can also spend an additional Karma Point on the Effect test for such a spell. The wearer can also spend an additional Karma Point on the Spellcasting test for a touch range spell.
The Damarish Rose (4 key knowledge, 4 research knowledge known; Thread tied to Rank 8)
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

The Damarish Rose was a famous piece of jewelry - a joyfully ostentatious brooch of intricate orichalcum wrapped around a single, massive piece of flawless glowing pink living crystal. Some enterprising soul then reinforced the backing and added straps to the brooch, turning it into a Windling sized shield.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the item’s Name (The Damarish Rose).
Effect: The shield provides +1 Mystic Armor.

Thread Rank Two
Effect: The shield sheds light in response to compromised Astral space. In places where Astral space is Tainted, the shield provides 5 yards of bright light. Where Astral space is Corrupt, it provides 10 yards of bright light.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the fate of the item’s first bearer (Murdered by cousin)
Effect: The shield provides +2 Mystic Armor.

Thread Rank Four
Effect: The wielder gains the Joyful Ostentation power. Sometimes the joy of owning something ridiculously valuable and beautiful is enough to defend against despair. As a Simple action, for 2 strain, the wielder gains +3 to Mystic Defense till the end of the next round.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the fate of the item’s second bearer (Buried in avalanche)
Effect: The shield provides +3 Mystic Armor.

Thread Rank Six
Effect: The wielder may spend 1 additional Strain when using the Joyful Ostentation power to defend against Horrors. Until the end of the next round, any attack made against the owner by a Horror or Horror construct, or any Horror power or spell that mimics a Horror power, requires 1 additional success to affect the owner

Thread Rank Seven
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the fate of the item’s third bearer (Drowned in bathtub)
Effect: The light shed by the shield is irritating to Horrors and Horror constructs. Any such beings engaged with the wielder in close combat while the light is shining are Harried.

Thread Rank Eight
Effect: Joyful Ostentation now lasts for a number of rounds equal to the rank of the Thread woven to it.
Mother’s Embrace (4 key knowledge, 3 research knowledge known; Thread tied to Rank 6)
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

A silver furred cape made from the pelt of a small animal. The headless pelt lays across the shoulders with the front legs clasping across the front of the chest. The rest of the cape hangs from the shoulders with a large bushy tail being sewn up the length of the cloak. The rear legs can be linked together to slim the cloak and allow windling wings to slip out from the sides of the cloak.

Once a thread is tied to the cloak, the wearer feels as if they are wrapped by a motherly embrace.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The cloak holds a Standard Matrix of rank equal to the thread rank

Thread Rank Two
The cloak provides +1 Avoid Blow

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
Must learn the type of creature the cloak is created from. (Silver Brushtail Possum)
Effect: The cloak provides +2 Spellcasting when an ally is an included target.

Thread Rank Four
The cloak provides +2 Avoid Blow

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
Must learn where the creatures originated. (Originally found in the Long Grove, south of Lake Ban. Kept in the vines of the Tower of Wood during the Scourge.)
Effect: When a spell targets an ally, that ally gains +1 Active Defenses until the end of the next round.

Thread Rank Six
The cloak provides +5 Spellcasting when an ally is an included target.

Thread Rank Seven
Must assist a family of small animals re-locate to avoid a predator.
Effect: The spell matrix is now an Enhanced Matrix.

Thread Rank Eight
When casting a spell that targets the wearer and an ally, the wearer may spend 1 karma to increase the duration of a spell as if an extra thread had woven for duration.
Ring of Endurance (3 key knowledge, 3 research knowledge known; Thread tied to Rank 6)
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 12
Legend Point Cost: Journeyman

This gold ring has a band of swirled brown and blue tones. At times, the bands of blue seem to coil through and around the gold of the ring.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 Circle to a Discipline of their choice for the purposes of determining Durability.

Thread Rank Two
Effect: The wearer gains +1 rank to Fireblood

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge: The name of the person who created the item.
Effect: As a simple action for 1 Strain the wearer gains +2 Physical Armor until the end of the next round.

Thread Rank Four
Effect: The owner can use the Resilient Fate ability as a Free action. After the wearer is hit by an attack, but before damage is determined, they may spend a Karma point to add their Karma Die to either Physical or Mystic Armor. When the owner uses this ability, a swirl of magical energy appears where the attack will hit immediately before the impact and strengthens the area before dissipating. This ability can be used a number of times per round equal to the thread rank.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge: Where the item was created.
Effect: The wearer gains +2 to their Toughness value.

Thread Rank Six
Effect: The wearer gains +1 Recovery Test
Animal Companions:
Jolly Jumper (Riding Goat w/tack) (Loyal)
Pepper (Riding Horse, no tack) (Loyal)
Howler (Dire Wolf w/ tack, Willful 1) (Awestruck, Sworn, Smarter Than the Average Bear, Boosted Companion)(Riding, Attack, Heel, Home, Pry Loose, Track, Guard, Fly, No Hamstring, Stun, Tracking +10) (Training Expires Aug 30)
Haze (Shadow Shrieker Bat, Willful 3) (Awestruck, Sworn, Smarter Than the Average Bear) (Attack, Heel, Pry Loose, Regain Surprise, Shriek, Hide, Home, Guard, Stun, Avoid Blow +10) (Training Expires Aug 30)
* Awakened Mask Eagle (Loyal)
* Granite (Stone Lion, Willful 2) (Friendly) (Heel, Hide, Attack, Home, Pry Loose, Carry, Fly, Avoid Blow +4) (Training Expires Aug 30)

Brief Backstory: Zivilyn has spent most of his life stuck in an almost-forgotten corner of the kaer with a coalition of tribes sheltering in Throal. When his abilities as an adept emerged, he was trained by a shaman who lived in the area, but is interested in learning about other types of magic as well. Now that the kaer has opened its doors, he has been looking for opportunities to explore the wilderness and learn more about the world after the scourge, and hopes to develop his abilities further in the process.

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:44 pm
by ottdmk
Sharkforce wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:31 am
Roll20 Name: Sharkforce
Discord ID: sharkforce#4983
Character Name: Zivilyn
Race: Windling

Lifetime Legend Total: 0
Unspent Legend: 0
Thread Item Points: 0
Silver: 28.2

Discipline: Shaman
Circle: 1
Discipline Abilities: Half-magic to sense beast spirits, recognize animals and animal tracks, and notice abnormal behaviour in animals and creatures.

Dex: 13 (6)
Str: 5 (3)
Tou: 12 (5)
Per: 16 (7)
Wil: 16 (7)
Cha: 13 (6)

Karma Mod: 6
Karma Step: 4
Karma Max: 6
Uncon: 27 (24 + durability 3)
Death: 33 (29 + durability 3 + circle 1)

PD: 10 (12 with shield)
PA: 0 (5 with armour)
MD: 9 (9 with shield)
MA: 3 (4 with armour)
SD: 8

Movement: 6 walking/16 flying
(flying: 20 minutes, then toughness (5) test or 1 strain, every 5 minutes +2 difficulty and another test; when wet 5 minutes base and 1 minute intervals, plus counts as harried)
Carrying Capacity: 30
Wound Threshold: 8
Recovery tests per day: 2

[Discipline] Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent: Patterncraft (1; Per)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Spellcasting (3; Per)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Thread Weaving: Shamanism (2; Per)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Wilderness Survival (1; Tou)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Awareness (1; Per)
First Circle Talent Option: (not chosen yet)

Free Talent: Standard Matrix (1)
Free Talent: Standard Matrix (1)

Other Talents
Racial Talent: Astral Sight (0; Per)

Talent Knacks

Hunter's Sense (1)
Invoke Crow Tear (1)
Pack Tactics (1)
Prey Senses (1)
Weather Cloak (1)
Hero's Feast (2)

Knowledge Skill: Legends and Heroes (1; Per)
Knowledge Skill: Wild Animals (1; Per)

Read/Write Language: (1; Per) (Throalic)
Speak Language: (2; Per) (Throalic, Windling)

Artisan Skill: Craftsman (Basket Weaving) (3; Per)
General Skill: First Impression (1; Cha)
General Skill: Haggle (2; Cha)
General Skill: Stealthy Stride (2; Dex)
General Skill: Slough Blame (1; Cha)

Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack) (this should probably weigh closer to 4-5 pounds for a windling, though obviously it would hold less too)
Artisan Tools (Basketmaking)
Windling Dagger (step 1, 2 oz)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
Trail Rations (1 week) (this should probably weigh ~1.5 lbs)
Hide Armour (5/1) (5 lbs)
Footman's Shield (+2/+0) (3 lbs)
Chalk (5)
Water Skin (2)
Embroidered Robe
Fine Hat
Merchant's Shoes

List each additional item on its own line

Threads Tied:
None (yet)

Animal Companions:
None (yet)

Brief Backstory: Zivilyn has spent most of his life stuck in an almost-forgotten corner of the kaer with a coalition of tribes sheltering in Throal. When his abilities as an adept emerged, he he was trained by a shaman who lived in the area, but is interested in learning about other types of magic as well. Now that the kaer has opened its doors, he has been looking for opportunities to explore the wilderness and learn more about the world after the scourge, and hopes to develop his abilities further in the process.

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:51 am
by Sharkforce
A Kindness In Kind

TIPs: 3
Legend points: 800 (+40 Journal)
Silver: 200 (+50 Journal)
Items: none

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes (40 LP and 50 silver)

Circling up to 2 (192 sp) (1 week) (haggle discount)
Forged Hide Armour - Physical Armour +1 (48 silver) (1 week) (haggle discount) (forged 2020 Apr 10, expires 2020 Jul 6)

Activity (Details) (Duration)

Legend Spent:
Learned Talent Option (1st circle) [Standard Matrix] to [1] (100 LP)
Raised [Awareness] to [2] (200 LP)
Raised [Patterncraft] to [2] (200 LP)
Raised [Wilderness Survival] to [2] (200 LP)
Learned Spell [Ferocity] (free with circle)
(2 free spell matrices improve to 2)
Learned Talent Option (2nd circle) [Animal Bond] to [1] (100 LP)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Riding Goat (9 silver, 6 copper; haggle discount)
Riding Goat Tack (3 silver, 2 copper)

(net change in money: -2.8 silver)

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:11 am
by Sharkforce
Scouting the Storm

TIPs: 3
Legend points: 1400(+70 Journal)
Silver: 275 (+68.8 Journal)
Items: none

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal? (70 LP and 68.8 silver)

Forge Hide Armour - Physical Armour from +1 to +3 (240 silver) (2 weeks) (haggle discount) (forged 2020 Apr 14, expires 2020 Jul 10)

Activity (Details) (Duration)

Legend Spent:

Increase Threadweaving:Shamanism from 2 to 3 (300 LP)
Learn Invoke Leopard Pounce (Circle 1 spell) (100 LP) (48 sp)
Increase Animal Bond from 1 to 3 (500 LP)
Learn Discipline Talent Astral Sight at 1 (100 LP)
Increase Awareness from 2 to 3 (300 LP)

additional 170 LP not spent

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:

Physician's Kit Refill (1/3 goes to refill Rama's kit) (24 silver) (haggle discount)

net change in silver: +31.8

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:12 am
by Sharkforce
A New Home. Room to Fly

TIPs: 3
Legend points: 800(+40 Journal)
Silver: 200 (+50 Journal)
Items: none

Items used:
1 week's rations

Are you going to write a Journal?

Circle up from 2 to 3 (1 week) (288 silver)

Activity (Details) (Duration)

Legend Spent:

Increase Patterncraft from 2 to 3 (300 LP)
Increase Astral Sight from 1 to 3 (500 LP)

Learn Spirit Talk to 1 (100 LP)
Learn Optional Talent: Animal Training to 1 (100 LP)
Free Matrices (2) improved from 2 to 3 (0 LP)
Learn Polecat Resilience (Circle 3 spell) (free from circle up)

gained ability: May spend Karma on tests to summon or interact with spirits (free) (Circle 3 Shaman)

New total LP remaining: 50

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:

2 Weeks Trail Rations (19.2 silver)

New total silver remaining: 0

(note: It was my understanding that we ate approximately 1 week's worth of rations over the course of the adventure).

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:24 pm
by Sharkforce
The Spice Must Flow

TIPs: 3
Legend points: 1400(+70 Journal)
Silver: 200 (+68.8 Journal)
Items: 75 sp, third circle spell

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal? yes


Activity (Details) (Duration)

Legend Spent:

Increase Spellcasting from 3 to 4 (500 LP)
Increase Threadweaving from 3 to 4 (500 LP)
Increase Animal Training from 1 to 2 (200 LP)
Learn new spell: Catwalk (circle 3) (300 LP) (75 sp, alternate reward as mentioned in Rewards section)

New LP Total Remaining: 20

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
new circle 3 spell as alternate reward, mentioned above in Legend Spent and Rewards section

New total silver remaining: 268.8

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman)

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:47 am
by Sharkforce
Rituals of Engagement

TIPs: 5
Legend points: 2000 (+100 Journal)
Silver: 413 (+103.3 Journal)
1 Riding Horse

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal? yes

Animal Training - horse with no name (edit: now named Pepper) (attack, heel, +2 attack step - kick) (4 days)
Animal Training - Jolly Jumper (goat) - (riding, attack, heel, +1 attack step - horns) (4 days)

Activity (Details) (Duration)

Legend Spent:

Increase Awareness from 3 to 4 (500 LP)
Increase Astral Sight from 3 to 4 (500 LP)
Increase Animal Training from 2 to 4 (800 LP)
Increase Wilderness Survival from 2 to 3 (300 LP)

New LP Total Remaining: 20

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Last Chance Salve (576 silver) (haggle discount included)

New total silver remaining: 209.1

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:57 am
by Sharkforce
Worlds of Arcana

TIPs: 5
Legend points: 2000 (+100 Journal)
Silver: 413 (+103.3 Journal)
Permission to train as a Wizard.

Items used:
Last Chance Salve (but Moe replaced it)
definitely 2/3 of a physician's kit refill.

Are you going to write a Journal? yes

Downtime: (3 weeks available due to over 1 week since previous adventure)

Activity (Details) (Duration)

Training Talent 1 and 2 out of 3 to rating 1, as part of new discipline training (10 days)

Legend Spent:

Increase Patterncraft from 3 to 4 (500 LP)

Training Talent 1 out of 3 to rating 1, as part of new discipline training (1500 LP reserved) (288 sp)

New LP Total Remaining: 120

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar: (I've included sp costs from above activities)

Physician's Kit Refill (3 uses) (24 sp)

Training - Talent 1 and 2 out of 3 to rating 1, as part of new discipline training for wizard (576 sp)

New total silver remaining: 322.4

(for ottdmk: latest edit was that I removed the training for wriggle, which was 96 sp and 200 LP, so that I would be able to start training my new discipline)

(ok, no longer the latest edit... had to free up 1500 LP, so I cancelled animal bond to 4 and alchemy/design enchanting pattern to win, which means 19.2 sp was freed up).

(and, one final edit, hopefully. Mark of the Boar broke the LP reserve due to some weird math that must've led to me thinking I had 100 more LP to use than I thought. result: +100 LP, +96 sp, and the spell is unlearned).

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman)

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:51 am
by Sharkforce
The Seventh Child

TIPs: 3
Legend points: 2200 (+110 Journal)
Silver: 312.5 (+93.8 Journal)
1x Kelia's Antidote

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal? yes


Activity (Details) (Duration)

Training Talent 3 out of 3 to rating 1, as part of new discipline training (5 days)
Learn Talent Knack - Wriggle (2 days)
Advance Wizard Circle to 2 (7 days)

Legend Spent:

Shaman (1st Discipline):

Learn Talent Knack - Wriggle (200 LP)
Increase Animal Bond from 3 to 4 (500 LP)

Wizard (2nd Discipline):

Training Talent 3 out of 3 to rating 1, as part of new discipline training (1500 LP from previous update post spent) (288 sp):
Learn Discipline Talent Research at 1
Learn Discipline Talent Dispel Magic at 1
Learn Discipline Talent Threadweaving (Wizardry) at 1

Learn 1st Circle Optional Talent Standard Matrix at 1 (200 LP)
Increase Research from 1 to 2 (300 LP)
Increase Dispel Magic from 1 to 2 (300 LP)
Increase Threadweaving (Wizardry) from 1 to 2 (300 LP)

Learn 2nd Circle Optional Talent Item History at rating 1 (200 LP)
Increase Item History from 1 to 2 (300 LP)

New LP Total Remaining: 130

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar: (I've included sp costs from above activities) (4% haggle discount)

Training - Talent Knack (Wriggle) (96 sp)
Training - Talent 3 out of 3 to rating 1, as part of new discipline training for wizard (288 sp)
Training - Circle 2 Wizard (192 sp)

New total silver remaining: 152.7

Learn 2 new Wizard Spells for free as part of circling up:

Quicken Pace (1)
Astral Shield (2)

Re: Zivilyn, Windling Magician (Shaman/Wizard)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:27 am
by Sharkforce
A River(bed) Runs to It

TIPs: 3
Legend points: 2200 (+110 Journal)
Silver: 375 (+93.8 Journal)

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal? yes

Circle up Shaman from 3 to 4 (1 week) (480 sp)
Enhancing Animal Companions (+3 PD to Pepper, +3 PD to Jolly Jumper) (6 days)

Activity (Details) (Duration)

Legend Spent:

Shaman (1st Discipline):

Learn 4th Circle Discipline Talent: Danger Sense to 1 (100 LP)
Learn & Increase 4th Circle Talent Option: Enhance Animal Companion to 3 (600 LP)
Increase Spellcasting to 5 (800 LP)
Learn Spell Mark of the Boar (200 LP) (96 sp)

Wizard (2nd Discipline):

Increase Item History to 3 (500 LP)

New LP Total Remaining: 240

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar: (I've included sp costs from above activities) (4% haggle discount)

Training - Circle 4 Shaman (480 sp)
Learn Spell Mark of the Boar (96 sp)

New total silver remaining: 40.5

Note: Free Spell (Ferret Reflex, circle 4) gained upon circling up to 4 in Shaman, and two free spell matrices improved to rating 4 as well.