AAR: [6M] The Bronze Door 2020-08-20@23:00 GMT

The current version of the Earthdawn West Marches Discord campaign, effective Jan 1, 2020


Joined:Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:27 am
Re: AAR: [6M] The Bronze Door 2020-08-20@23:00 GMT

Post by predajey » Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:06 am

The following is a recollection from Vralino Hammer-Shield, a 15 year old Ork girl who grew up avoiding society. At this point, she has found value in a small circle of friends and has even begun networking socially for jobs. By now she has developed a dislike towards T'Skrang, although her friendships are not affected by this mentality. The text remains unaltered to maintain its authenticity (Certain terms and names written wrong to keep in character). It is written in Or'zet.

Thorkell came up and asked me to join him again! We're heading back to the Servos Jungle, close to where we set up an outpost for the Galanga ferry service Ben and Jerry are setting up. Before we headed out, we had to figure out the door. Apparently Thorkell has been researching it since we found it. I chimed in a couple times, but I didn't really contribute much. We gathered up our things and headed out.

We just saw the most ridiculous things. Thorn Toads! And they were smart enough to ambush us! They tagged Azurea and Shana and one wrapped up Thorkell. Sugarmother and Shana's pet were both nearly killed. I was so awesome though! I took on three of them at the same time! Although, if Azurea and Shana are probably the reason I survived. Thankfully Nez was there with Sugarmother. I don't know if I could leave Shana to help Thorkell out. It would be a very heavy dilemma. I'd probably pick Thorkell, though. It was a very tiring fight, and luckily, we were able to get to the outpost and rest without further encounters. Before we left, Azurea used some witchcraft voodoo to heal our injuries. It was kind of like a cold compress, but much more effective. I wonder if the physicians in the POT know how to do that? Maybe it's a spell slinger thing? Either way, I want it!

So we got to the door, and threw all the things we brought into the space designated for each passion. Apparently, what we had wasn't enough. We needed seeds, fire, bread, and a book. That opened the door and allowed us to enter. I took point with Shana on my shoulder. I got my foot stuck in a trap, and she had to disarm it to get my foot free. We fought a plant that wasn't a plant. That thing went down pretty quickly. The vines on the walls shriveled up and died, so my guess was there wasn't much more in terms of other plants doing the same thing. We went down a very narrow corridor. Luckily we were somewhat dispersed. We found some weird living metal horror thingies. Two of them came right at me and clogged the corridor! I thought one of them was trying to cut my hair, but he ended up smacking Shana off my shoulder. Luckily we were somewhat dispersed. Somehow these things squeaked by along the walls, flat as Shana's wings. They went after everyone in the party! I fought, I screamed obscenities, and did my daddy proud, even though it just sounds like I threw a tantrum. We all took a wound or so, but nothing too severe. These thingies were guarding a large pot lid on the floor. Between Thorkell, Azurea, and me, we were able to open it.

WOW! I can't believe what we just found! It's all ice! Who knew ice could exist in the jungle? I mean it's all underground, but still not something we expected. Even more, they had frozen seeds in this vault. I wonder why they did that? Maybe they were planning a farm or something? I felt bad for Shana. I know how much she liked valuable things, and we all expected something valuable in this vault. Seeds can be found anywhere. Who the hell freezes seeds!?! Anyway, I need to get back to Throal. I got some Elementalist training to finish!

Joined:Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:18 am

Re: AAR: [6M] The Bronze Door 2020-08-20@23:00 GMT

Post by Jexel » Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:31 pm

The Written Histories of Nez and Sagarmatha

Thorkell came to me asking for help solving a riddle he came upon in the Servos Jungle. Apparently they found a bronze door to the Vault of Grumbah with depictions of the Passions and some writing in Theran. He took a impression of the writing and when he got it deciphered it stated. “A body needs bread, a mind needs knowledge, a fire needs fuel, and a world needs a future. Feed me and I open.”

He assembled a good team to explore. Presumably Sagarmatha and myself to help get through the Servos. Azurea as the deadly field medic. Vralino as the angry swordmaster and LaShana a windling thief to help with doors and traps. Sagarmatha and I are so indebted to Thorkell and Vralino for helping defend and relocate the Almarra that I couldn’t say no to any request.

So we went around the Grand Bazaar buying lots of random things associated with the ideals of the Passions to place in the cubbies to get inside this vault of a famous pre scourge alchemist that locked up lots of treasure.

On the way we were ambushed by a group of Thorned Toads. They were gigantic, vicious & poisonous. Ophelia and Sagarmatha both were badly wounded. After the surprise we were able to get the fight under control although many of us took quite a bit of damage. A couple of us including Sagarmatha also succumbed to the poison afterwards and locked up and fell over for some time. After the fight we decided we needed to rest and went to a nearby outpost for a day and two nights.

The body needs bread was placing food into the statue of Garlen’s mouth, A mind needs knowledge was a scroll for Mynbruje, A fire needs fuel was putting some wood into the kiln of Upandal and a world needs a future was Seeds for Jaspree. We open the door and start exploring the kaer or temple. We come upon some traps and then some sort of plant like Horror Construct attached to the ceiling. We quickly took down the Horror and moved on.

Exploring some more LaShana notices a group of Robiech Erhlgren. I know from previous encounters that these alien monsters are terrible in every way. They could move in this distorted way and squeeze through the narrow corridor and attack our companions further back in the hallway. No one dropped but Sagarmatha began to be concerned about everyone else during this fight. Once we got two down and the initial chaos was over we mopped up the rest of the powerful Horror Constructs.

We came upon another door that we were able to open. Amazingly it was a portal to another land, a very cold and icy land containing thousands of seeds. These seeds were left as a sort of time capsule to help regrow the land at the end of the scourge. I have a minor interest in botany but this will be extremely valuable to the followers of Jaspree.

Joined:Tue Jun 16, 2020 11:16 pm

Re: AAR: [6M] The Bronze Door 2020-08-20@23:00 GMT

Post by verse86 » Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:38 pm

Thorkell's Journal
After some investigation, I was able to discern the nature of the bronze door. It was a shop/lab run by the famous Grumbah. I was able to translate the text (Theran): "A body needs bread, a mind needs knowledge, a fire needs fuel, and a world needs a future. Feed me and I open."
I seem to have trouble when being ambushed. We were set upon by some 8 foot tall toads covered in thorns. I was immediately bitten and trapped in its mouth. My head being stuck in the toad's mouth, I was unable to witness most of the battle. All I know is Nez ripped through the toad assaulting me and set me free.
The door contains reliefs of the passions with 12 small indentations in the doors. After some brainstorming we realized some of the holes corresponded with the phrase. We put wood in Upandal's fire, bread in Garlen's mouth, writings in Mynbruje's head, and seeds in Florannus's hand.
The inside definitely reminds me of a shop. There were big circular sofas for lounging and shelves that must have held potions at some point. An interesting piece of technology I noticed were some tiny traps spread throughout that were made to keep the vermin population down.
The first resistance we ran into was some kind of plant monster. Since we recognized the threat before it could attack us, we planned our attack and swiftly dispatched it.
We thought we'd have more luck looking in the employee section so we headed further in. We were attacked by these strange spindly monsters that could crawl on the walls. Poor LaShana was surrounded and unable to get out of their range. Azurea was in a similar situation. Between Nez and Vralino protecting the front lines, Sagarmatha dealing with anything trying to creep into the middle, and me holding the back; we were able to protect ourselves and deal with the threat.
There was a large domed structure. We were able to prop it up and go to the area below. The area seemed to be under the effect of some portal to an ice region. In the ice we found seeds. It seems the purpose of this room was to preserve the plant species in case they went extinct during the Scourge. I feel bad for LaShana. We believed there would be something shiny on this adventure she would enjoy. This is quite a find. Azurea was amazed and plans to take full advantage of this. With all the equipment here, Vralino was able to create an alchemy lab.
Due to everything that had happened recently, I have not been able to update about other findings I've had. I was able to find out the name of the air spirit in The Spirit of Adventure: Zephyr. Despite this, he seems to enjoy being mischievous and billowing my cape at inopportune moments. I was also able to decipher the runes on the cape. They were used to force the wearer's will upon Zephyr. This seemed too cruel, so I came to an accord with him. He still plays pranks occasionally, but I believe we have come to an understanding. I also found a pair of glasses that stay clean no matter how much time I spend in the forge. They're made from living crystal and have runes etched around the edges. So far, my research has only discovered their name: Forge Lenses.

Joined:Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:40 pm
Location:Virginia Beach, VA USA

Re: AAR: [6M] The Bronze Door 2020-08-20@23:00 GMT

Post by Lashana » Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:17 am

I guess maybe Throknell doesn't find me completely incompetent. He did ask/allow me to accompany him on his adventure back into the Servos. And we headed back towards the Galanga Ferry Outpost we helped set up. And I was super stoked for this because I got to travel with my bestie! And it has been FOREVER!!!! Something about some door he found with all kinds of runes and markings on it.
And I swear, It's like whenever I'm with Throknell and Vralino I get my butt kicked. We got ambushed by these HUMONGOUS toads with these ouchy thorns. They nearly took me down on that first attack but somehow I managed to hold out. Ophelia - who I thought I had left in safety off to the side, was also ambushed and fell. There was so much blood. I was sure that she was dead and gone. These things were brutal. We managed to someone bring them all down but it was bad. Over half the party was down. Luckily my bestie is an awesome physician and managed to get everyone feeling better, well everyone except me. I proved rather resistent to her efforts.
After resting for a couple of days we managed to find our way to the door and put all our thinking at the start of the trek to good use. We were able to successfully figure out the puzzle to open the door. Was cool to get to use my knowledge of the passions and the legends to help solve a puzzle. We had to fill the need for the indicated passions. Seeds, fire, bread and a book. Once inside Throknell took the lead and I was on his shoulder, that's when he found a trap - with his food. That trap snapped closed on his foot and I had to get his foot free by disarming the trap.
There was a big brain like looking trap with a bunch of tentacle like vines that attacked us. But it went down real easy and those vines shriveled up real quick and died. We then followed a corrider that led us to a room where we were ambushed AGAIN by these weird creepy horrible things that are able to go super skinny. They charged forward and went to attack Throknell but knocked my off his shoulder and then pinned me down.
They are like the slender man. There doesn't seem like there would be enough space for them to squeeze through but they managed to slip through like they were a piece of paper. These things were also brutal. I don't think we have fought anything so far that wasn't in soundly kick our ass territory. But somehow we managed to stay on our feet and finish them off. Once they were down we went into the big room and found this big pot with a thick lid on it. Thorknell, Azurea and Vralino managed to get that lid off and down below there was a frozen landscape.
Like everything was covered in ice. In the middle of the jungle. And there was a vault of seeds...all frozen. So who knows if they are still good or not. But thery are there. And there were absolutely NO shiny things. I was promised shiny things. Boooo!!!!!!!!

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