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Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:25 am
by Mataxes
The Undying wrote:Honestly, and maybe this is just me, I'd rather clear guidance/input from you guys with a "feel free to discuss, go forth and make your own ED the best it can be, but we disagree" - time available, of course. So, posts like this where we get a bit more insight into your vision of ED always helps. Thanks for the entry.
Well, there's a practical limit. I'm hesitant to wade into the back-and-forth, because writing posts and getting into discussions takes time away from other stuff. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I have a day gig to pay the bills, so my writing/editing/development work is sandwiched into a couple hours in the evening and a few hours each weekend.

I would like to offer a bit more insight into my point of view and philosophy, but again it's a matter of time. I'm a a bit of stickler when it comes to my writing. Even for posts here on the boards, I tend to backtrack and edit and polish as I go. And doing that... means I'm not working on promised books.

It would be sweet if we could manage to turn this into a gig that pays enough that I don't need to hold down a full time job, but that's still a ways off. Until then... I do the best I can, and any silence on my part is the result of setting priorities. There are a lot of plates in the air right now (and we're starting our planning for GenCon on top of that), and I'm doing my best to keep them spinning.

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:44 am
by The Undying
Same here ... I tend to pound out posts and then re-read them like seven times, making minor edits and re-submitting each time. =) Emails at work, even one-liners, tend to take forever, since there's no edit feature.

I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying: thanks for all the hard work, thanks for chiming in when you can, and if there's anything we can do as a community or individual to help, please don't hesitate to ask.

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:22 am
by Mataxes
The Undying wrote:...if there's anything we can do as a community or individual to help, please don't hesitate to ask.
Get more people playing and buying our books, so I can turn this into more of a full-time gig?

Ideas on how to expand our reach and awareness of the game are welcome.

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 4:39 am
by Tattered Rags
Mataxes wrote:
The Undying wrote:...if there's anything we can do as a community or individual to help, please don't hesitate to ask.
Get more people playing and buying our books, so I can turn this into more of a full-time gig?

Ideas on how to expand our reach and awareness of the game are welcome.
Have you approached podcasts like One Shot? Probably others out there, but I don't know them.

As for your comments on how you view combat in the abstract, I have to say I come at it the same way and have tried several times to broach that view in these discussions only to discard my attempts. Nice to see someone bring it up. Always saw each roll of Melee Weapons as representing 1 or more swings of the sword, and so forth.

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 4:52 am
by Telarus
I have an eye on the OSR crowd as I rewrite the Ship Combat rules.

While we may not be able to directly compete with D&D5 E, we _are_ competing with all the D&D clones which the OSR movement has produced so far.

Such as Swords & Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord, Dark Dungeons, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Mazes & Minotaurs, Microlite74/75, Torchbearer, 'Warrior, Rogue, & Mage', ACKS (Adventurer, Conqueror, King), Barbarians of Lemuria, Crypts & Things, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Arrows of Indra, Delving Deeper, Whitehack, Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea, Hackmaster, 13th Age, Spears of the Dawn, etc, etc.

Just to name a few. That most of the OSR crowd are already familiar with.

Now, _I_ know that Earthdawn is the best way to play D&D, and _you_reading_this_ may know that too, but I'd love to convince some of these people of the same. 8-)

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:09 pm
by etherial
Have you guys looked into using Reserved Battle Shout/Battle Bellow/Distract Actions? I feel those are really well designed for handling Zone of Control natively.

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:21 pm
by Kosmit
Multi-Shot is Rank+PER. Is that correct?

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:20 pm
by Mataxes
Kosmit wrote:Multi-Shot is Rank+PER. Is that correct?

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:34 am
by Dougansf
Mataxes wrote:
The Undying wrote:...if there's anything we can do as a community or individual to help, please don't hesitate to ask.
Get more people playing and buying our books, so I can turn this into more of a full-time gig?

Ideas on how to expand our reach and awareness of the game are welcome.
I've been building a custom character sheet for Roll20, and I'm almost ready to share Version 1.0 with the masses.

Also, one of my PC's is a host on the Order66 podcast, and he's mentioned the game a few times since we started playing.

Re: Optional Rules for Companion

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:37 am
by The Undying
Mataxes wrote:Ideas on how to expand our reach and awareness of the game are welcome.
One of the [multiple] things I was sad to lose with the old Developer's Blog was the one-shot adventure that was posted there. The adventure did a good job highlighting what, for me, is one of the coolest aspects of ED - Horrors - while being very tightly on rails.

Anyways, my recommendation would be a very small, free-to-download one-shot that tried to pack as much coolness of ED into as small and easy-to-use package as possible. It'd need to be as friendly to the GM as to the players as the goal would be to scratch that "so your play group has heard of ED and want to know what it's like" versus a "so you're a GM that loves ED and wants to trial-run it for a group." I'm thinking:

- A one page front-and-back "Welcome to ED" slick sheet. Front page is the no-kidding "what is the ED universe" description. Second page would be very very brief highlight of core system and universe things that make ED stand apart: Thread Items, Horrors, Disciplines (specifically as how they frame world-view versus being a class), Talents (specifically as magical things versus just skills), The Step System [this should be last - it's great but daunting], etc.

- Maybe six pre-made characters with relevant background and Circles for the one-shot. I see each of these as a two-pager. Front of first page is the character profile (art would be nice, but I know that costs money): racial description with focus on their personality quirks, Discipline description with focus on their primary role in ED and how others see them, character description specifically helping the player understand how this character should be played both from a role-playing and mechanics point of view. Back of first page is the meat, providing simplified Talent descriptions with both Rank and Step, etc. Each character should have a Thread Item, and the description should focus on the LEGEND of the item and why/how the item powers are a manifestation of the legend, versus "he got a thread sword, it is +2 attack, Step 6 lightning damage on hit, other effect, other effect."
= Magician second page covers spellcasting and their spells - front is probably the same for all magicians and describes the nature of magic, threadweaving, and spell combat. The back is the spells they magician knows - simplified, probably completely glossing over matrices but still working within the framework by only including the spells in matrices versus all known spells, and only specifying base spell cost/effect and 1 or 2 "enhanced" versions (that use the extra thread mechanic underneath) rather than trying to explain how extra threads work and the many ways they can be applied.
= Non-Magician second page covers both close/ranged combat, specific examples of how that character's Talents can either be individually employed or stacked, and one or two applicable combat options / modifiers.

- Maybe a five-page front and back (10 total) GM guide providing only the framework necessary for the adventure. Throw out any depth that requires too much explanation unless necessary.

- Another page, maybe one-sided but maybe dual, highlighting some of the complexity (but only in general summary) the system has to offer that is skimmed over in the package.

- The scenario information, with enemies, tests, etc. Focus really needs to be on flavor versus completeness, correctness, or versatility (e.g., how to adapt it to other groups).

- Maybe a three or four page (i.e., two pages front and back) example narrated session of hypothetical players engaging in a scenario and mini-combat immediately before the played scenario. This helps bridge the gap between people that want to see the mechanics and figure it out versus people who want to see how it plays in order to replicate the method.

I'm a bit partial to kaer starts as a whole for new players, but I think this has the potential for a pretty epic finish. Scenario doesn't need a huge amount of setup, it's basically the final moments of the conflict of an uncovered Horror imprisoning the kaer. End is the kaer people being freed from suffering, the door being thrown open, a cinematic "eyes momentarily blinded as the first rays of sun in hundreds of years shine in through the gate" and a people both overjoyed to finally be freed but equally afraid of the world that lies outside the doors. It'd be absolutely critical for each PC to have a moment to shine in line with their talents, which would require some carefully balanced scenarios and combats - to me, there's little worse than "I'm a Troubadour, but we aren't doing anything social, so I guess I'm just a sub-standard Warrior" or "current magician Disciplines aren't combat-focused, but the one thing in this scenario is stand-up-knock-down fight against one or two opponents, so enjoy standing in the back plinking." It also needs to be really tightly on rails.

[Note on character art: depending on what rights you have for Discipline art in the Player's Guide, I guess you could always do that, although that would restrict your racial selection for each character]