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Re: AAR: [5M] Meet Maratha (2021-03-16 2300 GMT)

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 7:26 pm
by Serespar
From the journal of Strats.
Throalic Year, 1425

Was invited to dwarven nobleman’s house, Ikthgild.

Got there. Saw Truck the windling warrior, Dale the human Nethermancer-Illusionist, Calina the elven wizard, and R’edtarian the human Warrior-Smith were already there. Dwarf needed bodyguards for diplomatic travel. Said OK.

Traveled by carriage to Sosanopa. Rode on top to guard him. Got there.

Got on boat. Watched dwarf. Watched t’skrang. Watched river. Got to Lake named Vors.

Watched dwarf greet Maratha t’skrang. Watched over him at party. Noticed troubadour was manipulating diplomats to make things fall apart. Told them.

Dwarf asked us to check on lake villages while he talked more. Said ok.

Went to first village. Crocodiles were scaring the villagers and eating goats. Punched the crocodiles. Found the crocs were eating weird fish with no innards. Too many to punch.

Went to next village. Punched weeds.

Went to next village. Punched birds.

Went to next village. Was stunned that villagers mistook sticky horror for rock *confused look*. Helped get sticky horror on cart. Dumped near fish by first village.

Re: AAR: [5M] Meet Maratha (2021-03-16 2300 GMT)

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:52 am
by predajey
An extravagant white leather bound journal contains several chapters detailing Calina Ravanqnerosicor’s journeys. It is written in a rich blue ink and the pages have a gold trim. It is written in Sperethiel.

Chapter 123: Boredom Leads to Safety

I am not exactly sure how I was employed on this last job. A merchant or diplomat of some sort requested my assistance. Specifically, he asked me to guard his caravan as it traveled to a new T'Skrang Niall called Maratha. I cannot say that I have ever been one who excelled at violence, nor have I ever displayed a hint of political prowess. Just about the only thing I can find myself doing on such a trip was acting as a translator, and even that would be difficult, given mine own cultural limitations. I suppose it was fortunate that we brought along Stratavaraprolagrahayopristanockahgannagroth and R'edtarian. If I were expected to do any form of translating, it would have to go through one of those two. I am certain my reputation would diminish after this job, but it was surprisingly devoid of any real direction other than to go with the rest of the party and check on things.

Upon arrival at Maratha, the place was bustling and abundant with representatives from not only Maratha but other local settlements as well. The place already had a somewhat well organized hierarchy of power, and several visitors of equal importance were present. One visitor in particular grabbed my attention, although her importance was significantly less than others, was a troubadour. As her magical melodies washed over my companions, each was lost in their own version of whatever emotion she wished to allay, I found myself enjoying some of the trout being served in the evening meal. Fortunately, neither was she hostile nor was she willing to conduct such hostilities in the vast and varied company that was present. After watching our employer strike out in deal after deal, we were soon asked to investigate a few villages. I have grown weary of doing the same tasks in every scenario, and this one is no different. We arrive at a location, we combat some critters or other belligerents, and I provide a magical protection to my allies. This time, it came with a twist. As I was able to chain cast to maintain their bolstered armor, I elected to increase their physical strength for the battle. Not that it was important, but we had combatted a few overfed crocodiles. It was much safer than the assassins that tried to do me in last time I was out with Stratavaraprolagrahayopristanockahgannagroth and R'edtarian. I suppose the boredom of what I thought would be a nature walk is preferable to a near death experience.

As we approached the first town, we found ourselves following the trail of a rather large crocodile, much larger than crocodiles typical grow to. It had raided several buildings, devouring livestock as it went, and surprisingly never seemed to satisfy its hunger. This was rather odd, so we continued tracking the crocodile back to a large pond. Or maybe it was a lagoon? I read about these things quite often, but I do not think I would ever be able to identify them from each other. Perhaps it was a grotto. Anyway, we had our front line ready, with Stratavaraprolagrahayopristanockahgannagroth and R'edtarian forming a front. What had me concerned was our windling friend, Truck of the Deep Servos. Once the beast showed itself, it attempted to drag Stratavaraprolagrahayopristanockahgannagroth underwater, but let go to devour the tiny appetizer sized of our party. I thought it had swallowed Truck in one bite, but a few seconds later, the crocodile was unconscious and Truck emerged from the waters in quite a dramatic fashion. Other smaller crocodiles began eating the giant one, and I turned around to find that Dale was being assaulted by yet another crocodile. This one was significantly easier for our three melee brutes to handle.

Upon completion of the show of dominance, it would appear that the fish were of a variety that caused consumers to gain an insatiable appetite. Thankfully I was spared such horrors from the evening in Maratha. Absolutely the worst case of a curse, if there ever were to be one. I believe it was the efforts of one Truck of the Deep Servos who attempted to identify the fish for what they were. Biology was conducted, although not aided by those who were inept, myself included. Alright, I was vomiting. Between the gutted crocodile and the gutted fish, the stench alone was enough to make me lose my appetite. Truck of the Deep Servos gutted a fish to find there were no guts. It was an incomplete animal, to say the least. I continued following my companions, offering the same protections from one location to the next. We finally came across what looked like a giant, viscous, and vicious snail. Covering it were various bones of creatures mid-digestion, tools, clothing, flora of various forms, and I think I saw some plates of metal. The group wished to lure it back to where those para-fish were. While I had no interest in seeing this thing slowly devour them and having no real method to secure them from death, I followed several dozen feet behind. At first, they tried to lure it and have it march there on its own, but it is a snail. It would have taken us months, maybe a year to get it back with that method. Eventually we moved it onto a cart. The digestive juices ate through it in a matter of hours, so another cart was required. Then a third, and a fourth. We did finally get the snail to where the para-fish were. I was asked to write warning signs in every language I knew. It was R'edtarian's idea. That man continues to show himself as the paragon of humanity. But this has only been a distraction. I am hoping to find myself thrown into the wilds and dangers of Vorst soon. I shall need an employer, so that I am not expected to pay any Adepts to accompany me there. It is a bit of an underhanded tactic, but I would much rather bring along an entourage of familiar faces than face the dangers alone.