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FASA Games, Inc.FASA Games Forums and News 2021-05-21T22:18:05 http://fasagames.com/forum/app.php/feed/topic/2402 2021-05-21T22:18:052021-05-21T22:18:05 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18519#p18519 <![CDATA[Re: AAR: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]>
Now that Azurea has learnt of her parents, she has been frantically trying to find a "Welcome Home" gift to bring them (I am not going to engage with the issue that she should be the one receiving a welcome home gift for the moment). Her idea is to go find the remains of the thirteen warriors that carried her to safety and bring them back to the moot.

Thorkell and Moe joined us on this caper although Moe spend the first couple of days bringing up reasons why this was a bad idea: "how will the people that cast you out react", "how will the families of those warriors feel", and so on.

We set off towards a locale known as "the valley of shadows", near the Ice Claw moot. A couple of days into the trip we finally realised that Vralino was tagging along with us, with barely any idea of what was going on. Sometimes I worry the loss of her father may have affected her more than we expected.

In about a week we reached the entrance the valley, a narrow crevasse that we almost missed. The locals spun tales of the place being cursed, adventurers never returning, the usual "cursed locale" stuff. Undeterred we made our way in and, I must admit, "valley of shadows" did fit the place. The light was robbed of colour and brightness, everything was just a tad too dim and dingy.

Moe and Thorkell spotted the signs of some large "things" moving in the area, not to mention the signs of strong astral corruption. Soon we ran into a group of crakjaw gnashers, the giant two mouthed ones we fought in the vision. We snuck up on them and took them down without too much trouble, even if one of them tried to run away with Vralino (holding her with its tongue)

Looking around the area, we spotted the remains of eleven skeletons hanging from a tree, which seemed to be holding the spirits of some of the dead warriors who proceeded to taunt and torment Azurea. Before she suffered a complete breakdown, Moe mentioned that this may be an effect similar to the Unseen Voices spell and Thorkell dispelled it with surprising ease. Further examination of the bones revealed them to be just bones, but they were not casting a shadow, something that we could unanimously agree was "a bad sign".

We started looking around trying to find the caster of the spell when more voices started talking to us giving us directions, Vralino tried to go the "wrong" way and somehow found herself following the instructions anyway. Shortly we reached a river that looked familiar from the vision. Something was roosting on a nearby tree and ancient weapons were scattered in the river.

As we approached the shapes in the tree resolved into something roughly troll shaped and Azurea and I were hit with a wave of despair so strong it actually made me cough and cry blood.

Let me emphasize this again, we did not get hurt and therefore sad. We were so sad out eyes cried blood and our lungs ruptured. An experience I do not recommend to anyone. I managed to keep going and moved away from the tree to help vralino with the animated armours that had popped out of the river, but Azurea dropped to the ground and Thorkell had to stop one of the troll shades from finishing her.

Eventually we destroyed all four horror constructs and found a helm hidden inside the tree. The helm was a thread item and likely belonged to one of the warriors. Moe believed that the helm was placed there by some sort of collector and other artefacts are probably scattered around the valley.

Statistics:Posted by sigfriedmcwild — Fri May 21, 2021 10:18 pm

2021-05-12T05:25:112021-05-12T05:25:11 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18438#p18438 <![CDATA[Re: AAR: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]> The following is a recollection from Vralino Hammer-Shield, currently living in Trayckid. The text remains unaltered to maintain its authenticity (Certain terms and names written wrong to keep in character). It is written in Or'zet.

So I heard through the underground that Thorkell was going out on another trip into the mountains. I rushed home to Trayckid to get some of my adventuring gear. I figured he was coming from the Tower of Bishon or one of the Moots in the mountains to the west, so I'd have some time to get home and back, right? Wrong! When I returned, I found that the party had already left. I asked around to figure out which direction they went and where they were going. Luckily, I know a bit of tracking. Those less than useful guards had no idea where the party went. I found they had travelled... maybe... north? Or was it south east? I dunno, I just followed their tracks. I didn't even pay attention to what had occurred along the way. I was interrogated by bandits, delayed by travelling merchants, and food was unusually wily and difficult to capture. I was eventually able to catch up to them. Quite the group. Norg and Thorkell, the Trollkin Thrashers, Azurea, who runs the most amaaaazing spa ever in the history of all time! And a new person! It's been a while since I met someone new on the job! Moe'huane, who has a pet shadow dragon! Moe tried to get me caught up, but I was way too excited about adventuring with Thorkell again. It seems like forever since we went on a job together!

Shortly after I reached the party, we came across a group of... mouth creatures? Or maybe they were butt creatures? Whatever. Azurea did some scouting thing, and I was unsure of how to act. Moe brought out his pet shadow dragon, which didn't stay for very long. I took that as my cue and lit myself ablaze. Thorkell and I charged forward, leaving Norg behind as Azurea killed one of the things. Thorkell was able to destroy the second one in one swing! Well, maybe not one swing. It was fast, and I didn't pay much attention. I ended up getting wrapped up in a tentacle. Or maybe a tongue? It was a gypsum gall bladder! That's what it was! I didn't fight it, I just moved closer, and just when I was about to kill the thing, it fell down! I guess the shock and awe from my reputation as a swordmaster killed it! (I found out later that Azurea killed it.)

This was a different job. Usually, there's a lot to be excited about. New places, new things to kill, new people to save, new experiences, but this job was quiet, sad, depressing, full of memories and stories about Azurea as a baby. I bet she was the cutest little troll girl when she was little! We came across a fork in the road, and a voice without a body told us to go left. Moe instructed me to go right, so I did. That'll show that bodiless voice who's boss! (Again, I'm missing a detail. Turns out I never took the right road. I could have sworn I did, but the rest of the party says otherwise. Maybe they're just messing with me?)

So we get to a tree, and the tree speaks to us. I made my way towards the tree, but the rest of the party stayed where they were. Then a suit of armor popped up and was practically begging me to kill it. I fought it as best as I could, but I was distracted by the rest of the party. Yeah, that's what it was. They were fighting other things, so I taunted the other things, and the armor in front of me stabbed me, right in the stomach! Then his armor suit buddy came over to do it again! These things are not nice! I woke up a short while later after passing out. Again. Azurea went to explored the area, finding items, both mundane and magical, put on display in these woods. It was weird. It was also a success! She ended up taking a helmet to the Ice Claw moot. I was just glad to get out of the house. It's been a while since I was able to stretch my legs.

Statistics:Posted by predajey — Wed May 12, 2021 5:25 am

2021-04-25T22:56:322021-04-25T22:56:32 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18310#p18310 <![CDATA[AAR: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]> AAR: Welcome Home Gift
GM: Dvarim
ECR: 10
Difficulty: Medium

Player Rewards:
Azurea: 69,000 LP, 1,400 SP, 3 TIPs
Moe'uhane: 69,000 LP, 1,400 SP, 3 TIPs
Thorkell: 69,000 LP, 1,400 SP, 3 TIPs
Vralino: 69,000 LP, 1,400 SP, 3 TIPs
Norg: 69,000 LP, 1,400 SP, 3 TIPs

GM Reward: A'horangi - 69,000 LP, 1,400 SP, 3 TIPs

[Craftsman] Rank 11 / 38 (+2 if metal) can make mundane items, weapons, and armor
[Efficient Forge Weapon] Rank 13 / 31 (+2 if metal) (can forge rank weapons at once)
[Rapid Forge Weapon] Rank 13 / 31 (+2 if metal) (can use extra successes to reduce downtime by 1 day each)
[Rapid Forge Armor] Rank 13 / 31 (+2 if metal) (can use extra successes to reduce downtime by 1 day each)
[Item History] Rank 4 / 26
[Research] Rank 6 / 24
[Design Enchanting Pattern] Rank 12 / 34
[Craft True Pattern] Rank 12 / 39 (+2 if metal)
[Craft True Pattern] Ring of Endurance: Ask for details.
Research 5 - step 13(16 with library bonus)
Craft Spell Matrix Objects:(11/23) Standard - 5 days -1000 SP; Enhanced 6 days - 2000 SP; Armored Matrix 7 days - 4000 SP
Design Enchanting Pattern:(11/23)
Item History (Rank 7, ESR 18)
Alchemy (Skill Rank 1, ESR 8)
Booster Potions
Though they walk through the Valley of Shadows, they shall fear no evil, for they are Warden Adepts. Azurea and party found the place where the Troll heroes of Iceclaw fell during the Scourge. They retrieved Speili's enchanted helm, as well as her delicately rolled up ... shadow. What do you do with a dead hero's shadow? That is a fine question. The mysterious collector who spoke to them remains at large.

Statistics:Posted by bronzemountain — Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:56 pm

2021-04-25T02:45:382021-04-25T02:45:38 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18306#p18306 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]>
I was sought out by Azurea to accompany her on a place called the Valley of Shadows to try and find a gift for her homecoming. Apparently she had experienced a journey through a shadow plane which returned her and the travelling companions she had then to a point during the Scourge where a group of troll heroes secreted her away as a baby to avoid the machinations of a slighted Seer of her clan. With the knowledge of her lost family, she wished to return to the Iceclaw and learn about her family. A very noble and notable gesture, however I warned her to be subtle and tactful in her return. I then explained what subtle and tactful meant, and further detailed that someone who would be so ruthless as to have a child killed would not hesitate to lash out if that supposed dead child returned. Additionally, the deception played by her father could bring a great dishonour if it were uncovered, and he would have no prepared response if she blindsides him with it. She agreed in her stare of wide eyed innocence and we gathered the other members and began upon our way into the mountains of Throal to find the Valley of Shadows. We were accompanied by Norg and Thorkell who had accompanied her into her shadow journey and some vested interest in finding the location of these fallen troll heroes.

As we began into the mountains we noticed we were being followed, it seems Vralino had heard that Thorkell was going somewhere and rushed to catch up like a sibling chasing after to keep from being left behind. We welcomed the extra hand and attempted to recount the story of Vralino who struggled to grasp the entirety of it. For a person living in a city that shifts daily she often has trouble suspending disbelief and accepting simple concepts like shadow realms. I blame it on her venture into the realm of elementalism. Some investigation and navigation led us to a very dark and mysterious place within the mountains, the astral was tainted and judging by the general feel of the place we had arrived. The valley was bereft of animal life, no birds, not small animals, the plant life seemed stressed and gave a feeling of dread. As we cautiously moved through the area we heard the sounds of large predators. Azurea snuck forward and investigated and returned with dire news. Apparently there were horror constructs ahead, Crackjaw Gnashers. She was unsure of the numbers, but was pretty sure we would be unable to avoid them. We prepared ourselves and ambushed the would be predators. I summoned a Shadow Dragon to draw their attention, while Azurea let loose a hail of shadowy daggers. The first Gnasher fell and the party rushed the remaining two that had appeared. Vralino engulfed herself in the raging fires of a spirit and Thorkell and Norg ran towards the enemy, Thorkell falling upon the next gnasher and downing it. The last gnashers attacked the dragon, receiving a large bite of shadowy air as it turned confused. It then turned towards the Ork-ish beacon that we now had. It's tongue lashed out and wrapped around Vralino pulling her forward. Vralino struggled valiantly while the rest of us moved into position and I shouted reinforcing words of encouragement. Azurea managed to get around the side of the beast and hurl another two handfuls of daggers at it, the creature simply collapsed under it's own weight freeing Vralino.

As we began to examine the area we noticed the troll bones strung up in a tree, and then heard the voices of the fallen heroes. We tried to gain as much information as we could, but they seemed rather jaded for troll heroes. They wanted to be free and taunted Azurea that the only way should could fulfill that was by slaying her father. This was an obvious ruse, but Azurea was taken aback none the less. Finally Thorkell dispelled the effect of the spell. That brought on the second more menacing voice, a disembodied voice. It suggested that we may be great heroes, and that to truly test that we should follow the left fork in the path. We began to head further in and it did not take long to come to the fork in the path. I suspected that there was more at play based upon the spells encountered thus far. Assessing my allies, I felt Vralino would be best to test my theory, and I instructed her to scout the right path. She agreed and promptly went down the left path. An obvious trap, but the truth to most deception is the closer to the truth it is the easier it is to maintain, thus the trap was likely where we needed to go. Off we went down the left path to discover what was trying to be obscured.

We came to small stream and a large well kept tree. I noticed some strange movement towards the tree tops, while Vralino seemed to be pulled towards the water. Some suspicious items in the streambed appeared to be weapons of trollish make, perhaps items from the fallen heroes. As I attempted to investigate the weapons, the trap was sprung. A pair of troll spirits appeared atop the tree, and two sets of armor animated from the stream, one cornering me, the other cornering Vralino. The spirits in the tree turned on the rest and caused Norg and Azurea to start weeping blood and doubling over in pain. The armor in front of me connected and bit deep, but I held my footing. I could see Vralino was not as lucky and began to put on a demonstration of ground defense. I moved into a better position and attempted bolster my companions. Azurea attempted to take down one of the spirits above the tree, but was unable to draw solid bead with so much blood in her eyes. Now in a vulnerable position, the spirit who had been referred to as Speili, swooped down and knocked Azurea unconscious. I quickly taunted and attempted to distracted Speili, drawing the attention needed for Thorkell to finish the spirit. Norg then moved to engage the armor that had attacked me originally. Since it worked so well the first time, I focused on gaining the attention of the other spirit, Bael, allowing Thorkell to wait for it to swoop down and dispatch it. Vralino cried and went unconscious, Thorkell and Norg worked to dispatch the suits of armor while I tried to rouse Azurea, she was quite set on napping though. The voice taunted us again and then disappeared.

We eventually brought Vralino and Azurea to wakefulness and began to do a bit more investigation. Inside the tree we found a helmet displayed in a very deliberate manner. It seemed Azurea had the gift for the Iceclaw Moot, now it was only a matter of how to present it. I wish her the best of luck with it, but first some time to recuperate.

Statistics:Posted by Xzandrate — Sun Apr 25, 2021 2:45 am

2021-04-25T01:27:442021-04-25T01:27:44 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18303#p18303 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]>
Today I ventured into the shadow valley to find answers and a gift to bring back to my distance and forgotten home. I will soon make my journey to the moot that I was born and once whisked away from as a babe. I feel that I can not write to my family about this adventure for fear that they will feel that I do not care for them and that they will find my need to meet my birth family a betrayal of my feelings for them. This is not true. I love and adore my adoptive family. I would do anything for them. This is why I wish to keep them in the dark so that they will be saved from the pain of my actions. I know that they will understand but I feel that on my next journey to my birth place I may not return as I once was. So I write this letter and leave it in my study to be found if I return defective.

First I needed to go into the shadow valley and find an item as proof that I am this child that was carried away in the middle of the night. One of my travel companions listened to my stories of woe and enlightened me that returning to my birth home may cause great disruption and conflict. Even with this knowledge I have the overwhelming desire to see them. If not just to see in their eyes if my vision was true or if they did want to be rid of their daughter. I knew my answer to my identity would be in that valley.

My group of friends accompany me to the valley (I leave their names out because I fear that they would suffer retribution if my plans fail). The memories of my shadowy past flickered across my mind and led me towards my goal. The more we moved forward the more I felt my heart deepen with sadness. This was the valley those brave souls died to save my infant life. I try my hardest to hide the tears as we travel. Using my happiness and child-like behaviour as a shield to hide behind. I could not let these adventurers know the pain and sorrow I was feeling. If I was strong enough I would have spared them this task.

As we entered the valley we came across the creatures that killed my saviours. They are known as “Nashers”. Large creatures with two mouths and as many exit. Not sure which end was which. Once we dispatched them we came across a fallen tree that had a makeshift puppets of sorts. All made out of old troll bones. I assumed that these were the fallen saviours. They spoke to us demanding that I find them peace by killing my birth family. I could not accept this request. How could they even ask me this? I understand that they were angry but they knew that there were consequences and they accepted them.I guess after denying them their request they became quiet. This is why I hate spirits. They are so temperamental. The strange thing is that they did not cast any shadows.

Shortly we heard a voice telling us to follow a path if we wanted more information on what we were looking for. As we moved down the path the voice spoke to me as if it was very familiar of my presence. I knew who I was. As I turned around there were winged shadow creatures facing us. I knew deep in my heart that these poor souls were a few of my saviours. I wanted to free them. I could feel that they were under some sort of enchantment. They wanted to be laid to rest but attacked us instead. I don’t remember much after that. Darkness and sadness entered my mind and I began to sink in darkness. The pain of what had happened to them was crushing and I embraced it. I was the cause of this. At some point I could feel something trying to bring me back to the light but I did not want to go. I thought to myself, “This is where I belong. I am a Shadow. I should stay”. But as fate would have it I was denied and brought back to consciousness by my party. They were victorious against the spirits. I put on a brave face and thanked them for their help to set the spirits at peace. Let them not see my weakness. We then searched the area and were able to find a helmet that belonged to one of my rescuers. This is what I was looking for. It was time to head back and prepare for my next journey to my birth home.

Pray for me my true family that my reunion is a happy one and not one that I bring grief and hardship to.

Please forgive me.


Statistics:Posted by LadyDragoon — Sun Apr 25, 2021 1:27 am

2021-04-25T18:16:552021-04-24T20:04:44 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18300#p18300 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]>
Azurea contacted me requesting I join her on an adventure to find an item to give the Iceclaw moot when she went to meet her father. We decided on finding a thread item we knew of from our shadowy foray into her past. Of course we expected the worst considering how poorly the excursion went for the warriors we saw in our visions. Unfortunately we were unable to get Vlolkir, LaShana, or Zivilyn. We were able to procure Moe'uhane, a powerful illusionist I had worked with once before while journeying to Smuggler's Respite. Some days into our travel Vralino caught up to our group. I seems she had been looking for me. I can't say her antics aren't welcome. Perhaps she will be able to lighten this rather somber mood.

None of us were exactly sure of the location of the valley where the warriors lost their lives, but we had an approximate idea. In our travels we found a village with a rather interesting custom of harvesting honey from cliffside bee's nest. They were able to guide us in the right direction, however not without warning us of the danger it posed.

As we entered the valley we could tell some large things called this valley home. Azurea was able to scout ahead and find that the sounds we heard were coming from Crackjaw Gnashers, similar to the ones we saw in our visions. Between Moe's illusion magic and Azurea's ability to kill without ever being seen, the three gnashers were taken out in short order. It seems my warrior training has been paying off as well. I was able to fell one myself.

This is where things turned strange. We started hearing voices coming from a tree. Upon closer inspection we noticed shards of bones strung up in the tree. The voices were those of the fallen warriors. They seemed tied to their bits of remains. We tried to find a way to comfort them or release their souls from this strange existence. Their only interest seemed to be in Azurea killing her family, though. After looking more closely, Moe noticed there seemed to be some sort of spell in place. I first tried suppressing it as if it were a curse. That seemed to have no effect. I then tried dispelling whatever magic held them to their physical forms and that seemed to work.

I thought it worked. Another strange voice started speaking to us from nowhere telling us we must take the left fork. It taunted us and played with poor Azurea's emotions. After following down the path we found a familiar area. Vralino started wandering off. Before I could call her back to the group we were set upon by what I can only imagine were the warriors forms twisted into horror constructs. Two of the warriors floating in the tree before us wept loudly and had blood coming from their eyes. Just being in close proximity to them gave us a sense of absolute hopelessness. Fortunately I was able to shrug off the effects of their aura. Azurea, Norg, and Moe were not so lucky. I've never seen Norg in such a sorry state. Blood poured from his eyes. Azurea took the worst of it and went down not long after. Seeing her saviors in such a state must have really affected her. Norg decided his skills were better served attacking the giant suits of armor in the river. Vralino had her own suit of armor to contend with. With some help from Moe I was able to dispatch the despair-ridden warriors once they realized their auras were not working and came in to attack me. Vralino put up her best fight, but eventually succumbed to the armor's assault. After defeating the warriors, we heard the voice again. It congratulated us and hoped to see us again. We found the warrior's helmet in the base of the tree, displayed like a hunter's trophy. Whatever this thing was, it reveled in destroying and corrupting the strong. We had to carry Azurea back to her fatigue from the whole affair. Hopefully this helmet will suffice to procure Azurea a friendly greeting on her eventual homecoming.

Statistics:Posted by verse86 — Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:04 pm

2021-04-21T01:56:522021-04-21T01:56:52 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18258#p18258 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]> Name: Moe'uhane
Date of Last Game Played: 2020-04-22
ECR: 11
Discipline: Illusionist(11)/Messenger (6)/Boatman(7)
Unique: Fear banishing, stealthy inducing, Phantom Fireball machine (with a side of Dragons)
Downtime: Research 5 - step 13(16 with library bonus)
Craft Spell Matrix Objects:(11/23) Standard - 5 days -1000 SP; Enhanced 6 days - 2000 SP; Armored Matrix 7 days - 4000 SP
Design Enchanting Pattern:(11/23)


Name: Lazulin
ECR: 9
Discipline: Raider (8)/SunHerald(8)
Unique: Combat and combat related accessories, and the guiding light of the sun.
Downtime: Research 3(9)

Statistics:Posted by Xzandrate — Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:56 am

2021-04-23T03:46:152021-04-19T17:16:17 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18248#p18248 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]> Name: Vralino Hammer-Shield
Date of Last Game Played: Apr 20
ECR: 9
  • Spear Master (Circle 7)
  • Elementalist (Circle 6)
Unique: Spears, Spells, Speaking, and Surgery...somewhat. I also navigate and alchemate... in moderate.
Item History (Rank 7, ESR 18)
Alchemy (Skill Rank 1, ESR 8)
  • Booster Potions

Statistics:Posted by predajey — Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:16 pm

2021-04-19T16:13:562021-04-19T16:13:56 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18247#p18247 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]> Name: Norg
Last played on: 2021-04-22 (probably)
ECR: 10 (717045lp)
Discipline: Gauntlet 10 / Air Sailor 5
Quote/Unique: The punch is not the goal, the punch is the way
Notable Abilities: PUNCH! JUMP! some awareness, some navigation, some wilderness survival, the worst physician this side of the mountains
Downtime: none

Statistics:Posted by sigfriedmcwild — Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:13 pm

2021-04-19T14:00:012021-04-19T14:00:01 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18246#p18246 <![CDATA[Re: LFG: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]> Name: Thorkell Gulbrandsen
Date of Last Game Played: 2021-04-17
ECR: 11
Discipline: Weaponsmith 11/Warrior 6
Unique: Thorkell brings the downtime activities. Besides that he is a perceptive and tanky troll.
[Craftsman] Rank 11 / 38 (+2 if metal) can make mundane items, weapons, and armor
[Efficient Forge Weapon] Rank 13 / 31 (+2 if metal) (can forge rank weapons at once)
[Rapid Forge Weapon] Rank 13 / 31 (+2 if metal) (can use extra successes to reduce downtime by 1 day each)
[Rapid Forge Armor] Rank 13 / 31 (+2 if metal) (can use extra successes to reduce downtime by 1 day each)
[Item History] Rank 4 / 26
[Research] Rank 6 / 24
[Design Enchanting Pattern] Rank 12 / 34
[Craft True Pattern] Rank 12 / 39 (+2 if metal)
[Craft True Pattern] Ring of Endurance: Ask for details.

Statistics:Posted by verse86 — Mon Apr 19, 2021 2:00 pm

2021-05-03T12:20:402021-04-19T13:53:43 http://fasagames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2402&p=18245#p18245 <![CDATA[AAR: [10M] Welcome Home Gift (2021-04-23 23:00 GMT)]]> LFG: Welcome Home Gift
GM: Dvarim
ECR: 10
Difficulty: Medium

Rumor: Azurea needs Adepts to join her in finding the perfect welcome home gift for when she finally meets her family for the first time.
Requested by: Azurea

- Adventure runs at 7:00pm EST on Friday, April 23rd
- As always, I run groups of 5 players.

Sign up format:


[b]Name:[/b] Character name[b]Date of Last Game Played:[/b][b]Circle:[/b] Circle of your character[b]Discipline:[/b] Your character's Discipline(s)[b]Unique:[/b] What your character is bringing to the table.[b]Downtime:[/b] Talents and Skills that other characters can use over downtime: [Talent] [Step including +Karma Step if appropriate] ([Rank]) ([Further Details])

Statistics:Posted by bronzemountain — Mon Apr 19, 2021 1:53 pm
