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Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:46 pm
by Fusilliban
In the Clearing Stands a... Crow?
LFG: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1000
AAR: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1006

Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar: 13,000 LP, 1700 sp, 3 TIP's

Items used: -1 Healing Potion

Are you going to write a Journal? Maybe, for sure not right now

14 downtime days:
5 Elementalist 5->6
7 Forge Armor (rank 14)
2 Knack: Craft True Pattern (partial)

Legend Spent:
1300 Novice Elementalist Talent: Awareness 5->6
1300 Novice Elementalist Talent: Patterncraft 5->6
1300 Novice Elementalist Talent: Wood Skin 5->6
1300 Novice Elementalist Talent: Fire Heal 5->6
1300 Novice Elementalist Talent: Elemental Hold 5->6
200 Novice Elementalist Talent: Astral Sight 1->2
300 Novice Elementalist Talent: Astral Sight 2->3
500 Novice Elementalist Talent: Astral Sight 3->4
800 Novice Elementalist Talent: Astral Sight 4->5
1300 Novice Elementalist Talent: Astral Sight 5->6
800 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Summon 3->4
1300 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Summon 4->5
2100 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Summon 5->6
200 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Willforce 0->1
300 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Willforce 1->2
500 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Willforce 2->3
800 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Willforce 3->4
200 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Cold Purify 0->1

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
1000 Elementalist 5->6
700 Forge Armor (rank 14)

Total 1700, Haggled to 1598

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:02 am
by Fusilliban
9/1 Respec:

Elementalism Novice Talent Changes:
Elemental Tongues 5

Net Legend Cost:
800 refunded

New Discipline Progression:
Minus Elemental Tongues, plus Astral Sight (Talent Option Elementalist 3)

Purifier Novice Talent Changes:
Thread Weaving/Purity 2-3
Anticipate Blow 1-3
Net Legend Cost:
200 spent

New Discipline Progression:
Minus Thread Weaving/Purity, plus Anticipate Blow (Talent Option Purifier 1)

Overall Legend Change
600 refunded

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 10:56 pm
by Fusilliban
A Vision Softly Creeping
LFG: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=999
AAR: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1010

Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar: 6,800 Legend, 1000 sp, 3 TIPs, Earth Wall spell

Items used: None.

Are you going to write a Journal? Eventually, yes.

14 downtime days:
2 Knack: Craft True Pattern (partial)
5 Purifier 3->4
7 Forge Armor (rank 12)

Legend Spent:
800 Novice Purifier Talent: Anticipate Blow 3->4
500 Knack: Craft True Pattern
200 Novice Thread: Gift of Proteus 1->2
300 Novice Thread: Gift of Proteus 2->3
500 Novice Thread: Gift of Proteus 3->4
700 TI Upgrade, Gift of Proteus Novice->Journeyman

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
500 Purifier 3->4
0 Earth Wall spell (adventure reward)
600 Forge Armor
250 Craft True Pattern
200 Icy Surface spell

1550, Haggled to 1457

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:27 am
by etherial
Thread Crystal Plate: PA 7, MA 7, Init 5
Rank 1 Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the item's name.
Rank 1 Research Knowledge: Fortress Eternity
Rank 1: -1 Initiative Penalty
Rank 2: +1 Mystic Armor

Rank 3 Key Knowledge: The owner must learn the item's creator.
Rank 3 Research Knowledge: Ukrima the Fist
Rank 3: -2 Initiative Penalty
Rank 4: -3 Initiative Penalty

Rank 5 Deed: The owner must return to the creator's homeland and renew the enchantment there.
Rank 5: +1 Recovery Test
Rank 6: +1 Physical Armor

Rank 7 Key Knowledge: The owner must learn who the item was created for.
Rank 7 Research Knowledge: Oquer the Hammer
Rank 7: +2 Physical Armor, +1 to any Circle for calculating Durability
Rank 8: +2 Mystic Armor, for 1 Strain: +3 to Resist Knockdown

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:26 pm
by Fusilliban
Promises to Keep
LFG: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1013
AAR: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1028

Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar: 6,800 Legend, 1,200 sp, 3 TIPs

Items used: -80 silver for river passage

Are you going to write a Journal? My journal backlog is getting frightning. It also includes thunderbolts, and lightning.

Downtime: (21 days' worth)
5 Attribute: Dexterity 12->13
7 Research (rank 7, Warden)
7 Novice Skill: Disarm Trap 0->1
2 Forge Armor (partial)

Legend Spent:
2100 Attribute: Dexterity 12->13
200 Novice Skill: Disarm Trap 0->1
1300 Journeyman Thread: Haldistan's Mantle 4->5
2100 Journeyman Thread: Haldistan's Mantle 5->6
300 Warden Thread: Fortress Eternity 0->1
1300 Sixth Circle spell: Metal Wings

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
250 Attribute: Dexterity 12->13
350 Item History (rank 7, Warden)
700 Research (rank 7, Warden)
10 Novice Skill: Disarm Trap 0->1
300 6th Circle spell: Metal Wings

1310, Haggled to 1231.4

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:52 pm
by Fusilliban
Cull and Answer
LFG: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1026
AAR: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1047

Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar: 10,000 Legend, 1,800 sp, 5 TIP

Items used: None.

Are you going to write a Journal? No.

3 Forge Armor (continued from previous, Rank 14)
5 Purifier 4->5
7 Novice Skill: Knowledge (Horror Lore)
5 Talent Knack 5: Anticipate Spell

Legend Spent:
1300 Novice Purifier Talent: Claw Shape 4->5
1300 Novice Purifier Talent: Unarmed Combat 4->5
1300 Novice Purifier Talent: Wound Balance 4->5
1300 Novice Purifier Talent: Anticipate Blow 4->5
1300 Novice Purifier Talent: Danger Sense 4->5
200 Novice Purifier Talent: Tiger Spring 0->1
300 Novice Purifier Talent: Tiger Spring 1->2
500 Novice Purifier Talent: Tiger Spring 2->3
800 Novice Purifier Talent: Tiger Spring 3->4
1300 Novice Purifier Talent: Tiger Spring 4->5
300 Journeyman Purifier Talent: Purification 0->1
300 Journeyman Purifier Talent: Cobra Strike 0->1
800 Talent Knack 5: Anticipate Spell

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
700 Forge Armor
800 Purifier 4->5
10 Horror Lore training
250 Anticipate Spell

Total: 1760, Haggled to 1654.4

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:27 pm
by Fusilliban
(I Can't Get No) Orichalcum
LFG: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1024
AAR: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1051

Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar: 3 TIPs, 13,000 Legend, 3,000 silver worth of Orichalcum, 200 silver pieces

Items used: None.

Are you going to write a Journal? We could, in fact, get orichalcum.

Downtime: (14 days)
5 Attribute: Charisma 11->12
7 Warden Skill: Resist Pain 0->1
2 Talent Knack: Lip Reading (partial)

Legend Spent:
2100 Novice Elementalist Talent: Thread Weaving 6->7
2100 Novice Elementalist Talent: Spellcasting 6->7
1300 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Willforce 4->5
2100 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Willforce 5->6
500 Warden Thread: Fortress Eternity 1->2
800 Warden Thread: Fortress Eternity 2->3
1300 Warden Thread: Fortress Eternity 3->4
1300 Attribute: Charisma 11->12
500 Warden Skill: Resist Pain 0->1

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
250 Attribute: Charisma 11->12
10 Warden Skill: Resist Pain 0->1

Total 260, Haggled to 244.4

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:32 pm
by Fusilliban
Something, Something, Crystal Plate
LFG: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1053
AAR: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1055

Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar: 19,000 Legend, 1,100 sp, 3 TIPs, renewed enchantment on Crystal Plate

Items used: None.

Are you going to write a Journal? Yes! This forge must be documented.

Downtime: (14 days)
1 Talent Knack: Lip Reading (day 3/3)
5 Elementalist training 6->7
8 Skill Training: Resist Pain 1->2 (8/14 days)

Legend Spent:
2100 Novice Elementalist Talent: Awareness
2100 Novice Elementalist Talent: Patterncraft
2100 Novice Elementalist Talent: Wood Skin
2100 Novice Elementalist Talent: Fire Heal
2100 Novice Elementalist Talent: Elemental Hold
2100 Novice Elementalist Talent: Astral Sight
3400 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Willforce
3400 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Summon

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
1500 Elementalist training 6->7
150 Talent Knack: Lip Reading
20 Warden Skill: week 1/2
0 Free spell: Earth Surfing

1670, Haggled to 1569.8

October staff:
Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar: 10,000 Legend, 1050 silver, 1 TIP

Downtime: (14 days)
6 Skill Training: Resist Pain 1->2 (14/14 days)
6 Talent Knack: Roll with the Punches

Legend Spent:
800 Warden Skill: Resist Pain 1->2
500 Journeyman Purifier Talent: Cobra Strike 1->2
2100 Novice Purifier Talent: Avoid Blow 5->6
200 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Earth Skin 0->1
300 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Earth Skin 1->2
500 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Earth Skin 2->3
2100 Warden thread tied: Fortress Eternity 4->5
800 Talent Knack: Roll with the Punches

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
20 Warden Skill: week 2/2
300 Talent Knack: Roll with the Punches
300 Desperate Spell charm

620, Haggled to 582.8

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:03 am
by Fusilliban
Blood in the Wood
LFG: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1060
AAR: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1063

Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar: 39,000 Legend, 2,900sp, 3 TIPs, 1 lightning rod

Items used: Some of Avalan's lifetime awe reserves were used up watching Ceadda and Thane run around murdering everything.

Are you going to write a Journal? No.

5 Purifier 5->6
5 Attribute: Charisma 12->13
4 Journeyman Skill: Second Attack 0->1 (4/7 days)

Legend Spent:
3400 Novice Elementalist Talent: Thread Weaving / Elementalism 7->8
3400 Novice Elementalist Talent: Spellcasting 7->8
5500 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Willforce 7->8
1300 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Enhanced Matrix 4->5
2100 Novice Purifier Talent: Claw Shape 5->6
2100 Novice Purifier Talent: Unarmed Combat 5->6
2100 Novice Purifier Talent: Wound Balance 5->6
2100 Novice Purifier Talent: Anticipate Blow 5->6
2100 Novice Purifier Talent: Danger Sense 5->6
2100 Novice Purifier Talent: Tiger Spring 5->6
3400 Journeyman Purifier Talent: Cobra Strike 5->6
200 Novice Purifier Talent: Blood Share 0->1
200 Novice Purifier Talent: Steel Thought 0->1
2100 Attribute: Charisma 12->13
300 Journeyman Purifier Talent: Life Check 0->1
500 Journeyman Purifier Talent: Life Check 1->2
800 Journeyman Purifier Talent: Life Check 2->3

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
50 First Circle Spell: Snuff

Re: Avalan, Obsid Elementalist

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:21 pm
by Fusilliban
Raiders of the Lost Kaer
LFG: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1061
AAR: [none yet]

Rewards: Avalandohamagannahnieventhallailmar:

Items used: None

Are you going to write a Journal? No.

4 Journeyman Skill: Second Attack 0->1 (7/7 days)
6 Talent Knack: Absorb Spell
4 Journeyman Skill: Swift Kick 0->1 (4/7 days)

Legend Spent:
3400 Novice Elementalist Talent: Fire Heal 7->8
300 Novice Purifier Talent: Steel Thought 1->2
500 Novice Purifier Talent: Steel Thought 2->3
800 Novice Purifier Talent: Steel Thought 3->4
1300 Novice Purifier Talent: Steel Thought 4->5
2100 Novice Purifier Talent: Steel Thought 5->6
1300 Talent Knack: Absorb Spell
300 Journeyman Skill: Second Attack 0->1
800 Fifth Circle Spell: Shattering Stone
300 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Cold Purify 1->2
500 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Cold Purify 2->3
800 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Cold Purify 3->4
1300 Journeyman Elementalist Talent: Cold Purify 4->5

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
300 Talent Knack: Absorb Spell
10 Journeyman Skill: Second Attack 0->1
250 Fifth Circle Spell: Shattering Stone

550 total, Haggled to 526.4