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Shaman / Master of the Hunt / Horror Stalker

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:28 pm
by abishaij1
Roll20 Name: haksanlulz
Discord ID: haksanlulz#9820
Character Name: Fenrir
Race: Windling

Lifetime Legend Total: 228,600
Unspent Legend: 67,000 (Not Including 100 Reserved For Skills)
Thread Item Points: 54
Silver: 8,968

Discipline: Shaman / Master of the Hunt / Horror Stalker
Circle: 10 (8 / 5 / 1)
Discipline Abilities

These adepts may use half-magic to recognize different animals, animal tracks, and abnormal behavior among animals and creatures. The Shaman may make a Perception-based Half-Magic test to detect the presence of beast spirits within 30 yards. The difficulty for detecting the beast spirit is the spirit's Mystic Defense. If the test succeeds, the adept can sense the presence of the beast spirit and use spells or talents, such as Spirit Hold or Spirit Talk, to communicate and interact with it. The gamemaster can choose to make the test on behalf of the adept at any time, as this innate sense is always active.

Master of the Hunt
Masters of the Hunt may use half-magic when dealing with or caring for animals in ways beyond those described in their talents, including animal husbandry and first aid. Masters of the Hunt may use half-magic when recognizing different animals, animal tracks, and abnormal behavior among animals and creatures.

Horror Stalker
These adepts may use half-magic to know how to find other Horror Stalkers and the history of other Horror Stalkers. They may also make Perception-based half-magic tests to detect the presence of Horrors, Horror constructs, and undead within 30 yards. The difficulty for this is equal to the target’s Mystic Defense. If the test succeeds, the adept senses the target’s presence, though no details. The gamemaster may choose to make this half-magic test on behalf of the adept at any time, as this innate sense is always active.

Dex: 13 (6/d10)
Str: 7 (4/d6)
Tou: 10 (5/d8)
Per: 21 (8/2d6) (+2 Leveling)
Wil: 13 (6/d10)
Cha: 16 (7/d12) (+1 Leveling; +2 Necklace of Crows)

Karma Mod: 6
Karma Step: d6
Karma Max: 48
Uncon: 60
Death: 65
Initiative: +1 (Shaman)

PD: 14 (+2 Racial; +1 From Buckler; +2 Shaman; +1 Necklace of Crows)
PA: 3 (+3 From Armor)
MD: 15 (+2 Shaman; +1 From Buckler; +1 Necklace of Crows)
MA: 5 (+2 Racial; +3 From Armor)
SD: 12 (+1 MotH; +2 Necklace of Crows)

Movement: 6/16*
* Flying Movement Rate
Carrying Capacity: 40
Wound Threshold: 7
Recovery Tests per Day: 2
Recovery Dice: d8

Shaman Talents
Discipline Talent First Circle: Awareness (8)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Patterncraft (8)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Spellcasting (8)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Thread Weaving (Shamanism) (8)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Wilderness Survival (8)
Discipline Talent Second Circle: Avoid Blow (8)
Discipline Talent Third Circle: Spirit Talk (8)
Discipline Talent Fourth Circle: Astral Sight (8)
Discipline Talent Fifth Circle: Summon (Beast Spirit) (0)
Discipline Talent Sixth Circle: Willforce (1)
Discipline Talent Seventh Circle: Lion Heart (8)
Discipline Talent Eighth Circle: Lifesight (2)

First Circle Optional Talent: Claw Shape (8/Knacks:Claw Tool; Savage Limbs; Wrecking Claws)
Second Circle Optional Talent: Unarmed Combat (3)
Third Circle Optional Talent: Standard Matrix (8)
Fourth Circle Optional Talent: Danger Sense (2)
Fifth Circle Optional Talent: Enhanced Matrix (2)
Sixth Circle Optional Talent: Blood Share (7)
Seventh Circle Optional Talent: Banish (0)
Eighth Circle Optional Talent: Acrobatic Defense (4/Knacks: Acrobatic Recovery)

Free Talent: Enhanced Matrix (8)
Free Talent: Standard Matrix (8)
Master of the Hunt Talents
Discipline Talent First Circle: Wilderness Survival (Shaman)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Animal Bond (5)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Animal Training (5)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Enhance Animal Companion (5/Knacks: Augment Ally’s Form[3])
Discipline Talent First Circle: Thread Weaving (Huntmastery) (5)
Discipline Talent Second Circle: Animal Companion Durability (5)
Discipline Talent Third Circle: Dominate Beast (5)
Discipline Talent Fourth Circle: Call Animal Companion (1)
Discipline Talent Fifth Circle: Animal Talk (3)

First Circle Optional Talent: Anticipate Blow (1)
Second Circle Optional Talent: Navigation (1/Knacks: Mapmaking)
Third Circle Optional Talent: Stealthy Stride (1)
Fourth Circle Optional Talent: Tracking (5)
Fifth Circle Optional Talent: Tiger Spring (4)

Free Talent: Creature Analysis (5)
Horror Stalker Talents
Discipline Talent First Circle: Astral Sight (Shaman)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Bear Mark (2)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Suppress Curse (2)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Steel Thought (2)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Thread Weaving (Horror Weaving) (1)

First Circle Optional Talent: Mystic Pursuit (2)

Free Talent: Horror Lore (2)
Other Talents
Necklace of Crows Talent: Command Night Flyer (1)

1st Circle Grimoire
Threads: 2
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: 50 yards
Duration: Rank hours
Area of Effect: 4-yard radius
Effect: Creates an intruder alert
This spell alerts to the presence of intruders. The magician points out where they want to place the alarm, gives a small shriek, and make a Spellcasting (6) test. If successful, they compare their Spellcasting test result against the Mystic Defense of any living being passing within the area of effect. If successful, the alarm goes off and shouts out a loud warning for a full minute, alerting anyone within earshot. The magician determines the exact warning, which may not exceed the number of words equal to his Spellcasting Rank. The spell cannot be cast on living targets.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+1 hour)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+1 hour), Increase Range (+10 yards), Increase Area (+2 yards)

Hunter’s Sense
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Rank+5 minutes
Area of Effect: 20-yard radius
Effect: Sense nearby creatures
This spell senses nearby animals and their general species. The magician touches the target’s eyes, ears, and nose with water or dust, then makes a Spellcasting (6) test. If successful, the Spellcasting test result is used against the Mystic Defense of any creatures in range. They sense the type of animals and the general direction in which they lie if the Spellcasting result is equal to or greater than the creature’s Mystic Defense. The spell does not detect Namegivers, undead creatures, Horrors, or Horror constructs.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Area (+10 yards), Additional Targets (+Rank)

Imbue Hawk Dive
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 rounds
Effect: +2 to unarmed Attack test and causes Harried
Spirit. This spell summons a hawk spirit and imbues an ally with its power briefly to make an attack. The magician raises their arms, screams, and makes a Spellcasting (6) test against a willing target. If successful, the summoned spirit screams and dives into the target. The target immediately screams like the hawk and makes an unarmed attack with a +2 bonus to the Attack test against an opponent. If successful, the opponent is Harried until the end of the next round. Any increases in duration only affect the duration of the Harried condition. This spell may not have more than one target. This spell may be stored in the same spell matrix as Invoke Hawk Dive.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 rounds)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+2 Effect Step), Increase Range (+10 yards)

Invoke Hawk Dive
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: TMD
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 2 rounds
Effect: WIL+2/Physical and causes Harried
Spirit. This spell summons a hawk spirit attack a target. The magician raises their arms, screams, and makes a Spellcasting test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If successful, the summoned spirit screams and dives at the target, causing the Harried condition until the end of the next round. The magician’s Effect test determines how much damage is inflicted. This spell may be stored in the same spell matrix as Imbue Hawk Dive.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 rounds)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+2 Effect Step), Increase Range (+10 yards)

Imbue Panther Strike
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: Improves unarmed attack, bonus against Harried/Blindsided
Spirit. This spell summons a panther spirit and imbues an ally with its power briefly to make an attack. The magician crouches adjust their posterior and make a Spellcasting (6) test against a willing target. If successful, the summoned spirit melds with the target and surrounds them with shifting shadows. The target immediately makes an unarmed attack against an opponent with a +2 bonus if the opponent is Harried or Blindsided. If the unarmed attack is successful, the Damage test gains a +2 bonus, with an additional +2 bonus if the target is Harried or Blindsided. This spell may not have more than one target. This spell may be stored in the same spell matrix as Invoke Panther Strike.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+2 to Damage bonus)
Extra Threads: Increase Effect (+2 to Damage bonus), Increase Range (+10 yards)

Invoke Panther Strike
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: TMD
Range: 10 yards
Duration: Instant
Effect: WIL+4/Physical and bonus against Harried or Blindsided opponents
Spirit. This spell summons a panther spirit cloaked in shadows to attack a target. The magician crouches adjusts their posterior and makes a Spellcasting test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If the target is Harried or Blindsided, the magician gains +2 to the Spellcasting test and +2 to the Effect test. If successful, the summoned spirit leaps at the target from an unexpected direction. The magician’s Effect test determines how much damage is inflicted. This spell may be stored in the same spell matrix as Imbue Panther Strike.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+2 Effect Step)
Extra Threads: Increase Effect (+2 Effect Step), Increase Range (+10 yards)

Pack Tactics
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: TMD
Range:10 yards
Area: 4-yard radius (special)
Duration: Rank rounds
Effect: Targets an opponent for a takedown
Spirit. This spell enables allies to work more effectively together against a single opponent. The magician points at a target within 10 yards and howls, making a Spellcasting test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If successful, the magician summons wolf spirits to imbue the magician and her allies within 4 yards. All affected gain +2 to Attack and Damage tests against the target (this does not affect spells). The magician cannot have multiple castings of this spell in effect at a time, but it can be ended by the magician as a Simple action.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+1)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+1), Increase Area (+2 yards)

Prey Senses
Threads: 1
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Rank minutes
Effect: +2 bonus to Awareness and Danger Sense
Spirit. This spell heightens the target’s senses. The magician draws her fingers down the target’s head, first, the face, then the sides, and along their palms, then makes a Spellcasting (6) test against a willing target. If successful, the magician summons an appropriate prey animal spirit to imbue the target, the target takes on small animal features, such as mobile, furred ears, a slightly black nose, bird-like eyes, etc., and gains +2 to any Awareness and Danger Sense tests for the duration of the spell.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Effect (+1), Additional Targets (+Rank)
2nd Circle Grimoire
Hero’s Feast
Threads: Special
Weaving: 6/11
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
Effect: Improves healing during a meal between comrades
This spell enchants a meal shared between allies after a conflict to improve healing. The magician prepares a meal for each target (even if this is just passing it out), weaves a thread for each target, and makes a Spellcasting (6) test. If successful, each target shares stories about their recent and past battles and escapades, particularly regarding past allies no longer with them. Each target may make a Recovery Test each hour during this spell. Recovery Tests made during this spell gain a +2 bonus for each target of the spell. The spell targets up to Shaman Circle characters loyal to each other, but does not have to include the magician. This spell may only be cast once per day. Note: Increasing the Effect affects the total healed, not increasing the contribution per character.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+2)
Extra Threads: Increase Effect (+2), Increase Duration (1 hour)

Mark of the Boar
Threads: 0
Weaving: 6/11
Casting: TMD
Range: 10 yards
Duration: Rank rounds
Effect: Turn Wound penalties into bonuses and improve Aggressive Attack.
Binding. This spell summons a boar spirit to temporarily bind to a willing target. The magician drops to the ground and paws at it with her hands, then makes a Spellcasting (6) test against a willing target. If successful, a violent boar spirit charges into the target, squealing threateningly. The target immediately changes to a threatening posture, adopts an aggressive stance and gains the following benefits: Wound penalties are instead bonuses of the equivalent value to close combat Attack tests, +2 to unarmed Attack and Damage tests, the Aggressive Attack combat option provides +4 to close combat Attack and Damage tests, and the Aggressive Attack combat option does not cost Strain. The target must use the Aggressive Attack combat option every round, can only move towards the enemy and must either be engaged with an opponent or actively moving towards one. Failure to perform any of these will cause the spell to immediately end. If this spell prematurely ends for any reason, they are Harried until they have had time to rest for at least 5 minutes. This spell may only have one active casting at a time; additional targets from a single casting are explicitly allowed.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 rounds)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+1 to Aggressive Attack bonuses), Increase Range (+10 yards), Additional Target (+1)
3rd Circle Grimoire
4th Circle Grimoire
Repel Animal
Threads: 2
Weaving: 8 / 13
Casting: 6
Range: 10 yards
Duration: Rank  hours
Area of Effect: 2-yard radius
Effect: Create a circle to keep out animals
This spell creates a glowing white magical circle to keep out animals. The magician draws a circle on the ground, then touches the center and makes a Spellcasting (6) test. If successful, the Spellcasting result is compared to the Mystic Defense of any animal attempting to enter the circle. If successful, the animal is gently pushed away from the circle. If failed, the animal enters unhindered. Only animals are affected by this spell—undead, Horrors, Horror constructs, or sentient beings can enter the circle freely.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+1 hour)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+1 hour), Increase Range (+10 yards), Increase Area (+2 yards)
5th Circle Grimoire
Falcon’s Cloak
Threads: 2
Weaving: 9 / 14
Casting: 6
Range: Self
Duration: Rank hours
Effect: Turns caster into a raptor
This spell transforms the magician into a falcon, an eagle, or a similar raptor. It requires a falcon’s or eagle’s tail or wing feather, which the magician waves from side to side, then touches to their forehead and makes a Spellcasting (6) test. If successful, they transform into a raptor, with all of the bird’s normal physical abilities, but their own mental abilities. The magician can fly at the bird’s normal Movement Rate and uses its senses and methods of attack. Any equipment they are carrying, along with his weapons, armor, and clothing, disappears when the spell is cast and reappears when it ends. While in avian form, the magician can only cast spells that do not require speech or gestures. The magician may dispel the transformation anytime they wish as a Standard action.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 hours)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 hours), Increase Effect (Awareness Step +2), Increase Effect (Movement Rate +2)

Gathering of Souls
Threads: Special
Weaving: 9/14
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Effect: Enchants a meal shared between comrades before a conflict.
Fate. This spell enchants a meal shared between allies before a conflict, binding their fates together. The magician prepares a meal for each target (even if this is just passing it out), weaves a thread for each target, and makes a Spellcasting (6) test. If successful, each target affirms their relationship with the other targets and gets pumped up for the upcoming battle. Each target must spend a Recovery Test and chooses one of the following benefits:

Active defenses (e.g. Avoid Blow).
Attack tests (does not include spells)
Damage tests (does not include spells)
Wound Threshold

Each time a benefit is selected, all targets gain +1 to the benefit. All benefits must be selected the same number before a benefit may be selected again (e.g. all benefits must be selected twice before a benefit may be selected a third time). The spell targets up to Shaman Circle characters loyal to each other, but does not have to include the magician. This spell may only be cast once per day. The effects are granted for the duration of one conflict that the magician selects (even if not included in the spell) before Initiative is determined. The effects end when the conflict is over (GM’s discretion) and the conflict must take place before the next sunset or sunrise, whichever comes last.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (treat as an additional character taking part, subject to Circle limitation)
Extra Threads: Increase Effect (treat as an additional character taking part, subject to Circle limitation), Increase Duration (+1 conflict)
6th Circle Grimoire
Knowledge Skills
Knowledge Skill: Botany (1)
Knowledge Skill: Creature Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Horror Lore (2)
Knowledge Skill: Name (Rank)
Artisan & Language Skills
Artisan Skill: Scarification (1)
Artisan Skill: Tattooing (1)
Read/Write Language: (2) (Windling;Throalic)
Speak Language: (2) (Windling;Throalic)
General Skills
General Skill: Alchemy (3)
General Skill: Animal Handling (1)
General Skill: Disarm Trap (1)
General Skill: Evidence Analysis (1)
General Skill: Name (Rank)
(Carried by Poof-Poof) Alchemist's Kit
Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack)
Booster Potion (4)
Crystal Buckler
Firefly Chalk
Hooded Mask
Padded Leather
Tattoo Kit
Trail Rations (1 week)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, robe, traveler’s cloak)
Windling Arrows, 20 (2)
Windling Bow
Windling Net

Animal Companions & Pets:

Callisto, The Bear
Bears are forest and mountain-dwelling omnivores who are usually not dangerous unless an unwary traveler enters their lair, or threatens their cubs. Bears usually permit travelers to pass through their territory, unless the trespassers pose an obvious threat to the animal’s food supply. Common bears are relatively docile. They are most often encountered near settlements. Near larger unwalled settlements, they are often found raiding refuse piles and farmlands. They are not very aggressive and will generally flee if wounded except in the case of a mother defending her cubs. However, if backed into a corner, they become quite dangerous. Bears are suitable as animal companions.
Challenge: Novice (Third Circle)
DEX: 5 Initiative: 5 Unconsciousness: 30
STR: 8 Physical Defense: 8 Death Rating: 36
TOU: 8 Mystic Defense: 5 Wound Threshold: 10
PER: 3 Social Defense: 7 Knockdown: 9
WIL: 5 Physical Armor: 5 Recovery Tests: 2
CHA: 3 Mystic Armor: 0
Movement: 14 (Climb 8)
Actions: 1; Bite: 10 (17), Claws: 10 (15)
Enhanced Sense [Smell] (2)
Fury (2)
Special Maneuvers:
Grab and Bite (Bear, Claws)
Pry Loose (Opponent, Close Combat)
Provoke (Opponent, Close Combat)
Kukulkan, The Zoak (Dead)
The Zoak looks like a cross between a large bird and a bat, with feathers on its body and head and a leathery neck, wings, and tail. The creature’s feathered legs each end in four eagle-like talons. Zoaks measure roughly four feet from beak to tail-tip. Their necks are long and flexible, similar in appearance to the Crakbill’s, but with vertebrae instead of muscle. The animals are native to forests and jungles across Barsaive. While they can be difficult to train, they make a popular companion for Beastmasters and are especially favored by Windling Cavalrymen. They are rarely offered for sale outside of Windling communities. Zoaks are suitable as mounts for Windlings and as animal companions.

Challenge: Novice (Second Circle)
DEX: 6 Initiative: 8 Unconsciousness: 22
STR: 4 Physical Defense: 12 (+2 Enhance) Death Rating: 26
TOU: 4 Mystic Defense: 9 Wound Threshold: 6
PER: 6 Social Defense: 9 Knockdown: 4
WIL: 6 Physical Armor: 2 Recovery Tests: 1
CHA: 5 Mystic Armor: 3
Movement: 4 (Flying 18)
Actions: 1; Bite: 12 (8), Claws: 12 (6)
Enhanced Sense [Sight] (2)
Willful (1)
Special Maneuvers:
Clip the Wing (Opponent)
Ouroboros, The Venomous Snake (Dead)
This represents venomous species, such as asps, black adders, cobras, and the like. They are found all over Barsaive, but most of them live in forests and jungles. Snakes are extremely variable in appearance, size, and lethality. Some species will have a higher Dexterity Step, others may be more venomous, or maybe semi-aquatic. The statistics provided here are for an arboreal, venomous variety. Snakes are suitable as animal companions.
Challenge: Novice (First Circle)
DEX: 6 Initiative: 8 Unconsciousness: 14
STR: 3 Physical Defense: 11 (+2 Enhance) Death Rating: 17
TOU: 3 Mystic Defense: 6 Wound Threshold: 4
PER: 4 Social Defense: 6 Knockdown: Immune
WIL: 5 Physical Armor: 1 Recovery Tests: 1
CHA: 4 Mystic Armor: 1
Movement: 6
Actions: 1; Bite: 10 (7, Poison)
Awareness (7): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 129.
Climbing (8): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 134.
Enhanced Sense [Sight]: Heat Sight
Enhanced Sense [Smell]: (2)
Enhanced Sense [Taste]: (2)
Poison (6): If a snake’s bite causes damage, the victim must resist a damaging poison (see Poison, p. 171). The poison is Step 6 [Onset: 1 round, Interval: 5/1 round].
Stealthy Stride (8): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 170.
Hun Batz, The Monkey (Dead)
Monkeys are small arboreal primates who live in the forests and jungles of Barsaive. Many different species exist: baboons, macaques, and mandrills. These animals live in small tribes and are usually peaceful in nature. Monkeys are suitable as animal companions.
Challenge: Novice (First Circle)
DEX: 7 Initiative: 7 Unconsciousness: 20
STR: 5 Physical Defense: 13 (+2 Enhance) Death Rating: 25
TOU: 5 Mystic Defense: 7 Wound Threshold: 7
PER: 5 Social Defense: 8 Knockdown: 7
WIL: 4 Physical Armor: 1 Recovery Tests: 2
CHA: 5 Mystic Armor: 1
Movement: 12 (Climb 12)
Actions: 1; Bite: 10 (10)
Awareness (7): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 129.
Enhanced Sense [Smell] (2)
Great Leap (8)
Surprise Strike (5): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 172.
Poof-Poof, The Riding Goat (Pet)
Some settlements, especially in mountainous or hilly regions, breed large mountain goats and train them as mounts to take advantage of their natural dexterity in steep and rocky terrain. Riding goats are suitable as mounts for Dwarfs, Elves, Humans, and Windlings, and as animal companions.
Challenge: Novice (First Circle)
DEX: 6 Initiative: 6 Unconsciousness: 23
STR: 6 Physical Defense: 8 Death Rating: 29
TOU: 6 Mystic Defense: 8 Wound Threshold: 9
PER 5 Social Defense: 8 Knockdown: 10
WIL: 7 Physical Armor: 1 Recovery Tests: 2
CHA: 4 Mystic Armor: 3
Movement: 16
Actions: 1; Horns: 10 (12)
Enhanced Sense [Hearing] (2)
Enhanced Sense [Smell] (2)
Brief Backstory:
Fenrir left the city of Throal with his mother, father, and newborn sister at the age of ten on an expansionary expedition to form a new settlement. A year later, misfortune struck his household, his sister had been afflicted with a life-threatening illness. He had attained considerable knowledge of the flora due to his exploration of the wilds and the teachings of his mother and knew deep within himself that he could cure her. Being the spirited sort and stopping at nothing to protect his young sister he set off into the wilds to find ingredients to concoct the medicine.

As he returned to his settlement something was wrong, things got more and more silent as he got closer — eerily so. He entered his village to find nothing but carnage, everything had been eradicated. He immediately took flight for his home, his family had to be okay he had thought to himself, but this was sadly not the case. In his sorrow, he had wept deeply for the loss of his family, his friends, his neighbors and the land itself; and in his mourning brought the attention of the destructor.

A Horror, he had now been able to put an image to the rumored creatures he had only heard of before now. He put no thought his next steps, instinct took over, and he merely fled, he flew as fast as he could leaving a trail of tears as corruption incarnate chased behind him. While fleeing for his life, he found another, a baby snake. At the risk of his own life, he slowed down to pick it up before continuing his breakneck flight. Due to skill, chance, fate or dumb luck he and the snake both survived. He would name his new companion Ouroboros.

Wandering the wilderness, Fenrir and Ouroboros watched out for each other for over a year in the wild before Fenrir found himself captured by an ogre slavemaster, hiding Ouroboros away before he could have the chance to be taken from him, he was separated from his only family once more. A year in servitude passed, and on the day of his naming, during the year he would officially come of age as an adult, he was fatefully rescued by a group of explorers. After spending weeks tracking down Ouroboros, finally reuniting with his only family left in the world, he found his way back to his birthplace; though, he didn't have plans to stay there long.

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 4:57 pm
by ottdmk

Archived Sheet:
Roll20 Name: haksanlulz
Discord ID: haksanlulz#9820
Character Name: Fenrir
Race: Windling

Lifetime Legend Total: 0
Unspent Legend: 0
Thread Item Points: 0
Silver: 36

Discipline: Shaman
Circle: 1
Discipline Abilities

These adepts may use half-magic to recognize different animals, animal tracks, and abnormal behavior among animals and creatures. The Shaman may make a Perception-based Half-Magic test to detect the presence of beast spirits within 30 yards. The difficulty for detecting the beast spirit is the spirit's Mystic Defense. If the test succeeds, the adept can sense the presence of the beast spirit and use spells or talents, such as Spirit Hold or Spirit Talk, to communicate and interact with it. The gamemaster can choose to make the test on behalf of the adept at any time, as this innate sense is always active.

Dex: 13 (6/d10)
Str: 6 (2/d4)
Tou: 10 (5/d8)
Per: 19 (8/2d6)
Wil: 13 (6/d10)
Cha: 13 (6/d10)

Karma Mod: 6
Karma Step: d6
Karma Max: 6
Uncon: 23
Death: 29

PD: 11 (+2 Racial; +1 From Buckler)
PA: 4 (+4 From Armor)
MD: 11
MA: 2
SD: 8

Movement: 6/16*
* Flying Movement Rate
Carrying Capacity: 40
Wound Threshold: 7
Recovery Tests per Day: 2
Recovery Dice: d8

Shaman Talents
Discipline Talent First Circle: Awareness (1)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Patterncraft (1)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Spellcasting (3)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Thread Weaving - Shamanism (1)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Wilderness Survival (1)

First Circle Optional Talent: Animal Bond (1)
Free Talent: Standard Matrix (1)
Free Talent: Standard Matrix (1)

Other Talents
Racial Talent: Astral Sight (0)

Threads: 2
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: 50 yards
Duration: Rank hours
Area of Effect: 4-yard radius
Effect: Creates an intruder alert
This spell alerts to the presence of intruders. The magician points where they want to place the alarm, gives a small shriek, and make a Spellcasting (6) test. If successful, they compare their Spellcasting test result against the Mystic Defense of any living being passing within the area of effect. If successful, the alarm goes off and shouts out a loud warning for a full minute, alerting anyone within earshot. The magician determines the exact warning, which may not exceed a number of words equal to his Spellcasting Rank. The spell cannot be cast on living targets.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+1 hour)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+1 hour), Increase Range (+10 yards), Increase Area (+2 yards)

Hunter’s Sense
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Rank+5 minutes
Area of Effect: 20-yard radius
Effect: Sense nearby creatures
This spell senses nearby animals and their general species. The magician touches the target’s eyes, ears, and nose with water or dust, then makes a Spellcasting (6) test. If successful, the Spellcasting test result is used against the Mystic Defense of any creatures in range. They sense the type of animals and the general direction in which they lie if the Spellcasting result is equal to or greater than the creature’s Mystic Defense. The spell does not detect Namegivers, undead creatures, Horrors, or Horror constructs.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Area (+10 yards), Additional Targets (+Rank)

Imbue Hawk Dive
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 rounds
Effect: +2 to unarmed Attack test and causes Harried
Spirit. This spell summons a hawk spirit and imbues an ally with its power briefly to make an attack. The magician raises their arms, screams, and makes a Spellcasting (6) test against a willing target. If successful, the summoned spirit screams and dives into the target. The target immediately screams like the hawk and makes an unarmed attack with a +2 bonus to the Attack test against an opponent. If successful, the opponent is Harried until the end of the next round. Any increases in duration only affect the duration of the Harried condition. This spell may not have more than one target. This spell may be stored in the same spell matrix as Invoke Hawk Dive.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 rounds)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+2 Effect Step), Increase Range (+10 yards)

Invoke Hawk Dive
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: TMD
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 2 rounds
Effect: WIL+2/Physical and causes Harried
Spirit. This spell summons a hawk spirit attack a target. The magician raises their arms, screams, and makes a Spellcasting test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If successful, the summoned spirit screams and dives at the target, causing the Harried condition until the end of the next round. The magician’s Effect test determines how much damage is inflicted. This spell may be stored in the same spell matrix as Imbue Hawk Dive.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 rounds)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+2 Effect Step), Increase Range (+10 yards)

Imbue Panther Strike
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: Improves unarmed attack, bonus against Harried/Blindsided
Spirit. This spell summons a panther spirit and imbues an ally with its power briefly to make an attack. The magician crouches, adjusts their posterior, and makes a Spellcasting (6) test against a willing target. If successful, the summoned spirit melds with the target and surrounds them with shifting shadows. The target immediately makes an unarmed attack against an opponent with a +2 bonus if the opponent is Harried or Blindsided. If the unarmed attack is successful, the Damage test gains a +2 bonus, with an additional +2 bonus if the target is Harried or Blindsided. This spell may not have more than one target. This spell may be stored in the same spell matrix as Invoke Panther Strike.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+2 to Damage bonus)
Extra Threads: Increase Effect (+2 to Damage bonus), Increase Range (+10 yards)

Invoke Panther Strike
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: TMD
Range: 10 yards
Duration: Instant
Effect: WIL+4/Physical and bonus against Harried or Blindsided opponents
Spirit. This spell summons a panther spirit cloaked in shadows to attack a target. The magician crouches, adjusts their posterior, and makes a Spellcasting test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If the target is Harried or Blindsided, the magician gains +2 to the Spellcasting test and +2 to the Effect test. If successful, the summoned spirit leaps at the target from an unexpected direction. The magician’s Effect test determines how much damage is inflicted. This spell may be stored in the same spell matrix as Imbue Panther Strike.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+2 Effect Step)
Extra Threads: Increase Effect (+2 Effect Step), Increase Range (+10 yards)

Pack Tactics
Threads: 0
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: TMD
Range:10 yards
Area: 4-yard radius (special)
Duration: Rank rounds
Effect: Targets an opponent for a takedown
Spirit. This spell enables allies to work more effectively together against a single opponent. The magician points at a target within 10 yards and howls, making a Spellcasting test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If successful, the magician summons wolf spirits to imbue the magician and her allies within 4 yards. All affected gain +2 to Attack and Damage tests against the target (this does not affect spells). The magician cannot have multiple castings of this spell in effect at a time, but it can be ended by the magician as a Simple action.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+1)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+1), Increase Area (+2 yards)

Prey Senses
Threads: 1
Weaving: 5/10
Casting: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Rank minutes
Effect: +2 bonus to Awareness and Danger Sense
Spirit. This spell heightens the target’s senses. The magician draws her fingers down the target’s head, first, the face, then the sides, and along their palms, then makes a Spellcasting (6) test against a willing target. If successful, the magician summons an appropriate prey animal spirit to imbue the target, the target takes on small animal features, such as mobile, furred ears, a slightly black nose, bird-like eyes, etc., and gains +2 to any Awareness and Danger Sense tests for the duration of the spell.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Effect (+1), Additional Targets (+Rank)

Knowledge Skill: Botany (1)
Knowledge Skill: Creature Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Name (Rank)

Artisan Skill: Tattooing (1)
Read/Write Language: (1) (Windling)
Speak Language: (2) (Throalic; Windling)

General Skill: Alchemy (1)
General Skill: Animal Handling (1)
General Skill: Animal Training (1)
General Skill: Avoid Blow (3)
General Skill: Danger Sense (1)
General Skill: Stealthy Stride (1)
General Skill: Name (Rank)

(Carried by Poof-Poof) Alchemist's Kit
Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack)
Box of 10 Needles (2)
Firefly Chalk
Hooded Mask
Padded Leather
Tattoo Kit
Trail Rations (1 week)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, robe, traveler’s cloak)
Windling Net

Animal Companions & Pets:
Ouroboros, The Venomous Snake
This represents venomous species, such as asps, black adders, cobras, and the like. They are found all over Barsaive, but most of them live in forests and jungles. Snakes are extremely variable in appearance, size, and lethality. Some species will have a higher Dexterity Step, others may be more venomous, or maybe semi-aquatic. The statistics provided here are for an arboreal, venomous variety. Snakes are suitable as animal companions.
Challenge: Novice (First Circle)
DEX: 6 Initiative: 8 Unconsciousness: 14
STR: 3 Physical Defense: 9 Death Rating: 17
TOU: 3 Mystic Defense: 6 Wound Threshold: 4
PER: 4 Social Defense: 6 Knockdown: Immune
WIL: 5 Physical Armor: 1 Recovery Tests: 1
CHA: 4 Mystic Armor: 1
Movement: 6
Actions: 1; Bite: 10 (7, Poison)
Awareness (7): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 129.
Climbing (8): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 134.
Enhanced Sense [Sight]: Heat Sight
Enhanced Sense [Smell]: (2)
Enhanced Sense [Taste]: (2)
Poison (6): If a snake’s bite causes damage, the victim must resist a damaging poison (see Poison, p. 171). The poison is Step 6 [Onset: 1 round, Interval: 5/1 round].
Stealthy Stride (8): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 170.

Poof-Poof, The Riding Goat (Pet)
Some settlements, especially in mountainous or hilly regions, breed large mountain goats and train them as mounts to take advantage of their natural dexterity in steep and rocky terrain. Riding goats are suitable as mounts for dwarfs, elves, humans, and windlings, and as animal companions.
Challenge: Novice (First Circle)
DEX: 6 Initiative: 6 Unconsciousness: 23
STR: 6 Physal Defense: 8 Death Rating: 29
TOU: 6 Mystic Defense: 8 Wound Threshold: 9
PER 5 Social Defense: 8 Knockdown: 10
WIL: 7 Physal Armor: 1 Recovery Tests: 2
CHA: 4 Mystic Armor: 3
Movement: 16
Actions: 1; Horns: 10 (12)
Enhanced Sense [Hearing] (2)
Enhanced Sense [Smell] (2)

Brief Backstory:
Fenrir left the city of Throal with his mother, father, and newborn sister at the age of ten on an expansionary expedition to form a new settlement. A year later, misfortune struck his household, his sister had been afflicted with a life-threatening illness. He had attained considerable knowledge of the flora due to his exploration of the wilds and the teachings of his mother and knew deep within himself that he could cure her. Being the spirited sort and stopping at nothing to protect his young sister he set off into the wilds to find ingredients to concoct the medicine.

As he returned to his settlement something was wrong, things got more and more silent as he got closer — eerily so. He entered his village to find nothing but carnage, everything had been eradicated. He immediately took flight for his home, his family had to be okay he had thought to himself, but this was sadly not the case. In his sorrow, he had wept deeply for the loss of his family, his friends, his neighbors and the land itself; and in his mourning brought the attention of the destructor.

A Horror, he had now been able to put an image to the rumored creatures he had only heard of before now. He put no thought his next steps, instinct took over, and he merely fled, he flew as fast as he could leaving a trail of tears as corruption incarnate chased behind him. While fleeing for his life, he found another, a baby snake. At the risk of his own life, he slowed down to pick it up before continuing his breakneck flight. Due to skill, chance, fate or dumb luck he and the snake both survived. He would name his new companion Ouroboros.

Wandering the wilderness, Fenrir and Ouroboros watched out for each other for over a year in the wild before Fenrir found himself captured by an ogre slavemaster, hiding Ouroboros away before he could have the chance to be taken from him, he was separated from his only family once more. A year in servitude passed, and on the day of his naming, during the year he would officially come of age as an adult, he was fatefully rescued by a group of explorers. After spending weeks tracking down Ouroboros, finally reuniting with his only family left in the world, he found his way back to his birthplace; though, he didn't have plans to stay there long.

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 4:57 am
by abishaij1
Plume's Dilema
Link to the LFG post of the mission
Link to the AAR of the mission

3 TIPs
800 Legend Points
230 Silver
Rescue Monkey "Hun Batz"

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/Link (Journal Reward)

Downtime Week 1:
Training Alchemy

Downtime Week 2:
Training Alchemy

Legend Spent:
Raised Alchemy to 2 (300)
Raised Astral Sight to 1 (100)
Raised Awareness to 2 (200)
Raised Patterncraft to 2 (200)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Training Alchemy -20 silver
Booster Potion -25 silver
Crystal Buckler -50 silver

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:58 pm
by abishaij1
Do Horrors Dream of Corrupted Sheep?
Link to the LFG post of the mission
Link to the AAR of the mission

4 TIPs
1200 Legend Points
345 Silver

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/Link (Journal Reward)

Downtime Week 1:
Shaman Training

Downtime Week 2:
Bonding With Ouroboros and Hun Batz

Legend Spent:
Raised Animal Bond to 2 (200)
Raised Astral Sight to 2 (200)
Raised Shamanism to 2 (200)
Raised Wilderness Survival to 2 (200)
Avoid Blow is now a Talent. Transferred 2 of 3 points into Alchemy refunding and 1 into Navigation. (-300)
Raised Avoid Blow to 3 (600)
Gained Enhance Animal Companion as an Optional Talent and Raised it to 1 (100)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Shaman Training -200

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:02 am
by abishaij1
The Show Must Go On
Link to the LFG post of the mission
Link to the AAR of the mission

3 TIPs
800 Legend Points
230 Silver
Kukulkan, The Zoak

Items Used:
4 Booster Potions

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/Link (Journal Reward)

Downtime Week 1:
Strength Training & Bonding With Kukulkan

Downtime Week 2:
Crafting Alchemy

Legend Spent:
Raised Strength to 7 (800)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Strength Training -45 Silver
Booster Potions (7) -175 Silver

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:07 am
by abishaij1
Scavenger Hunt
Link to the LFG post of the mission
Link to the AAR of the mission

4 TIPs
2000 Legend Points
555 Silver

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/Link (Journal Reward)

Downtime Week 1:

Downtime Week 2:

Downtime Week 3:

Legend Spent:
Awareness to 3 (-300)
Pattern Craft to 3 (-300)
Shamanism to 3 (-300)
Wilderness Survival to 3 (-300)
Animal Bond to 3 (-300)
Standard Matrix to 1 (-100)
Spirit Talk to 1 (-100)
Astral Sight to 3 (-300)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Alchemist's Lab Upgrade (-500)
Circle 3 Training (-300)

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 8:22 am
by abishaij1
Searchin' For a Heart of Stone
Link to the LFG post of the mission
Link to the AAR of the mission

3 TIPs
2200 Legend Points
550 Silver

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/Link (Journal Reward)

Downtime Week 1:
Master of the Hunt Training

Downtime Week 2:
Master of the Hunt Training

Downtime Week 3:
Spending Time With Callisto

Legend Spent:
Animal Training to 1 (-500)
Retrained Animal Training Skill into Navigation
Hunt Weaving to 2 (-800)
Anticipate Blow to 1 (-200)
Enhance Animal Companion to 2 (-200)
Took Unarmed Combat and Claw Shape as new Talent Options
Unarmed Combat to 1 (-100)
Claw Shape to 1 (-100)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Master of the Hunt Training (-600)

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman/Master of the Hunt

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:53 am
by abishaij1
Rituals of Cleansing
Link to the LFG post of the mission
Link to the AAR of the mission

3 TIPs
2200 Legend Points
550 Silver

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/Link (Journal Reward)

Downtime Week 1:
Master of the Hunt Circle 2 Training

Downtime Week 2:
Scarification Training

Downtime Week 3:

Legend Spent:
Animal Training to 2 (-300)
Spellcasting to 4 (-500)
Shamanism to 4 (-500)
Avoid Blow to 4 (-500)
Spirit Talk to 2 (-200)
Scarification to 1 (-200)
Animal Companion Durability to 1 (-200)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Scarification Training (-10)
Blood Pebble (-300)
Master of the Hunt Circle 2 Training (-200)

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman/Master of the Hunt

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:15 am
by abishaij1
Alchemy Island Evacuation
Link to the LFG post of the mission
Link to the AAR of the mission

3 TIPs
4000 Legend Points
500 Silver

Items Used:
Booster Potion

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/Link (Journal Reward)

Downtime Week 1:
Item History (Blaethynn)
Bonding With Callisto

Downtime Week 2:
Item History (Blaethynn)
Bonding With Callisto

Legend Spent:
Awareness, Patterncraft and Wilderness Survival to 4 (-1500)
Spirit Talk to 4 (-800)
Danger Sense to 1 (-100)
Danger Sense Transfers 2 Skill Points into Mapmaking and Horror Lore
Navigation to 1 (-200)
Navigation Refund (1 Skill Point and 300 Legend)
Animal Companion Durability to 3 (-800)
Unarmed Combat to 3 (-500)
Claw Shape to 2 (-200)
Read/Write Dwarven (1 Skill Point)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Shaman Training (-500)
Item History 1-3 (-160)

Re: Fenrir, Windling Shaman/Master of the Hunt

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 9:52 pm
by Fusilliban
Description: This is a necklace made entirely out of dried bones. The bones are small and light-weight.
Base item: Necklace
Mystic Defense: 12
Max Threads: 2
Thread Cost: Journeyman
Research 1 / Name: Necklace of Crows
Thread Rank 1: +1 Social Defense
Thread Rank 2: +1 Physical Defense
Item History 3: The owner must learn what region the birds used to build the necklace came from.
Research 3: A patch of the Servos Jungle, not far from Kratas. The jungle is unusually hilly there.
Thread Rank 3: +2 Social Defense
Thread Rank 4: +1 Mystic Defense
Item History 5: The owner must travel to that region, kill a crow with their bare hands without using Talents or Spells, and add its bones to the Necklace.
Deed 5: [not yet done]
Thread Rank 5: +1 Rank of Command Nightflyer Talent
Thread Rank 6: +2 to Charisma attribute