Integrating 1879 in Shadowrun

Discussion on the 1879 roleplaying game.
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Integrating 1879 in Shadowrun

Post by Boneguard » Mon Jan 24, 2022 11:12 pm

I started Shadowrun with the 2nd and 3rd edition, when it was still, mostly cryptically, tied to ED and got back with the 6th edition (the French one with more integrated errata) and thanks to the latest 1879 KS, I caught up on my backlog and I really like it. So naturally, my first instinct is to integrate 1879 into the SR chronology and suprisingly SR6 has the right tool for this Slip Stream.

Basically in 2080, portals has started to appear allowing non-Awoken character to cross into the metaplan (Court of Shadows did introduced that in SR5, but SR6 is leaning into it). This gives me a great opportunity to have the Rabbit Hole reopen and reestablish contact with the Gruv.

Now, some of the change I would go with would be:
1) Tone down the uchrony on earth, however keep the Stampunk elements in the Gruv where they would have been discovered/developed.
2) Reduce the scale of the Rabbit Hole impact on Earth to more localised area where the mana was on a high enough peak, to be brought just over the threshold. I'm going to have the Rabbit Hole open for only 5 years or so at the most, before it's mysterious closing.
3) History rewritten. The Immortal elves and a certain secret society, worked really hard to suppress this knowledge and destroy evidence of this premature peak. While not of the doing, the destruction wrought by WWI and WWII help them suppress them in this endeavor. The 2029 Crash also was of tremendous help.
4) The older spike baby form that time have been closely monitored to insure they keep the secret.
5) in the UK, it's a bit of a gongshow as the (mega)corps, the UK governement, the Queen and some other interest gŕoup all veer to either: control, exploitm protect, some or all of the above the new land.

In the Gruv, well the colonies did survive and progress, although unaware who followed in the footsteps of "Bertie" and his Prince Albert Victor (unaware that he died before his father and thus the throne went to his brother George) as the king of England, as they have been cut off.

The conflict with the Samsut has likely boiled down to a cold war and the attitude similar as Victorian towards the France. The relation with the Saurid has improved, mostly, and while still Victorian/steampunky, they would have a better relationship with the land (a bit like the Samsut but expressed differently). If there is any exprension beyound the Gruv, it would be minimal.

That's the global plan. There are a few more things, which I did not include to keep in as spoiler free as possible, bit now I just need to write it (and update it with details from Fort Alive and future Gruv related sourcebook).

Once completed (likely a few months down the road), would that be something you'd like me to share?

Joined:Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:44 pm

Re: Integrating 1879 in Shadowrun

Post by Slimcreeper » Mon Jan 24, 2022 11:55 pm

I'd love to read it! Usually I post stuff like that here, and then make an announcement on the Discord. It's a lot more active, even though it's not a good format for stuff like this.

Admittedly, I don't know much shadowrun, other than what I've picked up from listening to some of Opti's & the Shadowcaster network podcasts, but I love to see what people create.

Joined:Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:17 pm

Re: Integrating 1879 in Shadowrun

Post by Boneguard » Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:04 am

I realise the Discords is way more active than here and I've already mentioned this on the 1879-General (not in as much detail) and it's already passed by, thus this more complete (and easier to locate) thread. Once written I'll share the document on both location.

Thankfully we have have two Punk-Fantasy setting (albeit one is Steam the other Cyber) so already a lot of common element to work with, making it a whole lot easier to combine.

Joined:Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:17 pm

Re: Integrating 1879 in Shadowrun

Post by Boneguard » Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:15 pm

The writing of Shadowrun: The Grosvenor Land has begun and while not necessary, the Calendar of the Gruv can prove to be a handy resource.

as you can see by the structure, the document is built for both a French and English public and all the paragraphs are lined up (it's a common trick for the Canadian Government).

The document will be divided in 4 part:
Part 1) What came before, a quick summary of what happen in the Victorian Era and on Earth during the 20th century. It's a broad stroke picture that mainly focused on the key points of 1879.
Part 2) Life in Exil, will give a summary of life in the Gruv, the technological and social advancement (many of the uchronic elements of 1879 are being shifted here), and the relationship with the Saurid and the Samsut before the Reopening of the Portal.
Part 3) Those who Remember the Past will focus on Mr. Fairchild & the Knights of the Grail, the dragons, any surviving Spike babies (elves born before the return of the magic in 2011) and the Immortal elves and how they will react to the reopening of this portal. I might throw in some elements of the SR5 Court of Shadows sourcebook (as it is related to the elves) as well as 2 secret societies from Shadowrun: the Ordo Maximus (Vampire secret society) and the Black Lodge (my head canon is they are remaining of the Denairastas)
Part 4) will focus on The Sixth World and how England, the (Mega)Corporations, other Nations and the Shadowrunners will cope with this new Portal and what lies beyond.

As always when I write stuff, feedback is always welcome.

Joined:Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:17 pm

Re: Integrating 1879 in Shadowrun

Post by Boneguard » Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:12 am

First two part have been completed.

I've kept it more as high level broad-strokes as we are talking of about 200 years worth of history to go through. The document is evergreen though and as we get more info on the Gruv, I'll likely amend part 2. The main goal here is to (try to) give enough to allow the GM to make use of it rapidly.

As indicated in my first post, there are very little change Earth side and most of the Steampunk/uchonic elements arose un the Gruv after contact was lost.

The Next two part will be more about those in thr 6th World who knows about the GRuv and how they will react as well as how the various power of the 6th World will react to this portal opening in London respectively.

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